— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148465
and Gallor:
The kids are funny. They have mosquitoes. And they are doing nonsense with such a smart face. Like cats, but even better.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №148464
and asper:
I came to work where I hadn’t been for a long time, sat at the computer, and he didn’t work! I am outraged and shout:
Why does the computer not work?
The director of the company comes and says:
Talk to the administrator, it’s his problem.
I am the system administrator.
Here is!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148463
TomTom: Well, you can understand that manned men and homosexuals are not always the same thing. Here, for example, Prince is manned as I don’t know who, but he lived with his grandmothers all his life. And from the other pole - Lashko with the clutches of yesterday's collective farmer and a strange fox in his mouth.
T44: And there are just piddars. Not maneuverable, not houses, but they park across the exit from the parking lot.
by Sam Pidaras.
TomTom: I could normally say. There was no room in the morning. I will stop now.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148462
She goes to a club to find a partner. Who is it?
XXX: The Mystery
Tagged: prostitute
xxx: the first "sh"
Yes, the prostitute
Tagged: prostitute
TTT: Shalawa
xxx: "s"
Tagged: shalawa
TTT: Shalawa
Tagged: shalawa
The correct answer: Chess

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148461
During the lessons, the reasons and procedure for using weapons against dogs were discussed in detail.
Separately stipulated that against the owners of the dog in case of aggressive behavior of the latter in the presence of the owner and even with his permission should not be used.
The dark voice from the room: "It’s in vain! It is easier to kill an idiot once than to kill his new dog every time.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148460
Ten years ago I had a psychological test. The test was Dutch. I had an increased level of aggression. But the doctor who conducted the testing told me, "Michael, there is nothing to worry about: for Russia, you have a level of aggression within the norm. It’s a test for the Dutch.”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148459
xxx: My daughter 1.5 years ago asked where she came from.
X: I told her that it was from my life. Where is the stomach from? Dad put a cage there. The child cried and was satisfied with the answer. 1.5 years has passed. The daughter came from the kindergarten and said that not all the children in the group came from my mother’s belly. Here, for example, Yarika was bought in a children's store, and Nastya peeled out of an egg. And after an hour in the parental room, it started: why tell your child such details?!? You can’t say “everything” about cabbage or store – come up with something, not cells in your stomach.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148458
About the inch
In the group was a girl with a height of 155 cm, the boys cared for her tall. But she married Stasi, whose height was 160 cm. Her aunt sadly summed up: Let's fuck the mice... (in the sense that the future generation will be even lower in height, and not to the mice we will stick.)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148457
XXX: There were a lot of shortcomings in Yakutia yesterday. by -80!
What did they do that they had so many shortcomings?
XXX is Frozen! The frost in winter is not relevant.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148456

** The presence in the pocket of nitroglycerin tablets causes the interest of service dogs, electronic sensors, etc.

If the dog is in the years, it can cause. Their work is nervous, the heart to the end of the service is not to the hell, and the regular leash quickly ends - the dogs.
Electronic sensors are heartless.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148455
Remember that day. We are present at the birth of an entirely new phenomenon – METASCRACE.
This is shit about shit.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148454
– Masha, tell me, which men do you think are the most beautiful?
High light-haired athletes, just like Apollo in the museum.
Are these people sexually attracted?
- No, they are exciting quite others, this is like the vendor of oranges Ashot from our market, who just has hair not growing from under his nails, this is the most sexy, and Apollo is BEAUTIFUL.
and clearly. And tell me, Masha, what is this under your side such a small, splinter and bald writes a second dissertation?
And this is Vasya, don’t touch him, I love you.
(c) the

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148453
Yesterday I was called from school and said, “Your son is constantly lying.”

I replied, “Tell him he’s doing well, I don’t have a son.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148452
Thick Fox: Wire Optimization Service Increases 95% of Noot Performance
Fat Fox: I think, or is that not exactly what an optimization service should do?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148451
Talk at work. He tells Artem.

I dreamed of friends tonight. We sat in a bathroom. The whole night we talked and joked. And so naturally, I just felt drunk. When I woke up, I was very happy. and Tuesday. I was just drunk and went to work like a cucumbers. is comfortable.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148450
>>> Both 30 years ago and 10 years ago, and now it means an accessible girl.

Why so much contempt for accessible girls? It is comparable only to contempt for the inaccessible.
Or are they even denied access?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №148449
> Just the proteins are nursing and their mimics are funny.

and UGU. And with sanitation at two levels higher (the way of life has). And they live more separately, i.e. the epidemic does not cover the entire colony at once.
Laughter is the irresponsible consequence of all the epidemics that mankind has experienced.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148448
Forgive me from us, fighting piddars, lifehack "how to be sure that you will not be looked at by a gay". Yes simply! Lie on the couch and grow a beer stomach.
Judging by the appearance of most men, they have known this lifehack for a long time. HNYK

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №148447
After the law was passed that the minimum wage was not less than 2,000 yuan - all the Chinese who worked with us immediately left for China. Course 1:10 if what...Only they and the meal are cheaper, the common money, the internet and cellular communication is virtually free, the lexus new 8900 yuan...<<

Somewhere you lie) First, the rate is 8.9; second, fruits and vegetables, yes, cheaper, but the juice - 15 yuan, bread - 9 yuan, meat 20-25 yuan, eggs, indeed, for 12 pieces, but about 12 yuan. Beer is cheap – about 7 yuan.

Travel by bus 1-3 yuan, we have in different cities in different ways, but not counting both capitals, approximately so.

I especially liked the new Lexus. A Chinese car in China costs from 200,000 yuan, new.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148446
Why don’t you like Linux? Well you made a driver for the system, well you put it in order!
I bought a laser color printer from a well-known company. One of the selection criteria was compatibility with Linux, and the manufacturer officially confirmed to me that the driver exists.
After the purchase I tried to install, but in the download section under my OS downloaded an exe file. I thought I was gluteous, made the screen sent to the manufacturer.
The next day, the official response came: everything is okay. Run the file, it will unpack and unpack the driver for Linux. This is true, the file is there.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna