— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147785
Those who are not lucky get married to fools. And those who are lucky, the smart ones marry themselves.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №147784
I remembered the story of the late 1980s that happened to me when I was a student. A very relevant topic before the New Year is about the bowl.

In those years, "Dear Mikhail Sergeič" initiated an anti-alcohol campaign in the country. Vineyards have been cut. Tolls were introduced on alcoholic... Moreover, tolls were introduced unequally. In some regions, they were introduced earlier - for experiment. Since "water" revolts did not follow - bills were introduced everywhere. The patient people of Vorcha switched to self-driving, colonial, non-freezing and other surrogates.

Having learned that in some regions there were buchlo vouchers introduced, and in Peter - no, we and a friend bought three boxes of vodka and took tickets to the center of one of those regions. Profitably, though not without adventures, they sold all the vodka there and returned to Peter with 50% of the net profit. In the first trip it was possible to make friends with a noble character - the bronze prize winner of the championships of the USSR in the late 1970s in boxing. A funny guy, but in the meantime. Indeed, he kept himself nice. There has never been a time when he failed to keep his promise. This acquaintance helped us many times later. This “friendship” cost us only one half-liter bottle of vodka per arrival... But we could not be stressed when someone from the local tried to “wear” us for revenue or buchlo. We initially wanted to beat ourselves like this, but the former boxer said:
Do not do this self-activity! Trust the process to professionals.

Because he was conscientious about the bubble for coming to take us "for nothing." We thought before that we would pay him that bottle of vodka for a night’s stay and a city guide service. The services of the bodyguard proved to be a bonus... Boxer-Alкаш held a master class. The strong man, who tried to squeeze our bubble on the hole, didn’t even notice, standing face to face with our “bodyguard”, how he “flown.” He sat down on the pop from the spread right on the ice and settled away with unflattering eyes. We asked if the bodyguard killed the man.
You are offended, guys! I strictly dose my blow. In five minutes I will wake up.

We usually ride three. But once, both of my friends had urgent and urgent affairs. I had to go alone. After thirsting, he took two boxes of vodka and pepper on his own. So far. After that, by the way, I bought a backpack and a suitcase. It is uncomfortable to carry in a simple large bag - overweight on the side. He stood up at the "point" - next to a single-storey wooden food store in the wooden houses district near the railway station. After a while, the bodyguard collapsed. I got my 0.5 and put a large coat in my inner pocket. The trade went smoothly. About half of the box was sold. There are 30 bottles. There was hope for the nighttime - after the closure of the stores, the standard 15-ruble price of a bottle bought in Peter for 10, rose to 20-25 rubles. Profit, of course, increased, but standing on the frost all night is a pleasure below average. And sleeping in the apartment of an alcoholic is also not Courchevel... I preferred to drop everything in one day and take the night train back to Peter.

Suddenly came and stopped 30 meters from us police UAZik. “The polar fox has come,” I thought, but UAZIK was standing and nothing happened... Then a police officer fell out of it and waved his finger. The bodyguard said:
Stay here, don’t run away, it will get worse.
I understand that, I answered.
I go to them and ask what they want.

The boxer talked. I spoke for a few minutes and came back:
How much vodka is left?
A bottle of 30...
Give it all!

There was nothing to do. The article for speculation was not canceled at the time... The Boxer took all the vodka and pulled it to UAZIK. I stand and think:
In the best case, I lost my baby. They can “replace.” On the other hand, if they wanted, I would have already sat in their OAZIK. As a maximum, the buyer and handcuffs immediately. So, I just got on the bubble. In short, the “point”...

After talking to the police for a few minutes, the boxer returned:
It costs 15 rubles per bottle. Exactly here. They said that once they had time before the store closed, they took your "day" price.
A to N! It just broke out of me.
The ments murmured to say goodbye to the fires and left. The boxer continued:
“They asked to tell you that today the daughter of their boss is getting married and he sent them to you for vodka. and more. You can always stay here with your roots. But do not go to other areas - you will notice!
Why is it possible here?
- Apparently, in other areas - another boss, with a different approach to the problem. They also said that since you and the Koreas appeared here, they have not had a single "shrew" in the area that has been poisoned with a "pale". On those days, of course, when you are trading. But everyone only has you and tries to get stuck if there is no one to buy the voucher. You are never dumb. You trade honestly. They bought it regularly before. Just dressed “by civic” so that you don’t joke in vain. So they asked to tell you that they would break the fist to anyone who would hit you.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147783
But I see in the political life of Russia an extraordinary revival.
...??? to
- Previously, only Vladimir Volfovich claimed the role of a court joke, and now there is a whole row.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №147782
We walked on the city's New Year's tree and watched a new local fun.
It is called "Sbay Salute Quadcopter".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147781
<Leonardo DiVanche> The funeral is also a holiday. Only in the gift packaging are wrapped you.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147780
The cat - aesthetic, drinks with a lap: soaks it in a bowl and slices water

The cat’s neck is broken :(

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147779
>>and secondly, the hell knows what frostbite can be encountered in the forest. In case of loss, I take the radio station and give it to my wife as well.

What a dangerous thing, these are your mushrooms. When I read all this, I think – are they worth it all? Nihera went down for his mushrooms: don’t wear it, don’t do it, take it, don’t take it, and still nothing will help, because you’ll get lost, you’ll break your leg, you’ll get cold, children, hunters, deer. Take these mushrooms, thank you.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147778
The most mushroom

In the orange mixture of the American mortar you have to walk on mushrooms. And it can be seen from a distance, and no one will be attached - the main thing is that the fragments of the candles from the tattooed hands hang.
Better, of course, if you are a wild black or Latin - but that's how lucky.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147777
> "programs" there is the basis of the foundations, in the head this is not held

of her. The foundation is the leader. The software is like an excel for an accountant. Well, that is, much more efficient than on paper in a cage, but I still eat clear that Excel plus an idiot is equal to an idiot, and a specialist plus a paper is equal to a tormented inefficient specialist, not an empty/harmful place.
Half fools are different in that they think that the "program" will work for them. It can only facilitate the maintenance of the existing, polished system by the normal leader. And if this system was a mess, then its power programming also increases in times!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147776
A young provider girl lies a price note on the vaginal candles "Polyzhinax" sticking the end of the "nax" nafig. I can’t understand this: 1) the commercial proposal 2) the subconscious in her – so everything is bad in personal life 3) the subconscious in me... ? to? to

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №147775
Better no education (provided of awareness of its incompetence and willingness to consult with experts, if necessary - then outsiders), than "Wikipedian omniscience."

Not better, believe me. They know what a double integral is and calmly hear that this is not possible in this case. And that it would be better to iteratively push back from the prototype, and modernize on the work series. And then they will compare the dates about which the mathematician does not want to know and should not know, and they will ask if he will fit into the twentieth.
Again, you did not talk to a typical manager who knows nothing and commands everything, and in response he doesn’t listen, “I’m the chief.” You can’t even imagine another leader anymore, so it went.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147774
Our cat is aesthetic, drinks with a lap: soaks it in a bowl and slices water. Naturally, in the water then remain wool and dust, which he pulled on his legs. One evening, his husband washed his dishes and suddenly felt emotionally upset:
How could he have been so stuck in his own bowl of water?! to
So when he drinks, he squeezes his unwashed hands.
His legs are squeezed, no-go!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147773
My husband and I were closer to divorce than ever before. I watched Captain America. Let me ask you:
Why is Captain America the first Avenger? He was from World War II and Wonder Woman from the First.
Who knew that Justice League and Avengers are different universes?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №147772
Is that what we fuck?

What did you do to the Belarusians? "Fucking Pindos" we are generally called some kind of Rasha... )))

In English, Russia is Rush, in German, Rusland, in Belarusian, Rushia, in Ukrainian, Russia (I wrote as it is pronounced, without Latin). Does this affect anyone in Russia? At least an absolute minority. But almost all Belarusians (and I judge not only by their experience) consider it their duty to correct: not Belarus, but Belarus. In another neighboring country, the question of what excuse to write in a foreign language when indicating the direction in general is a matter of state policy.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147771
The article on the topic "Don’t stumble, call children by well-known names".

The Persian satanists Natalia and Konstantin Menchikov called their first son Lucifer and the second son Voldemar. At first, the parents wanted to name the second son Lestat, in honor of the vampire from the novels Anne Rice. "But acquaintances began to diminishably call the crumb Lists. What else is this?” the mother of the child was upset. Voldemort in the family plans to be called "Will". "Strong name", explained by Natalia

fax: And the fact that the first boys in school can easily be baptized by Lucius, the parent of this faction Inferno did not take into account?
pn314: Fax, I don't even know why you'll be broken inside - for "Lyutika", or for this "crossed".
Tarhun: This is if butaphore satanists. The real will make a complaint about insulting the honor and dignity of the instances and will bring to the attention of their leadership:)) Bad faxes are sent to hell by an ancient external modem - with a whistle. And you will be condemned forever to listen to these whispers and whispers.
RPA:.. and next to you will be beating your grandmother and beating you for taking your phone!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147770
A friend went to visit me, took five daughters. In the train, an elderly man climbed:"What do you do, girls alone?"
The girlfriend says:"No, the boys are there. I just left them all at home."

The boys really are at home. So much the same. of Israel.)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №147769
The word is jargon. It appeared in St. Petersburg after the arrival of the Persian embassy, which brought a gift - an elephant. It was in 1717. The elephant lived not long, about three years. Under Anna Ioanovna, new elephants were brought from India. So, there was no zoo, and the elephant was taken out to walk through the streets of the city. The elephant, a healthy, strong animal that could be used more efficiently than a horse, walked without a deed - elephant. A new word was born. The word "elephant" is an ethymon in relation to the word "sleep". It was this theme that lay at the base of Krylov’s fairy tale “The Elephant and Moska.”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №147768

Belarusian language it every before Russian appeared))
The entire Russian language is the Slavic-Tatar Surzhik, well diluted by French, German and English transformers)) it is by this that the Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian will speak each in their own language and understand each other, and you are not. This is why it is so important for you to humiliate all other languages, otherwise the empire will collapse immediately.)

It’s even better than the old ones!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147767
xxx: Cheyerman’s disease – Mao’s disease. Is it possible to do BP with this disease? Has anyone done something like self-esteem?
A banal infinity? The basketball? A whitening girl? Bombing the poor? A sick prostitute?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147766
from the survey site. The subject is your worst secret. One of the answers:
I’m even afraid to think that my wife will learn that in my youth I had romances with both cousins.
The comments:
A: It is how. and stop. Have you had romances with your brothers? Your mother! I blushed...
BBB: Yes, you, the brake, I was crazy as soon as I read it!
CCC: And he’s a homofob-zanuda – he first needs to clarify all the details, and then blame for his pleasure.
DDD: A man and his brothers? Lannister would be jealous of you.
Oh yeah yeah yeah! I just came to you with your comments!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna