— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №37998
Conversation with Mommy
Am I a stupid mother?
You are a woman...

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №37997
I found a site with logical tasks:
How can you divide 7 apples equally between 12 boys if each apple has to be divided into equal parts, but none can be cut into more than 5 parts?
Someone does, someone does not, but pleased one of the comments: Apples, maybe more than 5 pieces can not be cut... but boys can!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №37996
During the riots in Paris, a failure ended the attempt of the bombers to set fire to the accidentally found there "Lada-Kalina". Because shit not only does not sink, but does not burn.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №37995
What did you do in your years for hip hop?? to
Hey... hip-hop... I gave him my hatred.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №37994
Can I specify the size of the member in the mailbox settings so that there is no spam on the increase?

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №37993
The Pacific:
This has cursed me!
I sit and watch a movie, there the whole film is looking for a murderer.
He has already overtaken all, tried everything, and can not find it!
So, he gets the phone... he calls the number...
Suddenly my phone starts ringing on my desk, and I
I pick up the phone and say, fuck it, Oleg killed everyone!

The giraffe:
Who called that?

The Pacific:
The night. I've never heard such silence in the phone before :)

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №37992
Is: Today I went to a new Bruce Willis movie. As a fan he counted how many people he killed. 37 is
It’s little... it gets older.
The movie is about love.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №37991
I am a computer teacher.
I gave it to Pascal. by some (I am a student):
A: I am not working!! to
I: You probably have a mistake.
U: Yes, writes "The operator was expected".
I: So there was an operator there.
I thank you, cap...

I sit in Ahuya, probably have to add a ball for the independent)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №37990

I was chosen to go to the mountains.


stand up *

All up, not as with the girls

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №37989
Fuck, I will go home, a woman and a man stand at the door, when they noticed me, they said to the hunter and the beast ran away. The first thing that came to mind from the military committee and reflectingly almost broke up on the street... turned out to be a census.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №37988
I work as a taxi driver.
The customer calls the car. After 10 minutes I call the customer to inform the arrival of the car - does not take the phone. After a few minutes, he calls back and says, "Sorry, I was fucking, it wasn't nice to take the tube in the toilet." Esther is fucking :)

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №37987
Our office is right next to the toilet (assistant one cabin). In the open door to the office, I see a designer headed to the toilet with a quick but silent step (which is somewhat surprising for his 8 pounds of weight, even with an athletic figure). He knocks at the door, it is closed. Almost immediately I hear the sound of the opening door, the tapping of the heels – by our office passes the designer of the Light. I hear the doors of the toilet open, the designer goes to the other side as quietly, catches the Light, gently knocks her on the shoulder and asks quietly:
Who was in the bathroom before you?
- No, - the same conspiracy whisper responds the girl.
That's the one who ticks my black! The designer throws and pretends to try to stifle the light.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №37986
XXX: Go with us to the cottage.
WOW: No... my body is not a corrected lazy. I decided to take a break before breakfast.
HH: And how then?
I don’t eat breakfast anymore.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №37985
You Added The Devil's Daughter
The daughter of the devil ‎(13:02):
well hi
Raven38 ‎(13:29):
Does Daddy live?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №37984
Len Goodman is one of 11 gardeners authorized by New Mexico to produce marijuana for all 2,000 officially registered patients in need of medical marijuana.
Did you send a summary? XD is

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №37983
Dad was burning. I cooked hankali (the pellets are so big). by 7st. to each. The father counted them and brought them from the refrigerator: ketchup, sausage tkemali, vinegar, cream, mayonnaise, adjika and hernia. When he started putting it all on the table in a row with the words "It’s on the first, it’s on the second.." I slipped under the table..))

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №37982
I: Go to the nearest building, find a piece of armor there and make money at night.
I am a human girl.
You are humane on your feet. With the cry "The wallet here is crazy!"
Unknown :D
I: Though with your gentle voice it is better to write all this on a cardboard like the poor in transitions and be silent.
I: Believe me, when you get fucked by a silent girl, it’s scary... really scary!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №37981
Yesterday before going to bed I read to a child (4 years old) a fairy tale "Bremens musicians". That which is the Grimm brothers, without a princess, a trubadur, etc. Only the animals.
A beautiful book with illustrations.
We get to the episode, in which the beasts found in the forest a bush of robbers, scared those and driven out of the bush, settling in it themselves.
The child is listening and looking carefully at the pictures (a table with all the food is drawn, the robbers fleeing and the beasts chasing them). He asks:
And why do the beasts (in fact, positive heroes) drive the robbers out of their own homes and take food that the robbers bought for themselves (maybe they stole, but how do the beasts know about it)?
I thought deeply...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №37980
Chris'â_Junja: Prehistory - in the family we usually joke that whoever has more money at some point of time - he and daddy. The history. I sit down before leaving the house with my grandmother. My neighbor also came to visit. The picture. The younger brother calls. Well, grandmother, to hear too, she was also interested, asked for a loud connection to turn on. Well, from the dynamic joyful – Suss, hello, I finally became a daddy!

The face of the neighbor had to be seen... And the brother was only the first time in two months he received a scholarship.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №37979
The Russian mat is three-story, then the Chinese name

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna