— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146425
You are even better than you seemed at first sight.

yyy: Here I always knew that to drink with a man, then come to eat all his pelmeni and sleep-working relentlessly :)

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №146424
Situation in Barcelona:
Half of the population hangs Catalan flags and burns Spanish flags. The second half hangs Spanish flags and burns Catalan flags. And only two immigrants from the Russian Federation, Benja and Fima, are engaged in sewing Spanish and Catalan flags.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №146423
The language of Esop

This is interesting - and why did the grandmother from the vacuum cleaner come to visit her husband and daughter?

This is called all the cards on the table. And he can't with the child frankly - look at what my vacuum cleaner is powerful, and what a long hose, and what a child you have, the next time one comes...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146422
Listen, it turns out, Aki Kaurismiaki is really a director like that!
WOW: What did you think?
Okay, some sort of fucks...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146421
In the business!
I found it on Google "Lacal".
He gives me a hint "Maybe you meant "laklo"?"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146420
Kretki: A computer game has 27 characters in a guild. On the journey to
The underground character can perform the role of a tank, fighter or doctor. one
The character in the guild can be both a tank, and a fighter, and a doctor. Thirteen
Characters can be tanks. Twelve characters can be doctors.
Fourteen can be fighters. Both a tank and a doctor can be seven. and
One tank and five soldiers. A doctor and a soldier are four. How many characters
Could they be fighters?(The task of computer science)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146419
Show today a popular asset, the value of which is not overpriced?

The Trade Fleet. For the last 400 years, it is worth just as much as the market needs.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146418
I complain to my wife on Skype.
J: Yes, Skype was like an aska once.
I: Better not to say - Skype has become a cacao

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146416
We count. 9 thousand, let the boxes of 5000. It is 1.8 million bills. Each weighs 1 gram. Do you have 2 tons of sugar?

It is! At night, they walked in a self-driving car and threw shooters in the window.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146415
This is:

The mistake of that woman in another - why was to visit a man with a child?? to

I should have had the carpenter.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №146414
Yandiks, in the depths of his mines, decides that you are acting like the owner of an iPhone. But you are using Android, therefore - your Apple Phone is broken and you need to offer a repair.
by KO

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146413
by Sinoby Stale

The child needs to be raised so that the crumbs that fell out of the mouth it did not fall on the carpet, so that a glass of hot tea in the summer catched without splashing, so that the parent's belt turned away, candy and money in the guests smelled - then it will not disappear in our difficult world... Well, and not smoke that, yes.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146412

In Ashan, I constantly encounter a couple of such tactical buyers: camouflage, desert, berts, tactical "arafates", tactical gloves with plastic pads, and tactical backpacks with glazed blood squats (blood group, something there...airborn, skull, that’s all), well, and glasses with orange glasses for shooting – where without them in Ashan. To watch without tears how they fold tactical sticks in tactical backpacks and tactical sausages I can not resolutely. Once I could not withstand, and I wished all of my heart to these pink mommy survivors to try to survive in Ashan. embarrassed

They came to buy socks for 20 rubles 78 cops.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146411
How can you not love your country to trust the government?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146410
The sad consequences of fraud attempts at the exam for the title of a US doctor.
Short history: it will be about passing examinations for a doctor for foreigners, after successful passing which the doctor can submit documents to the internship or residence, for subsequent practical training in the specialty.
The first stage is paper, you need to send to the centre for accreditation your diploma, they check your school there for the schedule of subjects, how many hours you studied, the reputation of the school, its compliance with world standards of medical education...
After receiving a confirmation of the diploma, you can apply for the exam, pay a lot of money and once every 6 months in one day in hundreds of centres in the United States and around the world to try to pass it.
Yes, you have not heard, the whole world, the centers were in Poland and in Finland and the Philippines and God knows it elsewhere.
There are many questions, 500 in excess, all strictly: the questions for all centers are the same, under the lock until the day of the exam, are given to the hands at 9 a.m. local time, the prosecutors walk through the passages, "hop on the spot, the convoy shoots without warning", the heads do not turn, to the toilet - after giving up the job and under the convoy, no phones or calculators, in a word - strictly, you do not crack, scams and scams seemed impossible... seemed.
But the "stage is more than life", the exam is very difficult, not everyone passes it - a group of doctors from one country decided to trick.
I promptly say - not from the USSR, we had neither experience nor money to organize this, we gave hard, blood and then, I will tell you on the occasion.
But from which country specifically - I don't remember, I forgot, the case was a quarter of a century ago with the hook. So then history.
Using the difference in the start time of the exam, the scammers hired colleagues in a country where the exams started 10 hours before the start of the exams in the United States, they went to the exam not for passing, but to remember questions in order to send them to colleagues overseas.
They had several hours alone with the books to answer correctly, each answered 25-30 questions from each side of the ocean, then the guys in the United States exchanged answers, tried to remember the answers well and in the morning went to the exam, shot very successful, in their opinion.
Anne, no... it wasn’t right here, on every clever ass... you’ve probably heard, there’s a screwdriver with an unpleasant cut.
The entire group was calculated by a program of statistical analysis – sadly their answers were similar, both right and wrong.
The wrong!?? to
Allow me, and how is it wrong to be if the guys answered textbooks, consulting together to come to a consensus on the correctness of the answer?
This is what lost them, consensus.
It turns out, a couple or three dozen questions were given for this:
They either did not have the correct answer at all (trick question) or had two or more correct answers.
Thus, the standardization of answers to such questions caused immediate suspicion.
And then it was all a matter of technology, the federal services quickly came to the conclusion that the scammers from the same country, numbering about 20, had the same answers.
And approximately the same number of doctors in the center in their homeland, who did not pass, moreover, who did not even finish the exam, they did not come for delivery - for remembering questions.
It all ended sadly and extremely hard: the results were cancelled, accreditation was cancelled, included in blacklists without the right to surrender, for life.
All, collect your suitcases and return, not salt bread, sadness...
“I will be landed!
Do not steal!”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146409
Oleg had no money, and so a stripper in cowards he just shouted THANK YOU!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146408
A drunken husband bought a huge black rubber penis with special effects to give to a colleague. We stumbled and forgot about him. I went on a business trip, I found it in the closet, remembered the special effects, let me think I'll see, I knock the buttons. Further correspondence :
I: good that the member did not give
The husband :?? to
I: Did you know he’s beating the current?
Man: What did you do to him?!? to
I: No, I say, he is striking the current straight in his hand, although it can be thought of – there is a button with lightning. It is urgent to use it for its proper purpose.
Husband: I do not have to! Only I left.
I: You will come, I will tick you by them at night, when you will snort.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146407
>> Cake - it is with cream

Definitely, the...
All birds fly, all glasses are smart, beats means love, has not served, is not a man.

Without receiving any education, taking on reading at an old age, Viktor Prokofievich carried through his life the burden of some scientific misconceptions, from which he did not want to give up for anything. Man did not come from a monkey, but the monkey came from a man. Cucumbers are harmful. Alexey Tolstoy is the son of Leo Tolstoy. The best gun in the world is a soldier's sample gun. Strawberries are extremely useful. Jews can sing only tenor. The nature of thinking depends on the composition of food, etc.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146406
A few years ago, my husband had a brief twist towards Orthodoxy. He is, by profession and character, a programmer. In general, after a couple of months of going to the temple, they encountered a classic church grandmother, which is described in all the horrors about the Orthodox. And she touched me about the clothes - like the length is decent, and the cut is modest, but too bright, it's not good, it's wrong. The husband did not stand, began to wonder where in the rules is stated that you should come to the church exclusively in the sunny and what it means - "they still know", if we did not know. The grandmother hanged, then began to scream at us in the spirit "there are all sorts of". The husband said that either she is struggling, or the church TZ for visitors is written incorrectly. I have been cold to religion since then. In general, when they talk about someone who’s whispered like a grandmother, I always imagine a very specific grandmother from that church.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №146405
by Deja Vu.
I did not sleep in the evening. I picked up my smartphone and started reading books. He turned back so that the light of the screen did not shine on his wife.

After the third page, it seemed like something like this had already happened in my life.
When I was a child, I read interesting books from the library with a lamp under the blanket.

The cat, go away. The Schröder.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna