— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149065
Announcement at the entrance.
Photo of the cat and text: Lost cat, bla bla bla, who found, please call the number...
And on the bottom of the note with the pen: "I am not lost, I escaped".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149064
Yuri: Is Yuri again in active search?
The New Burger: UGU
Khalifa: And what is it? It seemed like they had the norm with the woman.
New Burger: Simple someone in life is the carpenter of his happiness, and the york of the journey the gardener
by Khalifa:
It’s when you put one shit into a relationship and expect a million red roses and sweet oranges in return.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149063
However, the names of the Tatars... I knew about one fellow servant for 30 years that he was Sereza. And recently found on the social network - it was a server.
and 410

Anarchy49 posted 13 days ago
# by

The main thing is not to fall.
and 269

urlaub posted 13 days ago
# by

He is a retired pilot. Once he is alive, he has not fallen.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149062
In the middle of a huge discussion:
You write faster than I read.
myad era: You only read here

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №149061
xxx: There was approximately such a x%$ya - flying to Sharm, only three hours in the summer: mommy with a p%$yuk of three years, as soon as they got on board, p%$yuk began to weep exhaustedly, on requests to humiliate a reaction of the type "you will understand."

xxx: Some man approached their seat and naturally unmemberedly began to whine straight into the ear of the mommy, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №149060
Elections in Russia are like a wedding “by flight”: a troublesome and costly formality.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №149059
I stood down my head, screaming at me, threatening me. I am no longer a young man, I can’t lift my head and look people in the eyes. Grandmother, granddaughter, why are you so close to your grandfather? Why did you create it?
There are a lot of people in the school’s director’s office, but the director of the school, the minor’s inspector and a young teacher hit me with anger. Only the local does not raise their heads stuck in papers. I was already conducted through the defeated act hall, showed traces of blood on some objects. Now I am loaded in full.
And since they say at the same time, I perceive it as an outcry:
The evening meeting of graduates.
The authority of the school was affected.
Respectful people were injured.
Heavy bodily... brain shock.
Lots of scratches, broken hair, broken clothes.
I am getting worse, I can't hold back anymore, I feel I can't stand. I have a Validol record:
I need to go out to the fresh air.
I turn and leave the office. I hear the local voice:
I carry a citizen.
I barely restrained, I walk through the corridor, I go out to the doorstep.I look around, and speeding up the step I rush to the nearest corner of the school.
I turn around and my will power is over.
I start laughing, and what to laugh there - RAT!!! To tears, to knocking my head at the wall.
He found me there, but he started laughing much earlier. He came to me in tears.
So we ran for half an hour.
This is how! Could I miss this?- wiping tears said the districtman - He was always present first, and then decided to approach the end of the evening.
I hope somebody made the video?
“We only have to hope,” he shrugged his hand.
Where did she get all these accessories from?
I thought.
A week earlier, Yulia (my granddaughter) went to Krasnodar for a wedding with a girlfriend.
Probably brought it all from there.
And imagine: yesterday, the evening of the Meeting of Graduates, the acting hall. High school students from the stage congratulate the school, teachers, graduates. In short, they sing and dance. The door opens and my granddaughter (she is in 11th grade) enters the hall in a chic, white wedding dress. Fatah and the bride’s bouquet are also present. Hand in hand with the bridegroom. A witness and a witness with tape across the shoulder.
The bride is on the stage:
Dear guests! I couldn’t help but share my happiness with you, so I decided to throw the “bride’s bouquet” at my school. There are so many single girls who want to get married. Hunt it!! to
He threw a bouquet into the hall.
I already told the local.
The director was thrown out through two rows of chairs, the Inspector for Minors affairs was drowned, the hand was struck, one nail was torn. With faces over two dozen, two with a brain shock. Everything else is like broken noses. There are no schoolgirls injured. Only teachers and graduates. Well, Fizruck got a pinch when he tried to break.
I don’t know how to convince my beloved grandson that this is a bad joke? Especially because I couldn’t see her live. One hope is that there is a recording.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №149058
Oleg Vladimirovich Deryrybka.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149057
Facebook is about losing weight in the spring.

Are you motivated by the results of others? Yes to me!
Especially such! Lose 11 kg in 8 weeks! Take the first step, I’ll help you do the rest.

Yyy: I lost 20 kg in 2 months, this is the result!)) And not your 11 kg in 8 weeks)))

Zzz: I lost 60 kg at the time! At the foot of the coach. After this incident, he ran the hundred meter in 13 seconds. Here is the result!

Tagged with: team

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №149056
You know the feeling when you wake up at 4-5 in the morning and understand that you need to go to the toilet, but don't pressure much and try to fall asleep. You turn, you still know you need to get up. You are pushing. Then you lie down and fail in a half-sleep, as if you are not awake, but you do not sleep. At this point, the brain raises interesting questions. The clock turned, remembering in Kalashnikov the cut of the stalk on the clock or against it. PPC Question of Life and Death

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №149055
And about "support in difficult times" – it’s funny at all. Girls from boys make legs, it is worth boys to slide with some flu

Oh oh! Is the mercantile-oriented person back? I repeat to the stupid: do not judge people in general by your surroundings. That you are in such a clown is only your merit.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149054
British scientists have concluded that girls who regularly reach orgasm are better at school. My ideas of classmates were broken down.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №149053
YouTube posted a video about corruption:

Europe: Corrupt people are being tried.
China: Corrupt people are being shot.
Russia: Rospotrebnadzor in the interest of corrupt people shuts down YouTube

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №149052
But she will not gather her sweaters all over the house, nor will the borst get to bed.

She will collect socks, if she loves order in the house, she will serve borscht in bed, if she loves cooking and loves her husband, and if her husband, in gratitude, takes on some other things that she less likes, rather than sit on her neck. She’ll do because she wants, not because she’s obligated as a wife, do you feel the difference?
Went on a trip with men? Someone cuts wood, someone puts a tent, someone is engaged in firing - who does better than they go everywhere together, doing strictly equal, right? But if some slanderer sits more comfortably and waits for him to be served, then in the best case he will be polently explained that it is so ugly, and in the worst case - will give him puzzles.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149051
Nothing excuses a person who ripped long while watching the series "Star track",as the phrase "Sorry my Klingon"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149050
Former husband of his sister:

The sister of my ex-wife.
She has a child she gave birth to very early, at 16 or 17.
I never had a normal relationship. At the age of 50, she met a normal man, with whom she even married.
She divorced and fled as soon as he got to the hospital.

The fact that she has never had a normal relationship by the age of 50 has already characterized her in a certain way. But only her, not the whole floor in general.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №149049
Do Dwarfs Have Women? How do they reproduce?
See also: Bayani They just have women too bearded, and the non-dwarf does not distinguish them.
zzz: There is an opinion that the dwarfs themselves are not very different: if after sex there was a child, then it was a dwarf. If after sex the child got you, then the dwarfobab is you.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149048
A friend (violinist) here for the first time after moving to our conservatory played in a quintet with a professor (contrabass). He says so fast. We play, and the professor screams at me, “Be afraid, shit!” I drink quieter and more frightened. He whispered again, “Be afraid, shit!”“And the eyes of the wicked are drawn out. Only after playing, I found out that the professor was very carnivorous and said, “More sound!”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149047
The Advertising:
- Buy coatlets from the real polar coat. A total of 430 rubles/kg.
- Really, the composition on the mark: farce of the coat, farce of the mint, farce of the shovel.
- Really real: 80 percent of the farce, 20 percent of the truss, 20 percent of the coat (which swam past the truss and the truss)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149046
I am a computer teacher at school. Just what came to me and said what the order of the department of education came about what I need to go to the neighboring school in order to undergo remote learning via Skype.
and OK.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna