— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22228
Dear colleagues, please stop commenting on the quotations, to us, to everyone else, cheer that you found an error in the quotation or disagree with the opinion of the author of the quotation!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №22227
gregst: and even before the hoarders from the forehead took off and took with them what they would not steal, and now they stopped.
Badlogin: My grandfather still removes mirrors
TakHaDo: and how, profitable?

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №22226
Marina: How long do you work?
Orbit: until the 18th and what?
Are you not short?
No one complains 😉
Fuck, I can’t make such jokes.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №22225
He fucked me under the music.
XXX: in the...
XXX and singing.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №22224
Those who first wrote a quote and then wanted to delete it because "now I am ashamed of it". No is! I promised to lose my virginity if you see it in the best - do it!

[ + 71 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22223
People, do not argue about the swine flu, it is not more dangerous than all the others, just when neglected it gives complications, like any other flu. The specificity is that it gives complications to the lungs, that’s all. The "bird flu" caused similar complications. A couple of years ago there was a flu, which gave complications to the gastrointestinal tract, he himself became ill, all the time with the stomach. That flu for some reason was not named and did not trumpet about it, although people died from it. Mortality from the flu virus always exists, this is a rather serious disease. But at risk mainly people with weakened immunity: pregnant women, HIV-infected, who have had a serious illness, etc. From the swine flu mortality rate is not higher than the usual. You just need to follow the usual precautions, as in any other season of viral activity (spring / autumn). Good luck to everyone, don’t get sick!! Take it somewhere, or the people panic 😉

Z is. It reminds me of Keya’s phrase from "People in Black": "Man is smart! And people are a stupid, dangerous, panicked herd!Don’t panic and be human 😉

[ + 97 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22222
I was surprised at the shop yesterday!! to
I broke the flash, the dead stopped determining. He said he would fix it, I was shocked to see how he did it, or more precisely what. For repair, he used a fastener, lighter and scotch.
Having disassembled the body, he heated the attachment with a lighter and joined some contacts to it, then wrapped the entire chip tightly with a scotch and stuck in the body. Don’t believe the flash works!! to
This is the Russian people, and I wanted to throw it out!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №22221
What did not sleep?

Practice of preliminary

Have I prayed?

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №22220
XXX is Hi. Listen to me this question arose...
YYY :?
Is the crisis over or not? I have already gotten swine flu.
YYY: lol 😉

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №22219
Friends, do not act!
What kind of swine flu?
Someone, and the "Bashevs" understand everything.
Deliver from the cabinets already polluted costumes with lambda and necklaces.
Season is open.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №22218
Have you attacked the backbone? Maybe he read the quotes he sent himself?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №22217
A friend from Greece has returned. One tree looked at her. I thought it would look great in the apartment. He approaches the guide and asks what it is. He calls the gardener. Talk in broken English.
What's that is? (What is it?
and Tree. (The tree )
I can see that. What type of tree? (This is what I see. What kind of tree is this?)
and Palm. (The palm)
A bit more specific, please? Is it possible to be more specific?
No eat. (You can not eat)

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №22216
I like honest people. The guy brought the questionnaire, in the column of reasons for dismissal from the previous job wrote "Cold on the street to stand and consult about the door"

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №22215
And you also close the tab with the BOR thinking what to do... and open it again? and :)

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №22214
and Tanya:
Tomorrow is Men’s Day, how do we celebrate it?

by Natasha:
I offer to give the men on a nail and send them to the kitchen for a holiday table prepared

and Tanya:
This is a thought...

by Natasha:
In the evening to call friends and drink vodka in honor of the holiday, periodically drinking standing "for our beautiful men!"

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №22213
The list of people’s heroes depends heavily on the outcome of the civil war.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №22212
Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze has given up his Russian citizenship and sent his Russian passport by post to Russia.
The Kremlin.
Dmitry Medvedev thanked him and took a loan from the IMF on this passport.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №22211
Which Kaspersky is the best?
YYY: not established

[ + 67 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22210
Interesting is. Do you also think that in the advertisement of all Avon models are painted with normal cosmetics?! to

[ + 58 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22209
I found the most unknown Hynya! I tried to write down what I had time for. It resulted in 9 hours at work, 3 hours on the road, 5 hours sleep, 1 hour sport, 2 hours movies. 4 hours goes to an unknown shit! Actually, I suspect I’m sitting on the internet at this time. Conclusion: It is there.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna