— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №33038
by Alexandra (0:55)
Peter, what about the delivery?
by Peter Andreevich (0:56)
Everything is OK. Due to the value of the documents transported, I decided to go personally. In three or four hours, I’ll bring you all to your office.
by Alexandra (0:56)
very well. We are pleased to have chosen your company. What about payment?
by Alexander (1:14)
by Peter Andreevich (1:22)
by Fuck!
by Alexander (1:22)
Amy, is there a problem?
by Peter Andreevich (1:23)
Never, Alexander, NEVER sit down and fuck in "Sapsan"!!! to
by Alexander (1:26)
Bugga..)))) Peter, we have consulted all the offices here...))) We will cut 25%, if you agree to give publicity to this deal.)))
by Peter Andreevich (1:26)
In the sense?

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №33037
Oh no, you just don’t understand everything. He and I have been studying together since the first grade. Then we went to the universe in one group, to the auto school together. Together we went into the army. Even my son looks like him. He is my best friend! I have no doubts about his loyalty.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh He is like my son!!! to

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №33036
Two brothers are fighting:
1 You are an idiot!
Do you know what emo is?
No, but what is it?
I don’t know, maybe it’s a type of strauss.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №33035
girl (23:36:05 14/07/2010)
What do you get from Peter?

girl (23:36:12 14/07/2010)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №33034
Angelina Jolie, who played the Russian spy in the film "Salt", obliged producers to invite Anna Chapman to the premiere in Russia.
<BAPBAPBAP> ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №33033
...but because of the increased popularity among the masses this site is essentially a collection of dumb pictures with even more dumb signatures, and 90% of its visitors who post these pictures and comments to them are concerned about all sorts of psychological complexes minor degenerates, whose opinion, of course, should not be taken seriously.
Are you talking about VKontakte?
HH: No...
HGH: Although...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №33032
Danka: [Archi 00:05:47]>> in all " spring"
A thief of his happiness. Everything in your hands
I will love girls.
by night
In the parks...
Are you going to be a maniac?
I: Do not stick to words
I will give love.
Refusals are not accepted.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №33031
Take a picture, mother
I made the most icons.
Why didn’t you put it where I was?
1 by EM
by Kat
I increased it.
You are not there.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №33030
Mary (14:11:27 15/07/2010)
Oh, I had a joke yesterday... I stand in a tight room in a line to report, and I have a very good hearing on the phone, here my girlfriend calls with the words: Man, what size of breasts do you have?

Mary (14:11:30 15/07/2010)
The turn fell.

Mary (14:15:12 15/07/2010)
What I replied to her: "Well when the line fell the second time and I meant that different firms had different sizes

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №33029
H7: Visitors to the “Raket” attraction in St. Petersburg hanged at a height of 70 meters
redplait: visitors to the car attraction still stand in traffic jams on Leningrad

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №33028
Senya such I drive and such at 2/6 speed proudly drive out on the highway people on the station in auhuye where is such a hatchback in a white shirt and steep hips riding on a hardtail?! to

The cars are jealous of the lights.

I am King Road.

And here the cock is blowing my wind!

have to humbly brake, uncomfortable to unfold the wheel, to raise it, to scratch it...

Shame and shame

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №33027
From the comments to the discussion of the price of the road Adler-Red Polyan:
But $ 6,780 per 1 square meter - it is serious, probably to build from nanobetons, mined by virgins at midnight on the top of Everest and on the crust of intercontinental missiles delivered to the construction site, where super-secret nanorobots lay it on the road...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №33026
Q: What do you think about beach volleyball???? to
I: I do not belong
D: to whom or what.
I: "How do you feel about beach volleyball???and "
I love it!!I had a bit of time to burn when I was playing.)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №33025
YYY: I won’t tell you that on your fingers, you have to look at it.
XXX: Fuck, I would recommend you.
Yyy: I advise you to show me a beer and take me to the store.
xxx: fucking, yes, I need urgent advice... Satri Miha, I eat variants of classical and there are acoustics....but they say that it is possible to install nylon on the acoustics....and they are now cheaper....I want a guitar!! to
yyy: Fuck Andrew blindly this is now roughly from this series:
I am offered 2 cars, one green and the second machine, but I was told that they can put aluminum discs on them!
I want a car, tell me which one to take.
By the way, I’ve heard that in the stall in the greens are usually square bearings, is it true?
XXX: This is how it is from the side.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №33024
No, I will not go anywhere!
Leah: What is it?
My stomach hurts, shit! The work makes itself known!
Oleg: "Don't tell which video card is on Windows XP Professional?"
I am sorry :)
Oleg: "Can you do it?"
Tagged: smells
Oleg: "Shorten me a megabyte please, or he will not get me anywhere!"
Tagged with: ><
Oleg: "Do you have a paint for ink?"
I mean 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
Oleg: "Do you have for discs..... how is this...? SPACE?"
Tagged with: aaaaaaaaaaaa
Oleg: about the names in general I am silent: YAHUCHO... BORST... SMETANKO...
Fuck me, so I won’t go anywhere! The stomach!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №33023
I worked as a film technician. Ppc, during the day, every 20 minutes you need to put a coil with a film. They smashed a few kilograms. Now I understand the meaning of the phrase "heavy film" like no one else.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №33022
The sphere:
The highest characteristic of skill is the ability to finish simultaneously with a porn actor in the video viewed.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №33021
How do you make these women’s lips?
I mean, it’s actually a nail...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №33020
The Torment Line. Characters that have a hundred speeds less than the enemy, can not beat him. And enemies can have animals that can always be beaten.

17:42:03 [Kain] I am angry that I can beat some animals! There is such a feeling that around war, tanks destroy settlements, warriors scream and go to death, bombs explode, on the thin end... and I lie down and tick my teeth in a rubber mango!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №33019
I went to the zoo on the weekend with my wife, and there was, among other things, a valley with winegrowed goats. One of them (the most mastite, colourful, with a beard) liked human attention very much, and he constantly leaned to the fence to be scratched. And here appears on the horizon a man aged under thirty, of a faint appearance, apparently already pumping a beer under his ears, sees this goat, and loudly with such a loud voice: "Here is a goat, here is what I understand." He approaches the valley, begins to lick the goats, and even louder:"Good, brother!" The people around exploded, no one listened to his further whisper.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna