— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №30178
of good health.
I wanted to watch the video of the match Russia Denmark, and parental control
The law prohibits "pornography"
Did we play so badly?

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №30177
If we put Windows on machines in the future, we are over. I feel better on foot.
Imagine - send a SMS to the number to earn the brake, before crossing 10 seconds. GIBDDs are checking the licensing of the software on board, the car is driving slowly because of the fact that there is Kaspersky, justifying investments in the most powerful engine, and the wild whispers of the cutting pigs if something is suspicious.

by securitylab

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №30176
Friendship is when you arrive late for half an hour, knowing that no one will be offended, and you see that no one is there yet.
This is about me :)

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №30175
from the answers:
Who knows how to jump from 5 meters so that it doesn’t hurt to the ground?

A thumb, re-grouped in the air RIGHTly (!!! It is important!! 3 times, go into the shovel, catch yourself on the opposite path, go into the screw and enter the ground laughing with your hands.

[ + 112 - ] Comment quote №30174
xxx: I'm going to come to her in the image of Freddie Krueger. The sweater, the hat found, the gloves made with knives. Want to make more makeup on the face, so that it is worse, don't tell what is better to use?
YYY: It is very simple. Take a pot, boil water and sink your head into it.

[ + 93 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30173
XXX: Fuck, I always walked around the compass. And now I live with a head that doesn’t digest it. I have to go to the kitchen (
I live here with my grandfather. He liked the idea on the contrary. Only then he was all the time hanging with me, pouring everything on the clavier, monic and my documents, commenting on messages in ask and photos of girls with the words "Oh, it’s a chicken! Find me one 50 years older!" or pulled his cat, ticked in a monkey and condemned "This is terrible and would give you".
I only eat in the kitchen.)

[ + 98 - ] Comment quote №30172
and Petersburg. Radio Technical College. Inscription on the door of the dining room: "Source of food".

[ + 93 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30171
The incomprehensible female logic. I am at work, the girl is writing SMS.
She: sweet, I’m here cooking, I need passages. Go to the store and buy a couple.
Q: Do you have passengers?? to
She says I’m cooking! Buy it! must

It became stupid wondering why she did it. I bought. have brought. He looks at me with these eyes:
She: What fucking shit are you doing to me? I asked for a passport, what is it?
I: And these are passengers.
She: You’re a fool, it’s not passages, it’s some kind of dumb puddles! How do I cook ragi?
I: The output of the brain, mla. What a rage?? to
From the passes!! I told you I was cooking, right?? to

Half an hour later, it turns out that she meant patissons, not passages. This is some kind of vegetable.
She: How could you ever think I needed these fig tools? Why are they for me?
What I asked, I bought.
She: but you should have guessed that I didn't get the passages, and if it's not them, then it's on any patins!!!! to

Take me out.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №30170
Imerek... you just don’t repeat more than a couple years ago: call at 3 o’clock "I don’t know where and whose phone it is, I don’t know in which area I am, but here they often speak Russian, that is, in Russia. Take Me A?"

[ + 61 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30169
XDDDDD I sit under the table. Just heard on the radio advertising, type weight loss center, bla bla bla, all visitors free milk and cucumbers cocktail X)))))))))))

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №30168
People are with humor.
Go to the beer manufacturer’s website. On the entrance it says "You are 18 years old?"
I think no pressure.
and pressed. I went to a children’s movie =)

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №30167
From the series: "the whole row was lying" and so on.
I stand in the store. In front of two men aged 35-40. A bit struck. I was interested in what they were talking about Opera and Mozilla. Based on the talk of computers. My future colleagues, I respect you. But when the turn came to them, I dubbed them. The saleswoman / cashier, something was wrong with the spirit and loaded them. They are fun, like the norm. The seller did not like it again. And then one gives out, "Woman, do you have a husband?"""Well there is and what?"""Come, please, to him!"
Only the kids laughed :)

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №30166
XXX: Something I don’t like.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY The normal cars. In the fierce Russian frosts, electricity was launched.
XXX is AHA. The producers took account of Napoleon's experience.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №30165
xxx: the ass hurts, the hands in the buttocks and the legs tremble
This is how I spent the weekend.
I was riding a bicycle in the city!!! to

[ + 80 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30164
Someone wants to remind.
Somebody recently started twisting my nipple and blowing down my wheels. From what it all started, I live in Mytištěh and drive to Medvedkov by car, there I park her in the yard.
Spring came and the psyches began to exacerbate - they began to twist the nipple and throw them around. What to do? Change the courtyard or take a small camera and punish a psychic?

Someone look at how you put the car, it is not excluded that you are trying to polently hint for now that you cannot put the car in this way and it interferes with other drivers / pedestrians. The next step may be the slightest sticker on the forehead "parking like a deer" or worse... Bring to the person until it is too late

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №30163
here here :
XXX: I can write in the shell standing
YYY: I am too. If the shell is below me
I am in any.
You are better.
xxx: I can put on a scarf
Yyy: from the sex?
YYY: It will not fly!
Do we argue?
The standard ceilings.
XXX: Flying
XXX is discussed.
I don’t try the electricity. I have low ceilings, I can see what goes on.
5 seconds to think.
Tagged: fucking
The guys! Refer to where it is. Respect the work of the cleaners of your psychiatric clinic!

[ + 62 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30162
here here :

Nude, I don’t know what to do.
BeLMeR: I have an idea... Press your tongue between your lips and blow!! to
You are a cock!! It is 😉
Who else? 😉 )

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №30161
to this:

In the Kaluga region, police are investigating a robbery with a curious final. The victim turned the criminal and turned him into her sex slave for three days. Both the rapist and the robber are facing prison.

Six months without sex, after this news, I thought:
"Maybe the door will not be locked for the night...mwahaha!"

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №30160
How was it to live 40k years ago?
Imagine you’re dumb, hairy and you don’t have a niche!
HGH: Although not
Tagged: weather
I’m still dumb, hairy and I don’t have a niche.
HH: So nothing really has changed (

[ + 114 - ] Comment quote №30159
Today in the traffic jams on the Borovsky Highway saw a guy on a motorbike, a blue glass is glued on the helmet, and a paper on the back of "YAA Migalko".

Respect to you! 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna