— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №25228
Announcement in the Innet:
"I’m going to give up on my pregnancy"

[ + 66 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25227
The audience. The Mathematics. The Session...
Girl, you see I’m pulling you on 4.
Student: Yes, I see... Continue
A grave silence in the audience, everyone in shock, especially the girl. After a few more questions, the Prep draws in mind "chor"*

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №25226
Most friends die while still alive.

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25225
Love and passion and a cemetery in the snow.

I just returned from service. April in Belarus is not hot at all. And snow, it will fall to the roof, and the frost will press, and it will wipe.

My friend worked at the cemetery. He was commissioned for some reason there after a year as a soldier. So he returned earlier. It went well - the salary, the leftists regularly, and the bottle always... Well, we had him in the evening and disappeared. Sometimes they fell among the graves.

I take a girl to dance. Men know what happens to the body after the army, if the girl is close. It’s not so bad, it’s shaking too...

And this - it was all at hand - well, everything was in place. The kidneys are round, the chest palate is melted - do not straighten. Funny, disturbing, all the jokes... And I’m crazy about everything! Not from the cold.

Take her here and grab me. Say, now such guys went - nothing can surprise a favorite girl. Other words of provocation.

I say yes? Are you of that opinion for us? Well well...

I asked her for ten minutes, ran to my friend, the cemetery, for the keys.
And by a circumventional manoeuvre I will take her to the workshop. It was not very local - the city knew poorly.

We enter in the dark. I do not turn on the light. I raised the remnants of yesterday's in the shell - watermelons there, a piece of salt, a bowl. Our girls then weren’t as fanatical as they are now.

The couch is convenient, not at all violent.

In short, in the lunar eclipse and warmth, there was a stormy reinforcement of our casual acquaintance.

And when they both finally wanted to smoke, I didn’t turn on the lights.

I lighted a candle on the tub.
But that was enough.
The interior of the cave manufacturing was perfectly in line with his direction.
Around the skull, skeletons on posters, and along the walls - tombs, tombs, tombs...

I was overwhelmed – what a shit! In the light of the candle...

I don’t know why a woman in actual fainting is much harder than the one who just pretends to be.
But the guy in those years, I was not chilly and took the senseless body to the frost. Just like it was – without excess clothes. She at the frost instantly wished to be unconscious and tried to strike me on the face. But somewhat weakly, unwillingly... But I didn’t cry! What is surprising in her condition.

To go back and dress up, he refused. So right on the snow, in the white weather and dressed.

He was silent all the way home. Only at the threshold of her hut she looked me in the eyes for a long time and said - "unforgettable..."

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №25224
The director of the car said:
“According to my orders, as I wish, go, Wade, somehow yourself!

[ + 85 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25223
exactly at midnight.
What at midnight?
Come to the bar, you will not regret it. I have no time to take care of. You’re attractive, I’m fucking attractive, why waste time? at midnight. I wait.
How do you dare?! to
I laugh my dear. I laughed.
Are you crazy?
On the contrary. I am so normal that sometimes I am surprised.
You are ugly.
and yes. Who is good today? Here today, for example, I see a butterfly flying – a head tiny, brainless, winged back, well, a fool. Sweaters are not better either. Berry is impasse. by Dub. The Crete River. The Cloud Idiots. The traitor horses. People are fraudsters. What to do? The whole world is such that there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Well how? Do you come?
I will not think. And I will complain to my husband and he will turn you into a rat.
Who is my husband?
The Wizard.
Must be warned. He was wrong. It exploded. I am sorry.

© "Ordinary miracle"

[ + 117 - ] Comment quote №25222
Your avatar reminded me of a case, a friend told me. He goes with a friend in the subway. Then the train brakes sharply and his friend tries to grab two fingers for the steel order, but instead gets those fingers for the mouth of the roaring man.

[ + 70 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25221
People, I am in an aher... If a cat in the dark wipes his back around the cover, the lightning almost shines.
PS: The cat is not childish.

[ + 81 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25220
This man:

I accidentally found a prostitute on the net. Funny thing is that in the face of the girl by call recognized the best friend of her girlfriend. Even more funny is that my girlfriend constantly praises this girlfriend, said she works in some cool company and achieved everything in life herself)))

the key phrase - "accidentally", heh (:

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №25219
We sell him. No, not alcohol, but poppy polyethylene. Small offices. There is a complaint from one of them for poor quality goods. I call them, in my head the thought "again, has any of us been entertained?" The client is removing the phone, I guess. From the tube hysterical notes:
You sold your marriage.
What exactly is the problem?
He doesn’t cheat, he cheats!

[ + 88 - ] [12 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25218
I watched "Avatar" today. I think that D. Cameron showed Fed how to shoot "The Inhabited Island"

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №25217
Sophia (18:43:33 23/01/2010)

*KENNY* (18:44:43 23/01/2010)

Sophia (18:44:56 23/01/2010)
How are you there?

*KENNY* (18:45:14 23/01/2010)
It was (

Ajuta (18:45:31 23/01/2010)
What is?

*KENNY* (18:46:18 23/01/2010)
I have a party at home, a bunch of friends, a buck and a baby.

Ajuta (18:46:44 23/01/2010)
Do you fuck?

*KENNY* (18:46:49 23/01/2010)
Yes Yes

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №25216
I decided to visit the section "Chavo" for the first time. He laughed more than in the abyss.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №25215
Will we be fucking tomorrow?
YYY: We’re all fucking, but I’m not sure about tomorrow.

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №25214
Spring is cool!
YYY: Noah, it’s shit in the spring.
X: Well, you can’t pay attention to it.
Yyyy: If you do not pay attention to the shit, then you can get into it!

[ + 62 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25213
Lovely girls of us! When you call a guy "pocan", be prepared for what you will be called "toll".

[ + 88 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25212
Assistance on the way:

Help me, or I’ll go crazy.
There appeared on my fingers. They hurt. I marry. A maid came, with a needle. Grit, let’s draw a cross on the nail – it will pass. Well, I stumbled, but poem, I say, paint. I painted. went to sleep. I wake up in the morning and...
Fuck the fuck, how, fuck the fuck? How does it work?? to

You are, burn on the fire. For the prevention :)

[ + 85 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25211
Taken from IT Happens:
A woman calls our service:
and allo. Could you come? I have a virus.
of course. How does the virus act?
The image on the screen is dark, and in the middle the web is white.
I am surprised, we come. What you might think - on the table was a laptop with a broken monitor and a cracked body in a non-commercial form. To our surprise, the girl reacted calmly:
I crashed the computer. He began to work slowly. A friend said it was a virus, and offered to drop it again so that it disappeared. I crashed, and the virus ate all the files.

To be honest, until yesterday I thought full blondes were only in anecdotes!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №25210
Voice of the Soul (22:50:00 21/01/2010)
As they say, the period of delivery of work by the programmer is a clearly verified date + half a year

[ + 60 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25209
Today I go to the subway, next to my uncle is sitting, such a whole beard, in his glasses, holding leaflets and reading something so carefully. Well, I, like any visitor to the subway, looked there, and there were some crocodiles. You know when you change the encoding, and the booklets subra type aaa, yes ooo, with the emphasis on top. And many of these letters, in different order only! All AAA to AAA. And he did not, 5 sheets of A4 format these letters and read... Aliens among us?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna