— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №36998
Natasha (21:27:11 5/10/2010)
Putin urges members of the government to quit smoking)))

leaf (21:28:05 5/10/2010)
They will run out of the garage.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №36997
Necromant Romantic: This was the situation yesterday. I am standing at a stop, not touching anyone. I find my uncle suits me. I asked, is there a fireplace? I turn my head negatively. He looks like the second young man at the stop: Is there a lighthouse? He: I am not smoking. And then I hear a voice from behind my back addressing a man: “Sasha, no one is smoking now. This is what girls should ask...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36996
1 Bl@t' - it is not a worn word, but the sound with which we have the internet off in the office!! to
With the same sound, the light is turned off, the units end, the battery sits on the battery... but the money ends with the sound of 3.14dZ...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №36995
The beautiful brother :D
YYY: What is this time? 😉
xxx: He was entrusted to change the blade on the scroll, he changed, the necklace was not fixed, and with the words:"Hey, you go, and cha boit if you press the cuckold" directed the new pope opel)))
I'm waiting for my dad xD

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №36994
by Omicron_87
Read on the email article "15 most offensive computer games in human history"
The first comment:
It is shikaaaarno! We need to pump these games!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36993
xxx(17:19:12 5/10/2010)
Somebody is burning like that. Overall, last week we put an ohuened laser color printer. And from it, the 115 page of excise duties on alcohol all the department is waiting for who will come.)))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №36992
If there were no death, everyone would suffer forever.

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36991
I read the story of the Negro and remembered from this series. My aunt told...
It was in Soviet times. My aunt studied at Tashkent University.
Then, in republics like Uzbekistan, there was a iron quota for admission to the institute. That is, indigenous students should be at least a certain percentage. However, in those years, the Usbeks did not rush to the universities. Many of them spoke poorly Russian. Therefore,ining the quota was problematic. The unhappy Aborigines were encouraged as they could and were delighted with everyone who consented to study. The exam was pure formality.
Now, actually, history... Someday in the first days of classes at the central entrance of the institute, next to the gas-water machines, there was a group of first-class students who had just arrived from near and distant Kishalk. A Negro comes out of the door. Usbeks did not see this miracle on television, because they did not see the TV themselves either. Reaction is predictable. Universal fun, ticking of fingers and comments in which the keywords are: "BLACK, BLACK, BLACK...." This Negro could not fail to notice such behavior. He quietly, with a sense of self-worth, approaches the machine, takes a snow-white towel out of his pocket, moisturizes it with soda without syrup and wipes out his neck with it.
The shirt was white as it was before. With this same cloth he wipes the neck of one of the fun Uzbeks. The snow-white shirt turned black.
Who of us is black? - said the Negro, handed the T-shirt to the Uzbek, and importantly departed.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №36990
My grandmother still remembers the wireless stitches.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36989
It feels like a conspiracy is being built in the pot: “We, the pasta, need to stay together!”

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36988
My mother burned:
"The expression 'sick the worm' I understand in that sense that a person sat so little that even the worm died"

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №36987
Pascal : I roll the movie "Piranha 3D" and it gives me a torrent file called "karasiki.torrent" =)))))

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №36986
by Shtiben81
VIP, just today the wife and girlfriend were detained for moving in the wrong place and brought to the ROVD to find out the personalities in order to write a fine. People also work on foot. I'll put my wife in the ass so she doesn't go over in the wrong place.

The horror:
Shtiben81, the cleavage scratch his wife invented where she was. Give her an account.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №36985
Love is when at the same time you want to read a girl a poem and fuck her on the window.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №36984
Heavier at the age of 40
On March 8, she didn’t get up, she had to give her a ring.
Yyyy - and I saved up ;)

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №36983
I don't even know how to encourage a person whose 2TB screw burned =\

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №36982
Comments from Rambler

Lužkov parades blue forbidden, Mitovl their club dismissed, Both were fired, Yes, some other two men suspicious of us rule, Strange all this,

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №36981
From the announcement:
"Selling a school uniform for a girl of the Soviet period "

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36980
I live in the hell
Lolly: Oh that is true! I have half friends there.
Yes, our district is famous for its split...

[ + 83 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36979
From the Women’s Forum:
Mom's girlfriend was treated by a doctor in her adulthood, then went to surgery.
Then I went to the doctor.
Everything was fine and I let her go for half a year.
after half a year, the control appearance she comes.. then yes.. and the doctor is somewhat unpleasant (and during the treatment almost became friends, communicated on receptions as girlfriends - aunt of the same age, a lot of common topics) and here everything is uncomplicated, unpleasant, not even asked, said as well-being, how it all goes.
In general, the responsible moment came, my mom’s friend fell on the chair in confusion.
approaches her with the tool gynecologist looks HERE)))))) and ahates: Irina Lvivna, and I did not immediately recognize you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna