— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №148065
A real professor.

Between an ordinary lecturer and a teacher, at first glance, there is no difference. Both read their subject, write up at the end of the semester in check-in, the same salary, hours, etc. But the student distinguishes them from the verstu.

When the Professor begins to talk about his subject, he seems to shine from within, illuminating the entire audience with his inner light. And in this light all the insignificant worldly problems dim, and the audience is elevated to the Temple of Science. Time flies unnoticed: the bell rings and people surprisely shake their heads returning from the ideal world to the world, unfortunately, not the perfect: What was it? But even the last duo comes out after a lecture with enlightened eyes.

You think, how can it be: another teaching and subject is more interesting and speech without defects and trousers are smooth :-) But I want to sleep - even kill, boredom and half the audience - empty.
And you go to the Professor, even to the exam - like a celebration. No humiliating searches or hunting for those who write, “The tickets are all taken? Well, I’ll go for a cup of coffee, I’ll come in an hour and knock on the door before that.”

Such a nobleness, our Rozdolbaysky stream could not endure! We decided to show that we are cool too, plus a great gift to our beloved Professor!
We swear by the blood! that we will all give to the Professor without spurs, and organized a rescue committee: behind every "blowjob" was (all voluntarily!) There was a man who “picked” this object. The efforts were titanic, because little to learn, the subject was abstract and complex. It is still necessary to pull the student fool who is only a military commander in life and is afraid. But here the "fools" themselves penetrated - they, you understand, were also affected by self-love! Not for fear, but for conscience.

Satisfied with ourselves, we came to the final exam. Twins for the first time in their lives without any spores, with a firm confidence in their knowledge. All in the unhealthy anticipation that the respected Professor will come, will start asking and will just faint from a pleasant surprise! After all, this is not the case - to all the flow (without preparation, from the course!) I was ready 100%!

The Professor enters, bending under the weight of two huge avocados: "Here are the boys, I see that you are without materials, so I brought you, to help, books and conscripts, use not hesitate."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №148064
The main achievement of our TV in the New Year holidays is the ability to really transmit the persistent smell of naftalin.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148063
By the way, if you thought we were all such shit, we mocked him, it is not. We all mock each other (and about the colourful grandmother's shirts as well), only if others are brave enough to either answer something, or laugh at themselves with everyone, then this comrade perceives any harmless joke as an insult.
So I experienced what KMS is in boxing. Nothing terrible.

You are just mocking. You may not understand this, but it doesn’t make you beautiful either. Because to continue to regularly "harmless" joke about a person who not only does not perceive a joke, but understands as an insult is just bullying. And collective and to the harassment will pull. It doesn’t matter if you and each other are like that.
No, he deserved that attitude, but you can’t tell it from your story.
You use the same as many. The fact that you can often not answer for your words...
No problem, you are in a hurry. Here you got at work a KMS burdened with education, moral constraints, well, or at least adequately assessing legal aspects. But there are others with an untouched consciousness. As simple as five copies. Those who first beat and then think...

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №148062
A woman who doesn’t want sex after giving birth.
It is not written the most important thing - what the wife herself thinks about this.
And in general, the feeling that the same author wrote, that I was abandoned six months after the wedding - I am so wonderful, I am dealing with a child, the household is on me, and she doesn't work at all and does nothing at home, still does not give.
Not a good word about my wife. If it is so bad, what is the question? That is not what you say, but "public opinion"?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148061
If you can see me and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you and I can see you. It appears, she stoits ʙ ahead of the tpaansplantacation.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №148060
xxx: to decorate the top of the tree with a symbol of the Russian army is strange, if you are not a military. The star of Bethlehem is strange if you are not a Christian.

yyy: I suggest to decorate the top of the tree with a fallos. Fallos is a symbol of new life and in general renewal, as well as joy and pleasure. Just like New Year.

zzz: and apple balls to do in the shape of the testicles, well that it would be quite logical, yeah.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №148059
Bees - they are almost like fairies: they crack propolis, they crack rainbow.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148058
The sexual libido has completely disappeared.

What would you, women, advise me as a man?

To help his wife take care of the child. Preschool children, they are such that even the mother's toilet is not allowed to go alone. When to think about sex?
And you are seriously engaged with the child: take / take to kindergarten / school, cook dinner for him, play in machines / dolls, take a walk. And not one day, but on a regular basis, at least six months.

The main thing is that in the end we do not read a similar message from the wife of this man. Say, the child is almost eight, the husband is good, the child is engaged, but absolutely ceased to want me, and I am a year without sex!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148057
However, Navalny should be allowed to vote at least under a neutral flag. Still, the candidate was preparing, putting so much effort on the way to the goal.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148056
Shall we go to a restaurant?
I can't chew today, I temporarily switched to baby purses (
ууу: No, bone growth, the operation was small in the morning. You know, when a dentist approaches you with a huge wooden collar in your hand, it’s a bit stressful.
WOW: I didn’t expect them to have a laser for such procedures, but the collar and the dolot shook me to the depths of my heart.
Are we in the 21st century, not in the 19th?
Wauu: I was generally scared that the collar was for general anesthesia XD

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №148055
In 2001 I bought my first apartment. In a two-storey house with two entrances. In each entrance four apartments, two on the ground floor.
I bought on the second, on the first one apartment was empty, and in the other lived a strange family - two women and three children.
One of the women was very nice, named Tatiana, always polite greeting me and stopped talking - how the repair and so on. The other was a foolish hysteric, constantly wept on the children with a good mat, turning into a whisper of envy of the circular pile. Then they broke down and fought.
I could not understand how such different women get along with each other. I was very sorry for Tatiana.

It took me about six months to find out that there was no second woman.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №148054
Angelofnet: Barishna at work on January 9 tells about New Year's holidays":"She drank an exceptionally sober lifestyle!"

[ + 13 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148053
I have problems with my husband and I cannot solve them. And I am asking for advice on an anonymous resource full of stupid opinions about the family. At the same time, I tell you how good I am, and how backward he is.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148052
For example, in school, while girls were taught to cook, we were taught to make scissors for scissors. Since then I have:
Prepared meals: 1000+ times
Made by scratch: 0>>>

Imho, cooking at the basic level (meat, cereals, eggs, salad - simple fast foods) you need to teach both sexes, because even those who don't like it will have to use it, at least a few dozen times in a lifetime. In general, the division of labor is an extremely poor thing. Here we guys were taught to plug chips, and the girls were gluing some applications (in the 9th grade, Karl!). Who needed it? Holding a solder in your hands is much more useful.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №148051
Soon afternoon, the day is full of sleep. He tried to change the post-white, he asked ʙ I didn't want to go.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №148050
Angry cat

Question to Knowledge:
With them, with the children. How to judge a cat?? to

Have you kept the check?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148049
in the year 2028. Under public pressure, the IOC allowed doping, medical and genetic interventions, but imposed some restrictions. Thus, for example, light athletes have no more than 6 legs, and swimmers can consist of dolphins no more than 50%.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148048
My husband came from work: I am, I say, on a diet. Whose beer is in the refrigerator? He said, “Well Lane, let it go. At the end of the day, she seats everything she has prepared. I want a cake! He is: I am! and Napoleon! Have you just been to the store and not bought it??? The answer killed: I was on a diet!!!!! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148047
If a person after 30 years still reason and behaves like a barely adult, then this is a diagnosis. This 18-year-old girl is fine with him, he’s the same as her. But she will grow, she will want more (blabla)

You see, ease of being and irresponsibility are not synonymous. To be responsible for those who have been taught, it is not necessary to be lead-clouded, like the heroes of Vasy Loggin.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148046
My girlfriend whispers to me on yxo: “There was an action in the supermarket for super preservatives!” and adds: “There were only large sizes, and I didn’t take.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna