— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №148345
Tell me, Father, what should I ask of God?
Ask for what is missing, and if you have everything, ask forgiveness.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №148344
Advice to everyone who puts soup on the plate and goes to the computer: take it with you
the spoon. This item will remind you that you are cooking something.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148343
I have been offered different things on the internet many times.
But today my immature mind is overthrown.

"Are you looking for a quality horse on the stick?"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №148342
Not all people love money so fanatically that from one of their presence they become happy.

and UGU. We heard, we know. You will not be happy with the money, of course. But the lack of money, which makes it impossible to satisfy basic needs (one-room apartment for five, apples on Sundays, beef on holidays, and laundry of clothes until it is dissolved at all, for today’s realities), very much impedes happiness.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148341
XXΧ: B Rules prohibit linking to other websites.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148340
Second, the observation is appropriate, since the Russians themselves very much like to deal with the "roots" of the Rurikovichs of all kinds (but only when it is advantageous for them).
Third, look at the leisure where Peter Ilyich created most of his masterpieces. It is in the estate of the Countess of Mecca (now Brail of the Vinnitsk region, Ukraine) that there is still the same lilium-grown pond surrounded by the forest, the view of which inspired the great composer to create the "Swan Lake".
If Petro Ilyich performed on the territory of the Russian Empire, which is now misunderstood to be on the territory of Ukraine, it does not make him a Ukrainian composer.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148339
(Picture: on the backdrop of the Arc de Triomphe in a ma-alien subway, strapped with a ma-alien donkey, a Wehrmacht soldier runs)
xxx: Go to the Wehrmacht, they said, you will run the PzKpfw-IV, they said...
Better in Paris on a wagon than on the Eastern Front on the Panther.
zzz: If the Wehrmacht parade in Paris reflected the efforts made to capture France.
The French would go there.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148338
xxx: Why did the educational programs not yet begin in the anime format to do?
xxx: in humanitarian specialties this narrative is often
Here is a book about Comrade Stalin and a crowd of court ethnographers in the 1930s, developing concepts of languages for the primitive peoples of the USSR, I would have remembered much better than 10 pages of the text.
Don’t laugh at people who eat and drink.
XXX in the plan?
I was drowning, sodomy.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148337
and SL:
In the church, water is consecrated on January 18, on the day of the Divine Appearance. This water is called the godly water. And at 0 a.m. on January 19, the same act of water sanctification is read over the water and the water is considered to be Kreshenskaya. In principle, both water is the same in strength. But the greatest strength of holy water from 0 to 3 o'clock at night on January 19, during the days 19 - 20 - January 21, its strength slowly decreases and by the evening of the 21st the water becomes normal. So swimming in Baptism is best at night on the 19th from 0 to 3 nights

by VM:
The numbers! I need numbers!
by VM:
What is the power of water in newtons? How much will the force drop on January 20 and 21?
by VM:
Are we scientists or who?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148336
Habrahabr, Discussion of the Old Iron

Eldhenn: This is how we lived before. Either a movie, or music, or a toy, or a disk is formatted.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №148335
I threw the tree today!
YYY: Weak, only in the middle of January!
XXX Last year!
YYY: O great, take me to your students!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №148334
I was at work recently. We stood and smoked, I, a friend, and another girl.

We are all young enough, he and I are 23, a girl 26, but he is already married, and despite his young age, he even has a child. The girl asks him: Well, how is it overall? He said, “Yes, my wife struck me yesterday.

What did you do that?

I drank two bottles of beer.

We, as inexperienced and unfamiliar, are in a light shock. How about when I... on me... because of a couple of beers? At the time, I thought I was 30 years old. Annie’s face was also written that the vow of unmarriage was our choice.

After a little silence, she still asks.

Because of a couple of beers.

I drank one of her and one of mine.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148333
I work in a translation agency.
The call:
The client: Hi! You need to urgently, very urgently, transfer documents from Belgium to ZAGS! Could a couple come with documents?
In what language are the documents? This depends on the translation time.
Q: I don’t know, well from Belgium documents, you know, from Bel-gi-i!
In Belgium Mr. Languages are German, Dutch and French, also they can be in English.
Calls back in a minute
Q: Girl, in Bulgarian they are, these documents!

Oh my God, how boring I am.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148332
xxx: By the way, one of my favorite episodes of the Old Testament is when Moses spoke to a burning bush.
xxx is talking. With a burning bush.
YYY: Aha, the norm of the episode. I don't remember the details, but I remember when I was a kid.
YYY: There seems to have been a dialogue, not without paradoxes.
You know what the bush was?
YYY: Emmy is it?
yyy: a, guess it 😉
yyy: from those bushes that are still burning to pull into the philosophical order?
YYY: That’s why Moses’ crops are so loved, right?
XXX: Well, it is supposed to be a thorn.
XXX is supposed.
XXX: I’t believe it too much.
YYY: Per he was actually talking to Brother Rabbit, who was thrown into the same bush?

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148331
There was a philosopher, Jesus of Nazareth.

He said, in general, the right and progressive things for his time: about universal social equality, about the meaninglessness of violence in response to violence, about the priority of a healthy inner peace over the pursuit of wealth.

Well, of course, and about the afterlife a little fantasized - without that in those times people would probably not understand it very much. But all this can be perceived simply as a wrap around a purely practical doctrine of a rational social structure. Why not, if otherwise the idea could not have been communicated to the broad masses?

He was a good guy, apparently. not stupid.

And everything went well until the Roman Empire decided to make Christianity a state ideology. She took and cut off 80% of Christianity with rugged scissors (these 80% were declared inappropriate apocryphs and, if possible, destroyed), and the remaining 20% were "processed with a spark" so that a state ideology could be produced that could justify any cruelty of any ruler. If this paragraph raises doubts, read the historical facts about the so-called "universal councils."

And from this moment on Christianity you can, forgive the calambur, put a cross. Because there was the burning of scientists and the imprisonment of young girls for rock’n’roll in the temple.

Such things.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148330
In our house on the floor below us lived a family - husband, wife and son with daughter (equalers to us and brother). Especially we didn’t communicate with them, I don’t know what happened, but the head of the family uncle Volodya started drinking a lot. Tired of endless drunkenness, the rest of the household expelled him from the house. Uncle Volodya bombarded, periodically visiting home and overnight on the staircase.

I remember my parents were sorry for him, they said that he was a good man.

So, I came once from school (I was 13 years old), I do lessons. There’s a bell at the door: “I’m your neighbor from below, Ivanov, Dad Masha and Sasha. Can I put water?” I look in the eye - Uncle Volodya, his hand with a plastic bottle stretches.

For half a minute I struggled with myself: on the one hand, a thousand times it was said not to open the door to anyone. On the other hand, the compassion and the desire to help were great.

In general, I opened, greeted him, asked him to wait outside, took a bottle, filled it with water, opened the door and gave it. Uncle Volodya polently thanked, I was already going to close the door, as the neighbor tightly took the door pen and stopped it.

“Listen,” he said with a suddenly changed voice. Never do that again! Why should I break into my apartment right now?

I tried to lock the door again from fear, but Uncle Volodya managed to put his foot between the door and the door.

What will you do now? You cannot even resist! Listen carefully – never! Under no circumstances! Do not open the door to others. I understood?

“Ddda,” I wavered, filling myself with hot shame and half with fear.

He cleaned his leg, turned and left. I closed the door to both locks for two turns.

Well what to say: thank you, very intelligent!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148329
<<<22.08.07 at 01:00
Ok. Just honestly I don’t see a single area of application on the desktop of 2-4 or more core processors.>>>

From the creators "640 KB should be enough for everyone".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148328
by Morredett:

My friend has two cats, a black and a siamese light.
Of course, the light likes to lie on black things, and the black likes to lie on light things.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №148327
There are four kinds of lies: lies, false lies, statistics, and commentary on code. c) Habrahabr

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148326
Objective: The claim that there is no internet. I come, the internet is there, there is no... they moved to another room, and the internet forgot to take. A lonely router stands in an empty building and grimps sadly with LEDs. They tried to connect themselves and eventually made a cocktail, raised wires from the walls and then twisted to the isolant, and in a random order, and the internet is not...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna