— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №152670
This case occurred last year. Approximately at the beginning of eight o’clock in the morning one of the arrivals did not bother anyone to withdraw money from the ATM near the food supermarket, as it turned out with the further purpose of fainting. Not far from him was surrounded by a bunch of minors, most likely blinds, aged approximately 12-14 years. In the future, the schoolgirl began to provoke a 40-year-old man, screaming at him in the back, pushing and immediately running away to a safe distance. This ended in the end by the fact that the especially brave little man ran and struck the man in the blade with a knife. I bite blood. From the neighboring room of slot machines escaped a couple of guys, who at the time of the incident went out to smoke and noticed this action. Having received a couple of father's laughing bravery of this small gang has disappeared. And while waiting for the police order, the man driping blood on the tile went to the store, bought himself a liter of strong beer and ran home as if this incident concerned him least of all. A few days later there were rumors that the victim had stretched his legs. Began to build versions of grandmothers from the bench, say drunk was that and the pain did not feel here and died of peritonitis. Or maybe the poor man suffered for a couple of days, because he lived in an apartment and no one could ask for help. Or maybe he called an ambulance to die on a hospital bed. Overall, three months have passed, for the deceased everyone has long been forgotten, and here... I meet the deceased in the same food with the same liter of strong. The man approached himself and asked:

Did you call the police when I was shot with a knife? Thank you very much!

“No, but I was near when it happened...and you seemed like you were dead?

I know, the neighbors said.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №152669
I remember today the case from my childhood, I was 7-8 years old, (now 25) I go past the store and look on the ground a sugar garlic dissolved, probably someone broke the package and the sugar fell asleep, I don't know what pushed me, I, some herra began to collect this sugar in a package to take home, I still can't understand why I started to collect this sugar, we lived not poor and there are no Jewish roots, (I have nothing against the Jews) in short I collect this sugar and here is suitable

He: That he broke up? (I don’t remember exactly what this style is.)

Yes, the package is broken.

- He: on the half (extends me 50 rubles) leave the sugar it is dirty probably,

And he leaves.

I, of course, thank you for the joys, thank you, I go to the store and crazy why I buy sugar sucaia, well though the delivery remains.

But the story is not about sugar, but about this man, he probably thought that I would be mocked at home, said his arms from his ass grow and decided to pay for sugar, a stranger, let him be healthy!

Why did you buy sugar? ? to ? to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152668
One day, my colleague was going to the store for a break and I asked him to buy me a cigarette. He has never smoked, and he doesn’t even know what these packs look like. He asked me to drop him a photo of the cigarettes I needed, and I sent him a random picture of a Google package with a picture of periodontitis. Almost half an hour has passed, and colleagues are not there, although the nearest store is in a neighboring building from our office.

After another 10 minutes, he finally comes back and says to me, “Listen, there was no periodontitis anywhere! This is a painful death. Will it go?”

At first I thought he was joking, and we both laughed. Later it turned out that he was serious.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №152667
I rushed to an interview.

I rush into all the support, I almost run, suddenly I see some man walking along with me.

We go to the nostrils, but at the last meters in front of the door I overtake it, while stopping and holding the door.

The interview was held by HR, it remains to talk to the future boss.

I go into the office, and there is this man.

HR didn’t have time to close the door, and he was already whispering: “Accepted, arrange!”

He said, “Why should I interview you? So I see – polite, punctual and responsible.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №152666
I always agree with the wise, and immediately with the fool.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152665
Right under the window of my dining room is a playground. Among the other walkers there regularly comes there with her offspring of 4-5 years a girl.
And I’m chasing the tea, to watch, military-nolense. See and hear. It would go, and so well, and the weather, and the tea, and smoke under the tea and the weather (smoking is bad, the bulls smoke in the ashes well).
The girl leaves her baby and sits on the bench to tap into the phone. If there are no children on the site, then the mother's basket picks up a rod, and is worn with a wild reed along the perimeter, spinning a rod over the iron fence, or crumbling on such a machine, which is made to the site with a thick sprinkle. Oret as well. It hurts as if it is torn into pieces. It plays so. The girl has already indicated this. Wiped off the whores: Achotacov? The child.
When children appear, the game is concentrated in the sandbox. Chado stops roaring and for a while, together with everyone, something is digging into this sandbox. But not long. Whether it is a shoulder to load, or a sand to throw. And immediately in the rave, and to the store to Mom. Mom stands up, hand in hand, to all the comments one answer: yours are not crying, but my crying. Catch your own hooligans.
Their father, a healthy, good-hearted child, joined the family a couple of times on a walk, at the outcome of the son shakenly turned his head, bursting apologies and threw to his wife:
- Katyusha, mla, after the boy, mla, follow, mla. I can’t do it and raise the boy, and I took the family home.
Yesterday, my grandfather brought the boy to the square. Intelligent look, in glasses, with a truss. He sat down, opened the book and started reading. The child was accustomed and rattled. The grandfather called him in a few minutes:
Smoke, or you will be silent, or I will feed you with dog shit. Choose, so calmly and firmly said.
The smoke, bleeding, shut his mouth.
Remember, you cannot scream. Otherwise, someday someone will feed you with dog shit. Mom and Dad won’t help. I understood? Go and play.
I opened the book again.
Smoke brought the children to the sandbox. And, soon, I was already weeping to my grandfather, having managed to sink some of the boys in the sand.
Grandfather continued to read unwaveringly, Dima caught up with a wheel of little boys and he was struck with sand, and shouldered. The smoke waved with a cut pork.
My parents, mom and dad jumped out.
The mother cried out to her son, saying that she did not expect this from her father. Is it my grandfather? This is a whirlwind!!! to
The father read the book with indolence, and only once ran with his son-in-law, who behind his wife's back showed his mother-in-law Lois.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №152664
Turkey has shot down a Russian aircraft.
“We will not forgive you!” They said in the Kremlin and sold to the Turks the latest S-400 air defense systems.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №152663
A six-year-old son saw his uncle playing chess on his smartphone. I wanted to burn too. He came home and began to ask him to buy him chess. The hands came in a couple of weeks and the chess were bought. The son of the boy is stubborn, confident in himself as in the alpha male. He plays as he wants, my attempts to explain him how the figures walk are unsuccessful. He just denies everything and says I’m wrong. The conditional horse must walk straight. After half an hour, I realize that I don’t have angelic patience. I go to the computer and download the chess program. I set the first level and enable the hint mode. He sits and plays. Makes a lot of illogical moves, the program does not allow him to do moves unusual for these figures. He sits like this from morning to evening. He periodically challenges me. I always win, he is upset. To not get upset sometimes I give up. Thus passed a month. He challenges me again. We play. I play for relaxation. Self-taught, I evaluate my level between 4 and 3. I lost the first game. I become more serious. We play more. I also lose the second. And then the third. Now I realize it’s time to put him in the chess section. The chess section is skeptical about him. Another baby said. Bring it next year. But to convince us of this, let us play with 3 loader. 3 discharge is broken into powder and dust. Two officers are attacked against him. The game ends with none. The initiative was on my son’s side. The chess director sends us to the 4th division. Isn’t it early for us?He replied, “No, it is ready.” The result of 8 victories, 2 defeats and 4 defeats was obtained from the first attempt after two days of visits to the chess section. We are surprised, the son is happy and we begin to gradually realize that we seem to have a chess player in our family.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №152662
In the plane next to me, my mother and her 10-year-old son sat and told the child:

Remember, you run to your dad first, and then to your dog.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №152661
I go to my car at the TC parking lot. I see the phone rolling.

I think, “Here’s how you can be so dumb-handed to lose your phone!”

I raise him. Oh, this is mine...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №152660
I have a friend who knows the internet. The grandson put him in OK, well, the grandfather is actively communicating there.

So the grandson did - changed the password to OK, and when the grandfather could not go there, told him that they were hacked and you need to pay hard to save the account and go there again. He took the money, allegedly went to the bank and paid. Then I told my grandfather a new password. Four times in six months.

Grandfather suspected the wrong thing, called my husband to find out, well he explained everything to him that you should not pay for the hacking of money. He gave his grandfather a new password and advised his grandson not to report it.

It would be a pity for such a deceased granddaughter...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №152659
As strange as it may be, but usually the talk of cleanliness is when they water each other with dirt.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №152658
North of Italy. One of the towns near Lake Garda, which there are dozens.

I walk around the center, walk, look at pizzerias, gelateries and other local food. The trouble is not tea.

Suddenly from beyond the corner, a young guy in a shirt-uniform jumps out on me, uncovers a folder before me and begins to tell me something and sometimes shows me a thick finger in the folder, accompanied by epithetics such as "solo", "perfect" etc.

Since my knowledge of Italian begins and ends with "Lascha mi cantare", I have to interrupt his flaming speech with my signature "Aim sorri, ma italiano".

Apparently ready for such a development of events, a guy in good English charged me in response "Oh! Don Spike is an Italian. Is it okay, werner ar yuv fraom?“Tell me where I’m from.

and Israel

of Israel?! to

and Israel

In our mini-dialogue decides to intervene, standing a few meters away from us, in the same shirt-uniform, (apparently) a colleague guy (and unexpectedly in Russian):

and max! It is useless! Go here, don’t waste your time.

(Max is in charge)

and Maax!

(Max is out of place):

What is?

Go here and I will tell you until he has sold you something.

“Ah, (turning to me) HEVE E NESS DEI SER, SHALOM!

You don’t have to get sick, sir. – I’m determined to morally get a guy.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №152657
A year ago, the phrase "Kokorin gave the transmission to Mamayev" had a very different meaning.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №152656
At 10 a.m. I asked my wife:

Would you eat?

answered :

No, I do not want.

It is 8 p.m. and I ask you:

Will we eat?

I heard the answer:

You do not want it!

Just a phenomenal memory.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №152655
Only in Russia defective managers are called effective managers.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152654
There is an Anglo-American School (AAS) in Moscow. The same one that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pressing now, not allowing its teachers on diplomatic passports to enter Russia. The children of employees of the respective embassies are taught there on English and American programs, as well as, on a commercial basis, all those who wish.
And it happened to me almost at the same time to give private lessons to several Russian children who studied there. First, I explained to them how everything they passed there would be in Russian (because no one freed them from the then OGE/EGE analogues, and school knowledge is sometimes needed in life) in English. And secondly, they wanted to raise their high level of knowledge, which AAS gave, to the highest, since each of them had already set as their goal to enter a specific British or American university, the level of which began with the London School of Economics. By the way, they all achieved their goals.
But there was a guy among them, let’s call him, Petya, absolutely calm, capable, hardworking. He himself, by the way, asked to teach him to perform school work with an adjustment to the personal qualities of teachers. And he and I successfully used the fact, for example, that the natural science teacher was a chemist rather than a physicist, and proud of his Scottish origins. Well, Petya, inventing secondary factors affecting the pressure in the gas, wrote about the possibility of chemical reactions and about the fact that in the valleys in the Scottish mountains, which are the Highlands, the wind blows, and the pressure at the same time decreases. The teacher was happy and put A+.
Peter was a patriot. He made a firm decision to enter the Russian university and then continue his career in Russia. He said, “There is a lot of nonsense in our country. A lot of nonsense. Must be corrected.”
Initially I went to MGIMO. I tried cautiously to hint that in MGIMO “strangers don’t go.” But Petya, with the support of his parents, simply decided to enter paid preparatory courses, thus becoming "his own" for some amount of money.
However, there was an unexpected problem. Petya was "falled" at the entrance exam in English. Introductory to courses where he was still going to prepare and prepare for admission! A man who from the first class taught all subjects in English, communicating in school only on it, and passed all the Russian school exams on him to the highest score! Strangers, in short, do not go there.
After that, I met Petya and asked how impressions.
“Naturally,” he replied, “all the nonsense was just a little more than I initially expected.”
He entered the Russian university. A little more famous and a little less muddy than MGIMO. He successfully completed it.

In the place of Erundy, I would have thought about my behavior. She began to press school.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №152653
Where are you serving?
I work at the FSB.
Tell me something interesting!
About you or about yourself?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №152652
My sister forgot my bag at home. In the evening, the same day, she calls, asking her to dictate the CVC code from one of the cards in her wallet. I opened her wallet, and there was a picture of some unknown man in the shape of a prosecutor. When asked who she was, and when to wait for the invitation to the wedding, she replied, "No. I found and printed a random photo on the Internet. Once in the bus my bag has already been cut and the wallet pulled out, and so - the thief is even nervous let. He will come back, as if he had found it somewhere. I left my phone number in my neighbor’s pocket.”

I think now on the carpet at the entrance to the apartment also the prosecutor will be glued.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №152651
History is real. A distant brother of his wife came to his acquaintance for a few days. They accepted well that he even decided to stay, but my friend suspected something wrong. It turned out that it was her lover, lived with them about a month!

He went out with his brother.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna