— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №27228
We lived in the village neighbors - cultural such. Of the cattle only chickens. Once the kids picked up the crocodile, it was a pity - they put him in the chicken. He was there mastered, and what - food twice a day, warm. He has grown up and is not going to fly, he has survived. I walk somewhere in the street, I hear - somewhere high chicken whisper, and loudly so. Surprisedly, I raise my head - and this is he, a whirlwind, sitting on a telegraph column, having learned something, well, how he can communicate. I and my neighbors have talked about it, but it is over.
The cow was removed from the house. He, the fucking cock, started to throw. The neighbor’s grandmother couldn’t withstand: “Holy, holy, we are already on the eggs, then we eat crows...” And she washed the unhappy out of the chicken. He was still long later in the village on the pillars and trees. Then he disappeared, and did not accept his own.

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27227
What is ActiMel?
This is the ability to sell 100 grams of regular kefir for the price of a liter.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №27226
The cat has discovered a new place for himself - he loves to rest right on the microwave. Now, for especially deaf, the oven signal is duplicated by an extended balloon.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №27225
In the news:
"Peterburg authorities are feeling the flood."

I am stunned by their insightfulness....(superheads of a metre height in 3)

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №27224
I remember the time when Yakubovich gave Dendi, and I sat at home and wiped out the saliva of jealousy.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №27223
A bad sign on Friday.
The Boss (10:54:35 12/03/2010)
Listen to the joke:
“Mommy, why are we gathering corn again, since it’s Sunday?
What a Sunday, son? We are black" :D

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27222
I understood why I bought old cars.
YYY :?? to
xxx: surrendered to the invasion to sponsor the Formula 1 team))
yyy: ah, saw the car with the logo "Lada", it will lead our rider to victory =)
XXX: I wonder how?
yyy: M. Schumacher is already running boxing in a riot and refuses to go on track, referring to the fact that it is going to go off... =/
xxx =D

[ + 61 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27221
All lovers feed cats with dog food - do not do this, you will lose pets. Cduru, in his youth, by ignorance fed the cat at one time with food "Chappi". He ate it like a fool, and we fools rejoiced... Poor man died of cirrhosis. Ironically, the cat was named Boris Nikolaevich. But he did not drink, we killed him by our ignorance. The veterinarian said unambiguously that dog food for cats is categorically not allowed.
Let no cat die of such stupidity.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №27220
The name of the inflatable girl in the sex shop: "Matrena - the ass of the nucleus!"

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №27219
Why can’t you watch the fight?
Yyy: There are sparks in the form of whispers. 18 can be seen.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №27218
Recently it seems to me that torrents have been invented by the manufacturers of hard disks.

[ + 88 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27217
My girlfriend told me. Her father turned off the phone, and she wanted to download something from his phone.
She: Dad, tell me the PIN code.
The PIN code.
Please tell me the PIN code of the phone.
PIN code of the phone.
She says: well paaaap! Tell the numbers!! to
The numbers!
And her father is an officer of the Russian army...damn that you extend.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №27216
A girl came to us to arrange for work, filled out a questionnaire and wrote in 2 columns (letterly):
Level of computer ownership: Daewoo Matiz
Programs that worked with: MS World, Exle, Axes"

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №27215
I just heard it on TV. Women’s voice: "... let’s talk about male shortcomings. Men, too, seem to have a head, arms, legs, just like women... So where do their shortcomings come from?and "

I was just crying.)

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №27214
It was long ago. We went to Cyprus with my brother and mother, my brother is 5 years older and the only one of us speaks English at least somehow. We walk in the water park, we cannot find a shower. We approach the brother to the rescue, they are there, logically, every mountain stands, all of them in good shape, burned, dark-haired, Cyprus, hule. My brother gives:
Were they from Zeus?
Theoretically I confused Shawa with Watter, but not the essence. The savior looks at him like an idiot and asks. Brother repeats the question. So it continues four times, after which the rescue takes off the dark glasses, splashes and says "The fool, you are Russian?"

The shower showed.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №27213
There is a discussion on the forum that flights (in space) at the speed of light are impossible.

Om: For me, our logists say that it is impossible to introduce a bubble with sulfur gas fluoride into Russia. But they just didn’t know how :)

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №27212
For a long time, I have been tormented by the question: Are there reliable ways to determine whether an orgasm or a partner simulated it?
- read that during and after orgasm women "dumb". Learn the basic principles of object-oriented programming. Not answered, I finished

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №27211
And in Novosib, an announcement of a wonderful company is hanging on the entrances, the mood is raising all the time. "Research service" - dismantling work )))

[ + 107 - ] Comment quote №27210
Reviews of the Hellenic Food Combination:

Hi to!

I would like to leave you my feedback about your products.
I was purchased beef steamed Higher variety, performed according to GOST 5284-84.
Unfortunately, I am forced to disappoint you, your focus on turning the shit into a mortar failed.
Of course, the rabbit's ears looked like the hat of the wizard from the bench - a little meat, but how many ears I did not pull, instead of the rabbit, his cartilage and fat came out.
Amayak Akapyan will not count you such a focus as an exam in the Guild of Wizards.
I strongly recommend that you put your focuses in your ass, or better in your mouth, and try to eat it. And the ass will be grateful and more tormented.
And I also recommend sending a lifetime reference to cattle slaughter as your chief technician, which GOST 5284-84 uses as toilet paper, but not the main document in production.

With the best wishes, consumer.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №27209
True, Dagestan guys, even toning screens on laptops!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna