— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №31998
I understood that it was time to do the cleaning on the desk, when I wanted to get the document from a pile of papers, and a plate fell out of it and broke.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №31997
Her mother works in the Ministry of Culture and she is currently a doctor. She came here cheerful and cheerful. The most vivid gift from colleagues is a call from an unknown phone and a question:
"But is this a laundry?" :)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №31996
If you think, then almost all people are unpredictable) in this is their charm.)
Oh these people.
Nothing to go from them.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №31995
Employee: Listen, do you have any programming to change the encoding in Excel?
I (admin): Are you about that file with Turkish hieroglyphs?
The employee: Yes.
These are Turkish hieroglyphs.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №31994
She: I want...
He: I want to, but you can’t, you have months!
You are forever in vengeance! : r

[ + 76 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №31993
In 1871, American lawyer Clement Wallandigham filed a case defending a man accused of murder due to a quarrel in a bar. He built proof of innocence on the fact that the victim accidentally shot himself, pulling a gun out of his pocket in an uncomfortable position. Wallandigham wanted to demonstrate this development by putting another gun in his pocket (as he thought uncharged). As a result, the lawyer, taking him out, shot himself. He died of his wounds and his defendant was acquitted.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №31992
Anton G. Kuznetsov: "what is corporate spirit"
Shiva1: The Corporate Spirit
Shiva1: A way to get people to work more for less money

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №31991
On comment to a giant lens the size of a telescope for 700 thousand:

I bought this gadget a few days bad.
Now the neighbors click and the street pigeons...
Go to the arbat to shoot - it is not convenient to take a small 20 on the hole
She loves everything in her bag!! to
By the way, with the lens as a gift in addition to Mark 2 that Japanese (in the photo which) flew and handed me, something struck in his own way (probably said that the percentage of sales for another 5 years will crack) and the happy escaped.
Yes, and Lada Kalina as a gift - a little, but nice
We brought in 2 days, before calling 573 times, say you will take it exactly, or do we send a convoy of 20 Omonians? Do you take? Show money on Skype?
In short, thank you to Ozone.
I think that the ratio of price and quality is the best, plus the Japanese, funny such

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №31990
I play at night.
They ask me:
Session or Session?
Honey is in.
With Hillary? 0 - O

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №31989
Yesterday was a funny story. A Jew comes to me, with a Jewish inscription on his shirt, a David star, and something else in Hebrew. He takes a liter of the cheapest beer and asks, “Why a box?”
He replied that if she had been in Israel or America, he would have believed it to the children. I say that I personally deal with this issue. He says - then I will put 5 rubles, let you get on the car :-D
Yyy: I’t be surprised if he came for his 5 rubles today

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №31988
KNDDDNK: The RJD is waking up a beast in me!
The Rabbit...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №31987
from ZH

Love, of course, is a thing of evil, but not as much as the goat dreamed.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №31986
I look at my cat.
XXX: This is my life.
XXX is useless.
YYY: You too

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №31985
I read the source inherited:
If errorID>12 then
Halt; and the crap!! to
They are shiny! NIT is slick!! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №31984
The First: Hi

Second is hello)

First: Can you tell me something?

Second: the fly a week in the office lives without a slaughter, we wait for it to die

Second: What’s new to you?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №31983
... photos... south... shuffles... twisting of acquaintances...

She is: Hihi
Honestly, do you want sex?
He is: Yes
She: And I want to :-[
He: It happens...
You are a fool and (

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №31982
1: I work hard at work and there are welding machines that are different in iron.
It can be made of iron, or at least it can be used.
The Mangal of course!! Smooth, with folded legs
What motor or anything can be done for it?
Engine for mangal?
The messenger knows a lot about perversions!
and :)
I read on the net about the fruit that mangal made according to his drawings. would be nothing,
The weight was about 50 kilograms :)
2nd stationary, ch
The point is that it was planned as a breakdown :)
2nd, but not overwhelming :)
3: on the wheels the mangal must be put and the problem with the weight solved, you can ride
It is everywhere :)
4: but here we have come to the point that mangal needs a motor! and :)

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №31981
From Roubaix

xxx: In our courtyard someone left the four at the turn, so that she was very unsuccessful with her ass and interfered with absolutely everything, it was due to her to have two wheels on a fairly high border to go, and to leave with the encounter - quite a gemor.

1st day - OK
Day 2 the wheels are shut.
On the third day, all the glass is broken.
No Fourth Day.

I still imagine driving Ohuel, coming for the car in 3 days.
Yyy: he came on the fifth day.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №31980
When a client calls, a 15 boy (M) takes the phone with a frightened voice:
Hello and I can hear Alexander Petrovich.
M – Who is this? O_O
The company...
Fucking girl, you scared me so much, I watch porn here and you distract me.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №31979
Better you’t have found me!
Yes, I’d better not find you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna