— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93547
I put an English program on the phone. I go and there the lion stands and says, "Let's go to the jungle, let's study a couple of interesting materials."

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №93546
(Forum on Emergency Services in Germany)
First, the ambulance is not free. I asked to pay 70. Therefore, false calls are very rare and cases such as "something does not sleep me" almost do not happen.
xx: If in Russia the call "Speed" would cost at least 50 rubles - the number of calls would be halved))
Yy: And if she arrived on time, the number of deaths would have halved.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93545
xxx: I have a 40-year-old relative in a bath this year, his stroke hit after he sat in the car. Eight days in the resuscitation was lying because of this bathing. The entire right side is paralyzed. He is currently in hospital and is recovering.

yyy: Just pop haltered and badly sanctified the cut)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93544
I understood everything about the tattoo at the opening - they sing, and then they are shot on the spot.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №93543
Q: What do you still regret?


I remember in school at 2 a.m. a teacher arranged us all kinds of puzzles from light bulbs. Well there are what three to remove from 16 squares to get the 10th type of that. There was one task. I will try to paint.

and lt; lt___ lt

It’s like a cow from a fireplace. And this teacher gave us the task of making her fun. At that time, the whole class was very hard. And fireworks broke a smile to her, and they put on her feet. The school took everyone into the woods. It turned out that in order for the cow to be cheerful, it was necessary to spread its mouth to the other side and raise its tail.
I didn’t know the fucking word. And I deeply regret that.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93542
This is:
I may be a fool, but I am careful. I just saw the catapult on Maidan. Well, why did you argue, like great specialists, about the catapult? This is not a catapult, it will require it.

You won't believe, many here played in the Age of Empires, many even watched movies, and some read books and are able to distinguish not only the trebuche from the catapult, but also the catapult from the carbalist, and her from the ballist in turn.
But, scuco, in the wonderful word "Hochlopult" the word "Trebusche" can not be converted in any way)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93541
What is your favorite color?
- 202, 31, 123

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №93540
to this

Russia is when, three days before the opening of the Olympics, the lesbian duo Tatu with "We are not caught", a ninth-grade girl is fined for gay propaganda. The foreigner would go crazy trying to understand this logic - and we are not used to anything.

I think a foreigner would have achieved or, on the contrary, healed the fact that both of the lesbian duo got married to men, and one even had time to give birth to 2 children.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93539
and jealous:
You won’t believe it, but the stalk in Oke still runs. The Riazan region.
And yes, the ancestors had a mill, I don't know about cattle, but they lived well until the communists took everything away and the grandparents were shot.

Apparently, the mill was only in their possession, and the rest of the village flocked to them for money. They shot correctly.
And why did you take that if somebody has a mill, the others have to grumble on them, maybe they do it themselves? And those who are jealous, no one prevents them from bragging on themselves, but they don’t want to. They want to lie on top of the mouth and bore under care, and then take away what others bore.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93538
Renovation of the children’s library. I come to the store, the girl-seller asks: "The books of Astrid Lindgren what are?" She, touching the eyes: "Lindgren? and Astrid? And what did he write?" The curtain, as they say.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93537
Svetik: when I ask the silk: say, and you will love me, when I am corrected, he answers: you are already healed)))))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93536
Today two girls at work almost fought after one greeted the other with the words: "What, come, modern!"
xxx In time it became clear what, in fact, she asked "What, came from HR?"

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №93535
I easily forced my son to learn the number Pi to 15 characters.
XHH: Set it as a password for online toys.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №93534
I went to my grandmother for a visit. We sit in the kitchen and tell her that we have a son at work. We talked about various children's items, slides, diapers. My grandmother told me how she washed the diapers and sometimes boiled them. and further dialogue.
B: I still occasionally boil kitchen towels, look what white.
I: And what about TID against boiling?
B: And I’m with him and boiling...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №93533
XXX: I want to drink. There is money, there is time, there is desire... stop me anyone!
Do not drink, Oleg Or you will get the sea of pleasure and have a great evening.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №93532
When the ice ends in the refrigerator, the real Ukrainian will always get fat!
Are you throwing it in the rom cola?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93531
Something went wrong – it’s when instead of "How much do you sleep?" they ask "Do you sleep often?".

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №93530
Mikhail: Today in the gym a very smart and strong man did a trap with a 200+ bar, and then removed all the blades on one side.
Mikhail: I was just going to the window to drink water when it broke. As a result, instead of a bottle, he grabbed a fire extinguisher from the window and for a while could not understand how to drink from it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №93529
Forum on Music:
A: When the new album prodigy will be released. I am tired of listening to singles and concerts.
BBB says it will OST to half-life 3
Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss There can be no better answer in the world.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №93528
When the Central Bank of China announced the ban on Bitcoin – the rate of BTC fell, when the Central Bank of Russia announced the ban on Bitcoin – the rate of the ruble fell.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna