— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №27408
My husband without me went to the movie on "Alice in Wonderland".
Post in JJ:

So, what is missing in the movie to complete happiness?
1st Husenitz was supposed to say something at the end, like “Luke, I’m your father,” it was very crazy.
2nd Alice should have shouted at least once: “This is Sparta!”and "
Three There were no brave U.S. marines on helicopters, I think - a missing, they would fit.
4 is Continue the hat dance with a fun Disney song.
5 is The moment at the end, where the transformed Alice bypasses all the acquaintances and rubs them the truth-mother, is not completed, you had to say to somebody at least: "And you! and you! But no, nothing..." – and shake your hand.
6 is More words about shares-obligations to finally uncover the topic of becoming a young businesswoman, as the consequences of the Aztec url with barmaglot.
7 is And, of course, Chuck Norris... no matter what role.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №27407
I gathered here for a doctor to a girl, well, I run for a gift, a bouquet, a drink... So while I was dressed, I met an old acquaintance, he says - I know a store where flowers and drinks are sold. We go there and what I see: there are flowers, and under them a shelf with drinks in this order (the drink stands on the bottom row and falls under the flowers):
1st Rose and a bottle of beer
2nd 3 roses (a better bouquet) and champagne
Three A bouquet (there are roses and lilies, short a very beautiful bouquet) and a bottle of wine, and quite good.
4 is They are worth some half-powdered nails and 2 flaws of vodka of 0.7l.
So here’s what I’m thinking, Toli Sanya got stuck to this marketing move like this...

by Minik

[ + 78 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27406
03.11.2009 15:35:00, Chimera
checked the power shields... or not signed were, now signed

03.11.2009 15:35:21, Chimera
method: click, we hear from which office of the mother, we sign...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №27405
I sit behind the comp, the wife went to the bathroom, after a while comes out naked with the words:
In the meantime, we have a hot crane...
I am not out of the process:
Did you pick up clothes?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №27404
Yesterday at 11 o'clock he was stopped by the inspector of the GIBDD.

And your papers!
(I) Sorry, but you did not present yourself and did not explain the reason for stopping.
(I) Inspector Ivanov Ivanovich (I will not publish the FIO of the inspector). Showing a certificate?
(I) Very nice, no certificate no need to get: the street is cold, I then in the car, and you are on the street =) (laughed both, the inspector said thank you). I don’t understand why you stopped me.? to
of non-standard xenon. Now I will make a protocol, take the WU and confiscate xenon.
For the sake of God, inspector, I am only for. And if you also give me the usual light bulbs instead of xenon, I will thank you and give you money! =) is
And you know that the rights will be taken for six months!
(I) No, they won’t take away, thanks to such a good inspector!
A) Is it how?
(I) Well, you yourself do not know worse than I do, that so far you have no rights and authority to deprive and confiscate. Yes, there is a paper, but it has not entered into force, and if you take it and confiscate it, it will be returned to me in court!
You know everything, and thank you for what?
(I) For doing such a complicated procedure as replacing the bulbs in Megan. = = )
What is it that is so complicated?? to
(I) Not what it would be, but a lot of sexy =)
(And smiles) No, it’s already without me. Happy journey, thank you for a pleasant conversation!
Not for what. To meet up!

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №27403
The 7 most beautiful words in the life of any girl is "I love you! Get married to me!", said by a beloved guy ^__^
No shit like that.
The 7 Most Beautiful Words in My Life
Q: Your test was false-positive! You are healthy!"
WOW: Aunt from the AIDS Center

[ + 68 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27402
VelKro (01:01:52 16/03/2010)
I stood up here on the tuberette, which is under my table, so she is exactly the same age as me... she took and lay down... so hurtfully fucked... it was offensive... took a bunch of nails, hamsters, angles, samorezes... now it remains yet to be covered with armor and it will be a tank of the times of the First World War )))))))))))))

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №27401
xxx: I look at your photos, such a modest boy, but your eyes... give you up with all your little bites!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №27400
Mapuk: I hate the word "creativity"
Mapuk: "That’s what we have in the team – a creator!" And everyone starts waiting for you to say hello with your left leg or pour a cup of coffee into your hat.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №27399
I am fucking 😉
_Xo_Opxe_: )))))))))))))))))))))))
Antoshqa: )))))))))))
I mean 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
Quatter: the smaller the fox, the more the clutches
by Jackson : )
_Xo_Opxe_ )
by Antoshka : )
Svet1k: And I’m sorry ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №27398
These people live at our expense, they eat at our expense, they wave at our expense. They buy cars, villas and yachts at our expense, entertain themselves in expensive resorts at our expense, drop our money down on prostitutes, ugly crap and dumb bats, and then say that we are violating their property rights.
Tagged with torrents"

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №27397
For justice to be observed, it is necessary to amputate excess organs from the Olympic team and give them to the Paralympians. The guys deserved it.

[ + 70 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27396
Two times a year, the military commands gather for the shabash and invoke ghosts.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №27395
Yes, this will not happen to everyone (sleeping in a trolleybus while driving for a couple, awakened from the call of a groupmate carefully for a stop before leaving. and on his forehead by simple manipulations found a leaflet attached to the glue edge - "the place will not give in - sleep". My ears haven’t burned yet.

[ + 76 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27394
Waha ha ha! Irkutsk is a United Russia!! 62,5% (normal male) versus 26% (standard ER) Yes!! to

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №27393
xxx: Tell me the pages from the chemistry textbook that I need to teach?
YYY: I can’t
XXX: What is it?
Yyy: The cat sleeps on chemistry)))
Yyy: All in the owner, cattle!)))

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27392
from sending
Minister of Finance Kudrin announced that the deficit of the federal budget of Russia for last year amounted to about 1.7 trillion rubles, and this amount will have to be replaced from the Reserve Fund.
According to the calculations of the magazine, the wealth of the eight richest people of Russia for the same year 2009 grew as follows: Lisin - 343 billion rubles, Prochorov - 126, Abramovich - 106, Kerimov - 219, Friedman - 254, Deripaska - 273, Usmanov - 243, Alekperov - 99. 1 trillion 663
billion rubles, that is, the amount equal to the deficit of the Russian budget.
Need a comment?

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №27391
I am terrible (
YYY: What did you get, dear? and :-*
xxx: The printer prints out a photocopy of my passport with the sound of bleeding...(((

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №27390
There is an error 500:

Have you ever seen a server glide? If you haven’t seen it, you’re right at the address.
Our server is running right now.

Try pressing F5 to restart the page.
* Look at the main page of the site, maybe it is displayed correctly.

If it doesn’t help, there’s something serious about the server. He exploded or fell in love, in any case not able to respond to requests.
Come later, we will fix it soon.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №27389
What you do not have to do in the shops:

Taken from a vacancy on the headhunter:
The obligations:
copying the database of the Domino trading system;
correction of operators errors;
withdrawal of cash receipts;
Removal of current sales;
financial report for the month;
Division of meat;
of investing;
Adjustment of computers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna