— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №148425
You can be a wonderful person, an interlocutor and so on, but the hungry person does not care about your qualities, he is hungry, and your behavior looks like frank cruelty and bullying. If you do not understand what you are doing, I hope you will understand now. Many women, unfortunately, do not understand, and it also dulls...

You can be a wonderful person, an interlocutor, and so on, but you don’t care about your hunger.
Men often don’t understand what they are doing.
And no one hopes that you will understand.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148424
Under the post about the regular detention by customs officers of jokers who speak for the sake of a trick that they carry trout, drugs, weapons, etc.:
As my father said, never joke with the authorities: they have instructions instead of a sense of humor.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148423
XXXX: Lenny is the engine of progress
The engines of Progress are RD-117, RD-118 and RD-0110

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148422
A bit of myth:

A little useless information.
Tesseract hypertension is measured in meters in the fourth degree. The tesseract does not rotate around the axis, but around the surface. Tesseract cannot be sprayed with a flat saw, because Four-dimensional bodies are dispersed not by plane, but by volume. The mass of teseract is infinite.

The amount is true.
This is a lie. The tesseract can rotate around the hyperplane of any whole dimension from zero to 2, including around the axis. This depends on the diversity in which the teseract is built.
Tesseract can be sprayed with any hyperplate of any whole dimension from zero to 3, it also depends on the variety in which the tesseract is built. And also from the definition of the word "spray". ))
The mass is a lie. Geometric bodies have no mass, mass is a physical property. But if we imagine a teseract made of existing material in our space-time, then its mass is finite and equal to the mass of the granite of teseract multiplied by the time of its existence.
Honestly yours, the topologue. )))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148421
I read on the Internet - in no diet is prohibited to eat osetrina, crabs, lobsters, red and black caviar

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148420
Stop comparing sex with food and porn with a culinary show. This comparison is incorrect at least because if you have eaten in a friend’s guest the food he has cooked, then you will not be considered an unfaithful spouse or a sodomite.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148419
XXX is
Do you know the fucking website?

Yes Yes

XXX is
Feel the depth of my fall and despair in my past work.

XXX is
I put the code from this site into the project.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148418
XXX: I am a great man.
I can recognize pregnant women by smell.
XXX: This is good news.
The bad thing is that I will soon have to find a new employee again.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №148417
"You'll Stay With Forty Cats" So if a aunt can keep forty cats alone, can you imagine how much she earns?! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148416
xxx: How to walk during a game of chess to create the maximum moral and psychological discomfort for the opponent?

YYY: Under your own.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148415
The salary cannot be large or small. It is either enough or it is lacking.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №148414
Once in Sweden, such a case happened (it was told in a reality show on television).

One person told me why his conscience tormented him: “When I was a kid, my friend and I decided to run a hammer on a parachute from the balcony of a high-rise house. We smashed the basket, parachuted, put hammer in the basket and let go. But the unexpected happened. The wind picked up our parachute and took it somewhere far away. I still cannot forget that. How could I have done so...?”

Suddenly there was a phone call in the studio.
The caller asked, “Is this happened in that year?” the man replied affirmatively.
In the summer, when was the city holiday in Stockholm?
“Yes, yes,” the man hurried.
“I know what happened to your hammer.”
“What happened to him?” could not believe the surprised guest of the studio.
“My daughter asked for a hammer for a long time,” the woman continued. I told her once, don’t even ask. We will have hamsters only if God Himself gives you them.” The little girl raised her hands to heaven and said, “Dad, God, give me a hammer!”
We went to the city for a party. Suddenly my daughter says, “Mommy, I think God has answered the prayer! Look at it!”

And right from the sky on the parachute, a hamster in a basket fell into her hands.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148413
Reduced 10 thousand haishnikovs. It wasn’t that I started. I’m not hoping to be heard, but... How many people are needed to press 450 buttons to vote? Three, five of strength. And Paphos would be better off. There is no need for this – “Deputy of the State Duma”. Fu you, you are you! There will be a button operator. Savings in Space!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148412
K - 17:20
The crossroads are painful. I wanted to buy a shrimp, picked them up in a pack, approached the department where it can be weighed to then break through the box office, there was no woman who works there, walked around the store for another 5-6 minutes, she came and got in the phone, stood watching her for almost 2 minutes, she didn't even turn to the line, and smoked in the phone. He swallowed and poured the shrimp back.

The funniest thing, when I left, was that the store received an advertising text message that they had a discount on shrimp. Trolled 100 leaves.
I really the situation with the SMS, received it at the exit of the store, straight as they knew

Fagear - 17:31
It was she who recruited her.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №148411
X: Yesterday we had a terrible bite. Trees fell, wires broke, traffic jams on the roads, and someone’s trousers flew to me on the balcony.
The red ones?
XXX: How did you guess?
Tagged: xd

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148410
We are discussing the news that Senator Anton Beljakov has introduced a bill that proposes to equate "factual marriage" to official marriage.
Chapter 1: Nothing good comes out of it. My cousin lived in a civil marriage with two girls for three years.
Collega 2 interrupts: And you have to live five years according to the law.
Q1: He might have lived five, and his wife learned that at his husband's firm nobody goes on business for 2-3 weeks every month. One in the suburbs lived, the other in the district center 200 km from the city.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148409
A little useless information.
Tesseract hypertension is measured in meters in the fourth degree. The tesseract does not rotate around the axis, but around the surface. Tesseract cannot be sprayed with a flat saw, because Four-dimensional bodies are dispersed not by plane, but by volume. The mass of teseract is infinite.

[ + 14 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148408
The country as they did not produce, so they do not produce, all the merit of the Democrats.

There are no questions about sending. The question is only one. Why do you think that what is happening in this country is democracy?

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148407
Yuliya: “The chief federal inspector Vasily Nesvetailov shot a hunter, who was confused with a cock. The case is closed - for murder the inspector is fined 100 thousand rubles.
Yuliya: Eger is like the tenth iPhone

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148406
>>Why is this very need of men for sex elevated to the rank of something not even shameful, but frankly criminal?

Not the need itself, but the attempts to justify this need for all unnecessary behavior.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna