— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 78 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25248
Letter to class:
Hello dearly respected Natalia Vladimirovna! Most of all, I ask forgiveness and forgiveness for not being at the school today because the alarm was enslaved by evil spirits and it did not work for me for an apparent reason. I’m a good, poor boy and it’s not my fault, it’s all evil spirits!

And her answer:
My good and poor boy, by this order I notify you:
Once again your faithful, little slave, in the common people called the "wake-up," will deceive you - I myself will turn to the evil spirits. Be thou then a "star" boy, from the word "get the stars".
I wait for you in the royal mansions at number 113, at 8:45 (until noon). Otherwise I will impose terrible curses.

[ + 85 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25247
M: I need to go to bed... are you going?
I started to wear my pants.)
M: mmm and cool))
A: the button comes out a little tightly, the fingers touch the lightning, the hand moves handily, it stretches, and I get rid of my pants.
I’m throwing them off the shirt, it’s time to get the shirt done.
Even if you stay, now you are ;)
M: removed and threw out the socks in the middle of the room))))
and the men :(

[ + 111 - ] Comment quote №25246
xxx: describe yourself
Tagged: brunette
XXX is AHA. And the eyes?
YYY: there is

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №25245
ARTOX (16:00:03 24/01/2010)
What about the Prince?

Yeltsin (16:00:32 24/01/2010)

ARTOX (16:00:49 24/01/2010)
A lonely wolf?

Yeltsin (16:00:58 24/01/2010)
The Horsed Horse

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №25244
on the site of broadcasts video first in the list by popularity - from the erotic section:

Nippon is not visible. Sweaters in the back.
The white cat is dragging there.

In the chat messages of the genre:
Show the ass.
Kids in the Camera
Put her rack.

Next Post: Don’t take the cat away! My cat is shaking. thanks

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №25243
From ASI.

EvilBird (22:14:10 24/01/2010)
The shoe?

DeaTh_NOte (22:14:22 24/01/2010)
The Study)

EvilBird (22:14:27 24/01/2010)

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №25242
Yesterday I went with Yulia to Chebureck, such a strange cafe near the subway October Field.
Come in, all places are occupied except one corner, in the corner a table with chairs and a closet with two doors stands, and one door is opened.
The waitress:
Don’t just close the door, okay? We have cats there.

I barely fell from the chair, they are sitting there in the closet in a crab cat fuck!It is :)
Mother of Russia!

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №25241
The acquaintance(s), when he is at work, stands status "point" in aske. He likes so. and once:
X: How everybody got me, asking why I wash at work!
A : Why?
X: Why is it? Why got it? Why are they asking?
Q: Why are you washing?
The Devil:

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №25240
I quarreled with my wife because of the skin. To my childhood dreams of 40 winged mutant chickens and two shells of bread, a sharp pig was added!

[ + 140 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25239
Ladies and gentlemen, please again. Stop the quarrels! Schoolchildren, students, engineers, workers, officers and military.
You are nothing without each other.
Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Uzbek, Kazakh and Kyrgyz, Chukchi Altaians! and understand! We do not need anyone outside of our country. We need slaves and land. Most of us were born in the USSR.
Our country was unique and must be restored and preserved. To be able to come to the sunny Tashkent, from the harsh winter and taste the wonderful Tashkent samsa. To be able to come to the Volga and understand the enthusiasm of Yesenin. To be able to stand without fear on the bottom of the Dead Sea, in Kazakhstan, in front of a gigantic cane, which was once a mole. So that all this does not cause fear. For the local people to wear the strawberries again in the cabaret. And the phone or fur hat taken from the basement was an emergency for the whole area, not an exhausting complaint for millionaires, which no one wants to accept because their statues have already accumulated. Service in the army is an honour to be deserved. And not a duty from which everyone is fleeing, like from the plague. The view of the officer on the street is proud. So that the millennial does not cause fear in a normal person. To be he could be the father of a teenager and the companion of a mature. Son of an old man.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is all in our power. It is good to divide into Pskov, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk and Uphim! be kind. be smarter. Be people!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №25238
About the Divorce:
Wanting to catch my wife at the scene of the crime, I, under the pretext of going on a business trip, spent two days in the cellar, which caused me to become ill with pneumonia. Without seeing her care and sympathy, I decided that a further life with her was simply unthinkable.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №25237
Probably the most difficult period in a woman's life is 10-11 years: peers are not yet very interested in you, for those who are older you are still a little girl, and for pedophiles you are already too old :(

[ + 109 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25236
Women do not age, however. A dark December morning. I have breakfast, my grandmother, whose room I rent (she’s 82 years old, intelligent), reads the newspaper and asks me:

A man for an hour – how is it? Announcement here.

I: Well...what to repair in the house, nail to knock, to fix...what a man in the family usually does.

Grandmother (smiling cleverly): no, then there would be a master for an hour... and a man in the family not only knocks nails (thought dreamingly) call something for the New Year, once I still meet...

I barely drowned the tea.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №25235
and hello! What is busy?
I know solitude.
Meaning is?
I’m sitting in a beer bar and someone is joining me.
and clear. I will not disturb.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №25234
Q: Did you smoke columns?
XXX is drinking?
XXX is fucking!
YYY :?? to
XX: Have you bought the columns?

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №25233
Hopefully in the new 2010 year, I will meet the real tiger!!Because I had enough bulls and lambs in 2009!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №25232
Brother complains that I did not remove the downloaded XP SP3 from his flash drive: "Dima, wash the screw!". After these words, it was hard to refuse.

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №25231
I am standing in the yard on the fence (well, it slept) of yotti, a guy comes from behind, stands next to me and begins to suck, I turn around to see where he is hanging, is he not on me?))
and here is the brilliant phrase - "nessy"

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №25230
Gaz: Yes, I know English at the level of quests translation

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №25229
Freebies is here. Minimum system requirements:
133 other
16 MB of operations
20 MB of hard disk

What else is needed for happiness?

Shells and slaves are missing.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna