— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №33218
XXX: I start living in a new job
YYYY: Did you remove the socks?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №33217
My mother said...

I’ll go to the cinema before I’m in the room.

It was so funny that I might even get rid of it.

It’s uncomfortable that my parents don’t even know what to threaten me.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №33216
I think having sex with a girl I don’t like is like drinking a beer I don’t like.

WOW: There’s something in it... But understand – if you drink enough of that same beer that you don’t like, then you’ll fuck this calf that isn’t in your taste without any prejudice!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №33215
You are a fuck.
You are a member
XXX: You have recognized my authority.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №33214
I am in favour of legalizing prostitution. As practice shows, only a legalizer is able in Russia to make any initiative totally unprofitable.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №33213
xxx: I have a fly on the window died, lies without signs of violent death, I think that "burned at work"

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №33212
xxx: I go to work in the morning, on the radio Valeria:... a drop of heaven I will lie on your palm...
xxxh: Just at this moment the bird on the forehead serenated... ))

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №33211
Meatl: Dear child: if a man is jealous of you, throw away this complex egoist.
Dear child: is he there? Make him a mine.
* Fill the Sky with Goodness: Who would be upset with the chat. I want to pass too.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №33210
Cox: Everything in my family is permeated by double standards - I didn't pass the exam from the 3rd attempt - who doesn't happen, but if I didn't wash my hands before eating - it's shit.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №33209
Alt: And in the search engines I suggest to incorporate the mode of quick entry of words "Download", "Free" and "Outside for free, what kind of SMS?"

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №33208
EROR: God, what a hernia you won’t do when you do a neger... El Grah, two worms fell out. He ran a 40-minute race on short distances.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №33207
e_s: Here is the poet Hangzhou Andrei, currently serving, believes that Mandelstam is a pidor. That gives me reason to believe that Pidor is exactly Hangzhou Andrei, not Mandelstam. That’s the way, shuffle, disperse opinions.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №33206
Tagged: fucking
The fucking sun wakes me up.
yyy : ) )
Sunshine is when it shines and everything goes on, but when a fucking beam of hot energy blows right on you and you slowly start to drown in your own sweat, this fucking sun is a wake-up alarm!

[ + 102 - ] Comment quote №33205
The heat is confusing. I went out of the store and bought a bottle of water. Beautifully so I open it, pshchik, cold water is poured into the throat... and a little bit of such a dull man, straight out with saliva. He says, “I am very ashamed... you’re sorry, please... so I want to drink... can you take a garlic?” I am not greedy. I say, I’ll make a few more swallows and give a bottle. Well, I drink, I close the bottle, I say.
The man took a bottle – and stood, mourned. He was confused and said, “You’re sorry... I’m really ashamed... noah... please... tell... and you’re not a Venetian?”“?”

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №33204
I am fucking out of this Moscow. They told them to blur the elevator air photography! Should I jump from a parachute? Honestly, they have already gone out!! to
admin2: Google Maps shots and photoshop bill that would pay the cost of 50 t.p. Renting a plane ;)

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №33203
Talk to a girl with a small chest:
The boys! Why do you offend me all the time?? to
And we? Never to ever!
Who then?
The silence...
The life...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №33202
The first booklet was printed by Ivan Fedorov, the founder of book printing in Russia, in Lviv in 1574 Today there is only one copy of this book in the world, which fortunately has survived. It belongs to the Harvard University Library.
It’s a writer, classy, our values are preserved.
In the Pentecostal...

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №33201
One of the employees said in a cigarette:
They have a friend in the company, who works as a pathologist. Accordingly, it is marked by everyone in the phones as "Vlad Morg". Imagine the situation: Easter, from it all comes with SMS: "Christ has risen!"
They say, one of the comrades still in response asked: "True?"

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №33200
The xxx:
I'm going to write a list of things to the south.
1. swimsuits 2. party shorts 3. swimsuits 4. hot shorts

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №33199
Art (00:53:06 19/07/2010)
There is no real absent now.
Art (00:53:23 19/07/2010)
You can search on eBay.
Troll (00:54:36 19/07/2010)
mono to do it myself))) my friend of acquaintances did, said deliciously, then 3 days on the push crazy like crazy
Art (00:56:01 19/07/2010)
Let him teach. there on my drive machine needs and cook it. I even found the recipes. The herbs can be taken from the pharmacy.
Troll (00:56:28 19/07/2010)
He insisted stupidly on alcoholic medicine.
Art (00:57:04 19/07/2010)
Yes, but it’s not the only ingredient.
Troll (00:57:33 19/07/2010)
Pillow Monet to collect itself.
Art (00:59:19 19/07/2010)
From Mother and Mother
Troll (01:00:03 19/07/2010)
We will cut the grass from the garden and marine it.
Art (01:00:15 19/07/2010)
We drink cakes.
Troll (01:01:06 19/07/2010)
If it gets smaller, then we will add a piece of meat to the snack.
Art (01:01:20 19/07/2010)
Potatoes and burning.
Art (01:01:30 19/07/2010)
and water

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna