— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147985
The average amount of alimony paid in Russia is 2 thousand rubles. This applies to those who do not pay at all. So, you still envy the greedy mothers-receivers of hollow money?

Yet it is logical. She spends the entire salary on the child, then on herself a quarter of MY money, and on those 10 (in fact 2) pieces she spends free of full time. Brownies, sweaters, travelers, the best food, the latest gadgets. I would like to meet such a aunt, she can be entrusted with the finances and my family, or we are missing for such dozens. Yes, and time planning... In short, let go of the phone of the former, a master class is urgently needed.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147984
When I was 11, my parents and I went to the market and saw chickens. So cute they were! I asked to buy at least one. My father said, “Why not? Take care of the chicken yourself. Feed and clean after him. Now you can settle it in a cage at home, and then take it to the country. We will have a chicken. He will be carrying eggs.”

I was pleased. She cleaned the cage, fed and cleaned. When my parents were not at home, I first held him under my chest, on my chest. He grew more and more, showing his character. He loved sitting on my feet while I was lying down and reading.

When it was hot, the chicken grew up with long legs, warts and spurs, and we learned that it was a cock. He was taken to Dacia. But as they called Manka, so they continued to call. I went to feed him every day. I was supposed to go there every day and wash my bed for 8 to 12 days, and he was always somewhere around. Sometimes he flew and sat on my shoulder.

Before the beginning of the cold, he became an adult, but entirely handy cock. He calmly walked in his hands, could fit on his knees, did not show aggression at all.

And one day the father brings a body of chicken, without a head, and says, "Well, here is you Manka! Cook the soup.” I was crying. My mother cooked the soup. I did not touch him.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147983
In France, an optimist, a pessimist and a bored man was executed. The optimist was first brought to the guillotine and asked his last wish. He replied, “Life was so beautiful and interesting! Please put me face up. It would be interesting to see the knife fall. They put him face up, pulled the lever, and the knife scratched and stopped over the neck itself. As usual, he was pardoned. Ask the pessimist about his last wish. He said, “Life was so ugly! And there’s that knife... And the bloodthirsty crowd... Close my eyes and shut my ears with cotton. His wish was fulfilled, the lever was pulled, but the knife scratched again and stopped over his neck. He was also pardoned, according to custom. Zanuuda asks, “Is it your last wish?” - The last wish, the last wish... It would be better to fix the guillotine.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147982
of Moscow. 21st century. There is an advertisement at the entrance door. with photo. "Lost quadrocopter of white colour..." and so on.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147981
My dear! Read about the Postman.

Read about Gandons and Vasectomy.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147980
If the snow does not grow,
It does not grow in your hand.
The clock beats twelve.
You are probably a corpse.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147979
If the partner is not a husband and not a bridegroom, but just a lover, then even in the presence of condoms pills still need to be demanded. In addition to children, infections occur, and from infections, tablets and spirals will not help.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147978
He writes a letter to Santa. A maid rests next to the chair.

The Son:

Do you want to write a letter to Santa?

The Sister:

and no.

The Son:

Why is?

The Sister:

I don’t seem to need anything.

The Son:

Do you need a new boot? My grandmother has a grocery.

The Sister:

Well, a lotus, maybe you need it.

The next day, they found a letter written by a caring grandson.

“Dear Santa Claus. My name is 60 years old. Give me a new lap for the New Year.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147977
How to solve this problem?
I read an old book in Swedish. There is the same situation - a young man made a child to a deaf girl. He did not want to get married, and she was not very impressed. Sweden, fucking, early 19th century. A single maiden cannot raise a child - the community gives him up for upbringing in a childless pastor's family, the maiden and the boy of OBA pay alimony, both visit. And we still have the pride of hiding from alimony, so that "this cock doesn't have my money"!?? The wild... the wild!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №147976
I stood at the entrance yesterday, waiting for her to come out. Appropriate girl with a girlfriend, 10 years old, picking a homeopath. She responds the same girl and follows this dialogue:

- Masha, your phone is off, let's go out, go to the hill, or it's dark soon.

I can’t, I haven’t cleaned up yet.

What else has you left?

Washing the dishes.

Let me help.

No, I cannot...

And here in the housephone some boy hihi ha ha bumped something.

The girl at the housephone changed her voice:

Do you have a mystery in your guests? ? to

He went in for the book...

As she left the house, she shouted, “Well, you and the goat!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147975
Here we in the USSR had real holidays in the New Year – parents on 2 January to work, and we have freedom.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147974
Engaged one time in the manufacture of punches.. All there glazed with sashes and fillings different.. Short comes 2017 new year of orders a bunch and here breaks the dispenser on the machine.. such a small microchip with the engine.. the device is old, there are no spare parts.. put this piece in the nearest service.. explained from what.. and for what.. said that the device is not to bring.. it is large and not mobile.. 2 masters twisters, looked at the internet.. and sounded the cost of repair 5000. Or take it. Well I think it was done once... I gave it in 3 days. I put work.. worked exactly a year.. and this year the same stuff.. and under the newest year.. Well I again to them.. but brought only the chip with the engine... These 2 the same retirees... I say it broke.. from the child’s toy of the son... Those swindlers looked at... Yes, not the question of 500 rubles today we will do) 500 rubles break the same.. How so... I made the conclusion sometimes it is better not to tell the master why you and why this spare part. It is easier to say what to do.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147973
You will just say, if the two are already officially here, then you need to accept the conditionality of their style of communication and not take seriously what is beyond this style is a tremendous hassle. This is such a verbal game, punk, scratch.
But if you’re all just crawling, it’s a completely different thing...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147972
And why have sex with a girl who initially doesn’t like, with whom you’t want to live? There must be an emotional component, feelings for it, sympathy. You are not animals.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147971
I am one embarrassed in the advertisement "b/u server" presence of the note "18+"? Are they hinting that they will have to fuck up with them?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №147970
He is a condom, she is a pill.

Study the question before you write it. Apparently, you imagine taking hormonal pills as a one-off action, unambiguously guaranteeing a positive result (take it orally before association and drink it with water, and there are no problems). It is not so. Contraceptives are drunk courses with strict observance of the regime. And changing the balance of hormones in the body is a completely different order of intervention than wearing a removable, easily removable hood for a few minutes.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147969
The Innovator:

I believe that in the school course of mathematics there must be a problem to compare what is more, the cost of 30 condoms or the monthly amount of alimony. And compare the task with a star to the cost of treatment for sexually transmitted diseases + HIV analysis.

In any school you will be given anathema for one word "preservatives". There is no sexual education in our schools.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147968
Study the question before you write it. Apparently, you imagine taking hormonal pills as a one-off action, unambiguously guaranteeing a positive result (take it orally before association and drink it with water, and there are no problems). It is not so. Contraceptives are drunk courses with strict observance of the regime. And changing the balance of hormones in the body is a completely different order of intervention than wearing a removable, easily removable hood for a few minutes.

Why study this? They and abortion are presented as a spark on the stomach, well, and the greenery may be for disinfection. It is more comfortable to live.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147967
And it is very simple: do not forget that a dad's alimony is not all the money that a child should receive. Mother is not in business?

Listen, well, we are growing up in a child's family - and the chat still lacks a quarter of our husband's combined income for child needs. If we divorce, everything will magically grow up.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147966
xxx> more oil removable cap note, 4pcs
yyy> The Pillow
xxx and gt?
yyy> the right cap
xxx> is a genius. I have a printed cap in the store, so I don’t have to.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna