— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №32258
She: Well... I’m beautiful, slim, blonde ?
Mmm... can I take a picture? :)
Filed to: My photo.bmp Size: 94.23 MB
Request for file transfer refused
I: Okay I believe it.

[ + 76 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №32257
Suslichek [15:38]
Anti-feeding pharmacy: iodine, bandage, leukoplast, alcohol, manganese more

Suslichek [15:39]
Fighting with AIDS infection.

Red Fox [15:40]
How is it?

Suslichek [15:42]
Well, in short, if in the laboratory a cube with a blood positive for a sphincter and a sphincter and a sphincter in the blood is discharged, then you need to take a medicine box and apply it to prevent infection. I suspect that: to fuck alcohol, glue the mouth with a leak patch to the cut, write on his back with iodine "the infection and very dangerous", suffocate it with a bandage and wash the traces of murder with manganese. I see no other option.


[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №32256

Pavel: it turns out, the passport is a frame for the photo

I thought of a dwarf from Fort Boyard.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №32255
Recovered the ID to WebMoney, the following dialogue with the administrator:

Posted by: Administrator :
Enter the answer to the check question you asked when registering with the recoverable WM ID system: Name of pet

Submitted by the owner:
by idea this is a cat "Bassia"

Posted by: Administrator :
of two words the first on T the second on T

(I have long tried to remember what this phrase was.)
Submitted by the owner:
Fuck I remembered. Basically it is full, I kindly call it "The Fat Creature" =)

Posted by: Administrator :
The keys are sent to your mailbox.

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №32254
XXX: Imagine... You and your young man come to a public beach to sunbath, shop, rest! After a while, a friend of your MCH with a girlfriend joins you. The girlfriend of a friend cheerfully looking at your MHR declares that only the topless sun rises!!! Break up and lie down between yours and your MRI (on it only microscopic strings). Their reaction? and :-)

YYY: Imagine... You and your girlfriend come to a public beach to sunbath, shop, and rest! After a while, a girlfriend of your girlfriend with MS joins you. My girlfriend’s MCH cuddly looking at your girlfriend declares that she is sunny only without cowards!!! He disguises and lies between his and your girlfriend (on him only a clock and a panama). Their reaction? and :-)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №32253
Chief, we are without you like without hands, feet, body, neck and head.
YYY: I knew that you were my Jeoppa!1 ) )

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №32252
You have logic like cheese.
You have like two eggs and a sausage.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №32251
To be honest, I’ve been to work twice in my life.
Damn, fuck, I don’t know what to do.
YYY: Composition of SII
XX: Well, that’s like I know, but it’s not enough to just send it? I need a lottery appliance.
yyy : Application Later you write according to the following plan:

1st Dear sir/mam, I am writing because I want to go to your fucking pub.
2nd I'm going to hide how you should smell in your fucking pub, because the experience of working with people, bla bla bla, it will be useful to me.

Three You have to hike as you need, so that I work in your shit pub... I think I have enough experience to hike in your shit pub, very adequate, I know English well, friendly etc...

4 is I dream of you taking me to work at your fucking pub because I love England and dream of bringing my English to perfection.

5 is I wait as I wait for your answer.
6 is Being with you with all your heart
Point of 7. God is

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №32250
xxx: By the way, I suddenly thought that if the games were to be released during the Russian session, they would be hacked for five days longer.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №32249
He made her an offer on his knees.
When a man kneels before a girl, he sincerely hopes that one day they will change places.
HH: Probably...

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №32248
XXX: I love you :-*
YYY: I also love that deer :-* :-*
YYY : very *

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №32247
XXX: What could it be? For an hour, the chest seemed to be compressed, and it was difficult to breathe, almost.
XXX: I am suffocating, who hasn’t been? What to do Shob passed?
Yes, I smoke a lot.
xxx:Z: I remembered the picture where the man is sitting behind the notepad, and he asks something about arterial bleeding
Q: Do you have any purchases? Maybe a frog?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №32246
From the Programme Forum:
Hi, can you suggest a method or algorithm for intercepting alien messages? Interested in extraterrestrial civilizations

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №32245
Dark Water: Usually couples in which partners are equal: equal in charisma, social influence, and, most importantly, intellectually not long lasting. Unfortunately.
I will live long and happy :D
My beauty: What?
Dark Water: Yes... That’s why *Facepalm*

[ + 57 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №32244
In order not to wash, I need seven shirts.
A week? and :-)
half a year. One more is a celebration.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №32243
and crash:
Where is she from that guy? :)
Depravada Maria
I’d better be silent.
and crash:
Do not silence. We have no secrets.
Depravada Maria
What to talk here? You are not the only guy in Cmolensk.
and crash:
I am the only one.)
Depravada Maria
This is the second time I’m not wrong.)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №32242
With fellow medac students decided to check the degree in the drink of spirits from the Department of Chemistry of alcohol and water. At the department of honey physics, a spirometer was applied. Mix 2/3 and 1/3 of water. I put a spirometer in the bank. He is not drowning! Add water to 50% - it won't drown again. We checked what we diluted. We understood that we were doing everything right and went to the basement. It turned out even before our arrival he crushed from the alcoholometer on the cargo for the sperm and the alcoholometer burned in order not to write!

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №32241
What if you liked the passing man and you beat him and left?

0 - O

Stop sympathizing with him.The bodies are unperspective in terms of marriage.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №32240
The main law of economics: “It is not enough for everyone anyway.”

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №32239
I’m in the subway, a old grandmother is sitting next to me... her legs can’t get to the floor.
A young couple with a child in a wheelchair. The lady has a naked lumbar, on which a complicated tattoo of 15 centimeters... is not clear about what, but very detailed. Suddenly, the grandmother pointing with an old finger to the tattoo, something began to lick. Her husband and wife looked at her, but didn’t know what she wanted. But the train stopped, the grandmother cleverly jumped up and ran to the lady, pulled out a wet towel and began to rub her tattoo... saying - Girl, you were somewhere dirty in the oil... what the lady's husband said... - Thank you grandmother, but it won't help. The oil in her head...
Everyone in the car was in a good mood, even the beauty with the oil in the head.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna