— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95547
The boy asked yesterday:
To be a good athlete in Russia, you have to be a disabled person.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №95546
*In New York, dry weather and +10 in March changed to -10 and -8.

Alexey: I think so.
Alexey: We could remove Freddie Krueger's remake
Alexei: people gathered, dissatisfied with the cold, burned the Maslenica... and she survived... wounds licked... and all fucking! All the shit! -50, -60 and -70 Snow on the 2nd floor. In the May!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №95545
My wife and I have a theological dispute. I tell her:

In general, you understand, the biblical Yahweh, if you compare him to a man (and there is too much human in him) - the carrier of many unpleasant traits of character. He is avenging, petty, malicious, inclined, and constantly needs humiliation from people to maintain and enhance a sense of self-importance. Remember, for example, what Yahweh did after Abraham gave birth to Isaac?
Hm... are you surprised?

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №95544
XHH: Generally speaking, I went out for a walk with a group in the queen. Well, I am modest, the first date was not glued somehow. Then they found a common language, the pause was less and less. And I look, next to us almost all the walk is a couple. I’m not a paranoid, but in an hour to choose the same route in a huge park? I watched. The guy, noticing my attention, began to gesture me, his girlfriend helped him, the gestures showed "take your hand", "take your hand", and so on. I was alert, I did not know how to perceive such a trolling, as a result, my modesty still did not allow anything to be done. Eventually, they took their hand and left. And the girl also noticed that I was distracted and upset that I did not listen to her. We have not talked for a week.
<many sympathy in the general conference>
zzz: so yes, this guy was me. seeing how you had been sucking for a whole month just thinking of inviting her to go for a walk, I decided to support you and show you the right example, otherwise you would have been walking like friends all night.
zzz: and you not only did not understand nihuya fucking, but also managed to capitalize!
Zzzz: I am not happy with you.
zzz: come to her, say that you have not found all the sculptures in the forest and call again.
ZZZ: Do it now. I will watch you. I give you a week.
YYY: Gentlemen, we have just observed the phenomenon of Misaki’s reincarnation into an alpha-guest.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95543
to this:

When I in the New Year under the battle of the curants guessed that the Crimea would become ours again, I did not think that I would be so literally understood.

Father, please tell us a good life for Russia next time. So please? Even for a year...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95542
His wife sings:
- Zeeeienske sreaaastje... I am not a Hakamada... Well, nothing more...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95541
The Ukrainian language - a chokhlomic and Mordor language - and for some reason no one is offended by me. What am I doing wrong?
And I call my friend a giraffe))
And if the people of the left hear it, they will write it out. An analogy of?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №95540
I’m out on the street today and I’m in a good mood. There was a grandmother overtaking me, so I decided to get overtaken. She surpasses me, and I add to the move, she, realizing that she cannot surpass, comes back for me and follows me. I am slowing very slowly. She begins to overtake me again and I add the move again. I repeated it several times. Then she put a bag on my head.

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95539
This is:
I will not understand the general joy of the entry of Crimea into Russia. It will be another subsidy region, like Chechnya. They will receive pensions from our fund, although they did not pay deductions, as did Chechnya. All the money from our taxes will go there unmeritedly, as in Chechnya. The happiness of the Russians is understandable, and what do you rejoice about?

There is much to rejoice!
1st $20 billion for the rental of naval bases per year.
2nd This is a non-residential area under resort construction.
Three Do you generally understand that under the noise of all these Havno-Maidan - Russia returned to its original territories in general for free / bloodless?
4 is To compare Crimea with Chechnya, which supplies nothing but Chechens? I do not know)
p.s Born in Simferopol, I have lived in Vladivostok for a long time. I am 26 years old. I am glad!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95538
“Mommy, I have a physics contract tomorrow, check out how I’ve prepared.
and well. At what speed does the photon move about me?
at the speed of light.
What is the speed of the photon beam from the lighthouse of a car moving at 200 km/h?
with the speed of light. Give me something more complicated.
At what speed does a photon move in relation to another if they move straight in different directions?
at the speed of light.
How smart you are, Albert!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95537
From the discussion of men who do not want to take care of themselves in order not to lose their brave appearance:

Q: Is it possible that they still do not shave their cheeks?
YYY: Well, that’s not brutal enough. It is permissible only if stitched with flat tubes, and necessarily beams.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №95536
From the Habra, discussion of the dreams of the Aitishnikovs:

xxx: It's nothing, I somehow woke up, told my wife that I dreamed that Nagios the crash of one of the servers, but only in the mail, I repaired the server and went back to sleep. The wife replied, "You got up around three o'clock at night, said that the server fell, looked at the mail, broke up, picked up the server and lay back."
That is to say, I got a message from Nagios somehow in a dream and raised everything no longer in a dream :)
I checked the logs, it's all true, the server really fell, really nothing came on the mobile, really got up without waking up :)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №95535
The leading developer to the beginner: "Commit - take care of yourself!"

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №95534
I am single "I am alone! I have neither wife, nor husband, nor mistress, nor husband, nor mistress.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95533
xxx: and my dad didn't let me play tanks on Friday, he began to watch the note and the speed dropped and I started lying, I probably change the porel on the waya faye)
YYY: I thought... Daddy, you’ve got a little bit of a couple’s speech 20 years ago!

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95532
There is a house sold to one person and the plot on which the house stands, the other))))))
Issue of Rasha Babe
This is the case....
Why Issa Rasha?
In the real estate trade in the U.S. constantly pop up tricks, when empty houses in the presence of a living owner are sold or handed over by fictitious documents, or loans are taken under them.
I would still listen to a man who speaks "its rasha", if he lived and worked 10 years in one country, 5 years in another, and broadcast from the top of his own experience... not a man who did not go beyond his zažopinska beyond Turkey or the Egypt for a week, at work translates papers, and all the knowledge about real life draws from the telecome and ineth.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95531
The fools in our country have always been so well organized that they are sometimes mistakenly taken for the fifth column.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №95530
They tell a funny and instructive story about how one day took an entrance exam at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Sorbonne.
On the table of the examiners was installed a pendulum, the applicants needed to measure how it fluctuates, and on this basis to calculate the acceleration of free fall g.
Naturally, most of them got g=9.8, and only two came up with the question:
What fucking thing? It is g = 11.
They were counted because the insidious examiners hid a powerful electromagnetic under the table.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95529
From Habr:
XXX: This is like an anecdote about a taxi – you have to take a taxi or go? If you need an accurate transmission, look at the numbers (ACCH, THD, etc.). If you want a good sound, listen with your ears. The second is partly a psychological effect, so it cannot be measured.
YYY: The Ohga Because of the fact that the effect is psychological so well and sold golden wires with sockets for 10 thousand each :)
XXX: And this is already a psychiatric effect.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №95528
Hello, my name is Sasha.

very pleasantly!

It is not long.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna