— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145564
x>>C on Monday you are in my insurance
and>>Wow! <3 <3 <3 It’s even cooler than getting married to call!! to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №145563
The number "nine" is considered unlucky in many (more than one) Jewish cultures, so there is no ninth screw and ninth iPhone, the shell.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145562
In the words of a friend:
- I go past the store, and gladly with him right on the ground the bomb rolls. In the name of human love, I decided to ask if everything was okay with him, yet it was no longer hot on the street. To which I received a fairy answer: "I am lying here, I am doing my business. And you, girl, go to**y"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №145561
Fuck, go from here to your programming forums, programmers are miserable. Here you have a quote, not a breakdown, as the correct letters are not Russian to write :)
You’ll be surprised, but this quote book, like the whole internet, is created by unfortunate programmers. And "go away from here" - well, it's like... To the madness of the brave we sing, of course, but it seems somebody has just travelled all the possible shores))))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145560
Free explanation of my wife-freelancer conversation, by phone. It was a weekend, quiet, and I listened.
Wife (g): Everything is done as part of a technical task, why don’t you accept the project?
Client C: Nothing like that. Who did you consider yourself? Do you think you are such a professional? In the Greek mythology, Heracles 2 did not count the feat, he reworked it! Do you think you’re better than Hercules?
Yes, so... a second... I look at the description, here’s: Heracles settled in Tyre and became the servant of the weak, cowardly Euryspheus.
A: I will call you again!
Within a few hours the work was taken.
Be careful with citing the classics.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145559
Man is made for happiness, but he creates happiness himself.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145558
About the coincidences.
It was 20 years ago. A colleague went on a trip to a provincial town. The bus arrived at the bus station at 12 p.m. The weather was good, and a colleague decided to walk to the rental apartment on foot. I did not take into account a couple of nuances - he was dressed in the latest fashion, plus on the belt hanged a recently purchased cell phone, which, say so, gave a moscovite in it. He walked no more than a kilometer, after which he woke up in the hospital with a stroke of the brain, but without a cell phone and without a wallet. The biggest problem was with the restoration of the certificate of the second form of admission. Restoring rights and passports was noticeably easier.
After this incident, the chiefs banned traveling through this provincial city other than by taxi.
The second trip. A colleague, having finished his job, drove a taxi to the rental apartment, and there he wanted to eat dinner. And he wrapped up in a cafe with the speaking name "Golden Fish". Oh, he would know that the locals go to this café, rather, not for food, but for adventures... While he ate, he was called on the cell phone. As a result, he went to the toilet and woke up in the hospital with a brain shake, but without a cell phone and a wallet.
The second in six months reinstatement of the certificate of admission could no longer be spoken. Fortunately, in the morning, a woman brought to the reception of a local hotel his wallet, allegedly found by her on the street. Of course, there was no money, but the documents were in place.
The headquarters made a Facebook spam, and released a new instruction - in the journeys "do not take leaves, do not get out of the bus!"
The third trip. My colleague traveled around the city only by taxi. I did not go to any cafe. In the evening, after purchasing products, I came to the apartment, and there was an unpleasant moment - the money on the dial-up ended, and there is no internet. Absolutely. The television was faulty, and the colleague became bored. Here he discovered a local newspaper with ads, several pages in which he occupied "rest." The girl was caused to be more sympathetic, kindly chatted, drank, ate. After that, a colleague woke up in the morning without a laptop, cell phone, wallet and documents. On the table was a certificate of the second form of admission.
Since there were work materials on the laptop, both our and the factory security services grabbed the ground with the nose. But the girl could not be found - the cost of the stolen significantly exceeded her income for six months, and she left the city that night in an unknown direction.
No more colleagues were sent on a trip.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145557
Shakal came to the lion and said:
Let’s get up!
The lion did not hear it. Then Shaq threatened:
I’ll go and tell everyone I’m scared.
The Lion cried out and replied:
May it be better for the foolish to condemn me for cowardice than for the wise to despise me for a fight with the chacal.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145556
The village. The grandmother gets a bowl with an apple cane from the warehouse, smells it on bread and bites. After that, I pick up the lily from the whole family, I don’t know why. I only understood the next day when I lubricated the bicycle cart with a real apple carpet. Sign the banks!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145555
The main pest of potatoes in the U.S. is the Riazane bush.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145554
here here :
and Alexander Maximov:
But I would push away from practice. Well-known vegans made vegans from cats and did not give meat from birth. The cat did not grow up and became somewhere 2 times smaller than usual.

Unfortunately, making a cat vegan - a fierce star, health will affect not only in size, but also in life expectancy: unlike dogs (and people too), cats are NOT all-eaters, they are bonded predators. Herbs and vegetable foods - in the area of 10% of the diet should be, not much more. Otherwise, the disease can die 5-6 years before the deadline. Remember, and do not torture animals, read specialized forums, literature, if, once the beast. And yes, it has nothing to do with "not going to eat", "but just" and so on. From hunger there will be everything, no matter how sad, only the consequences of this will not disappear, unfortunately.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145553
According to the statistics for reproduction of the population of Russia, each woman of childbearing age should give birth to an average of 2.6 children.
Lila Fa: With these prices on the maintenance of a baby to give birth to 3 children? It needs to stand very firmly on its feet to give him education and good education. An education that costs a lot.
Three: Why three? A smart man says he needs enough 2.6

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145552
A: <<...will divide the Ukrainian rolling stock into trains in the categories “comfort”, “standard” and “economy” class.>>
S: Comfort – that’s what I understand – coupe? The standard is ordinary, and the economy is general. Must go on! Introduce supereconomy (cargo wagons), ascetic class (half wagons) and reduced comfort (loading open platforms).
D: I will add – social. The passenger runs after the train.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145551
Call from the cell phone operator.
Hello, my name is bla bla, do you feel comfortable talking to me?
I: Yes
Operator: What do you use most of calls, SMS, the Internet?
Calls and a bit of the internet
Operator: We want to offer you a tariff bla bla bla...
I: And what does my current rate not please you?
Sorry, I understand you, goodbye.
I: Goodbye to you.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145550

Do stupid people taste better than smart people?
The untrained brain of a fool will probably be more gentle.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145549
Here we in the writer chat argue whether the cross sign works on vampire agnostics.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145548
A: I got the tests. X-ray tests, where would we both have neutrophilic thrombocytosis?
Do you make it easier?
A: Is it easier? The X analysis!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145547
xxx: For me, the most important question about politics is: how exactly will your declared goals be achieved? Guy, I’m a failure, show me an algorithm that I can trust. This is what distinguishes real hard politics from cheap populism.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145546
The news:
The Chertanovsky court of Moscow authorized the house arrest of the spokesman of Roskomnadzor... and the head of the legal department of the department... who are accused of fraud in especially large amounts.

The first comments:
Cats are tearing mouse tears.

Banned the bandits!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145545
If nearby, almost from the same root, grew a rabbit with a clown, you get a gold-autumn k-k-combo. Add a bit more, and that’s all. You stand, you look, you read Esenin. You drink there again, fight and cry. Under the harmony of yellow sadness. You curse your failures, you remember the Moscow Rus.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna