— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №21308
Sometimes it is sincere regret that in the "best" there is no minus...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №21307
<xxx> yyy: pedagogical talent, wildly, casting nowhere.. I have all the animals smart and educated.. here the second cat the first raised.. I pulled him for the scavenger to the toilet.. watched from behind the corner.. punished myself.. encouraged.. pts.. he let him suck!! Mushchils, but gave... now the younger cat to the people is wild, but the team (the older one) is listening unquestionably.. and the team is listening to us.. and here is the dark (little) hooligan, enough to scream TIMA!! as he comes and gives the darkness on the mouths... and all... well as in the hub... yaadmin... tima mudr... ;)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №21306
Do nothing, it’s when you sit, look at the emoji in the ash, and start blinking with it at the same time :)

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №21305
He participated in the development of Siberia and collected tribute from the conquered tribes - mhe of puffed animals.

The MHE?

He catches the feathered beast and says, “Well, give your mouth, the feathered bastard!”

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №21304
I go with a friend on the road at night. I look out the window... the road, the trees, the sky... I notice that the moon is white and with the help of the clouds has taken the shape of an oval.
The moon is like an egg =)
- Oh, the sponsor of our trip MTS)))))))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №21303
Finally, I saw my quote in the abyss, read it and thought about it.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №21302
Is the mouse laser?

It’s time to take a weekend =)

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №21301
XXX: I embrace you by the waist.
1017: I tick in you with an electric shocker.

[ + 117 - ] Comment quote №21300
In response to the endless controversy about stupid girls and stupid men!!! to

Dear girls, we love you very much, and we want to take care of you, but when such girls are served, who typically "Yes you’re going to get rid of tell PMS you" and so on, they’re just real angry and valuable bears, and men who "wrapped the nails>shut out their legs" are just webks. I wish you had such webcams and got such suckles and scratches, you stand each other! And when it comes to sex, sex is not a girl’s obligation to a guy, but just a desire to make a loved one pleasant, and I am very sincerely sorry for those young people for whom sex is the basis of a relationship. After all, they can’t understand how you can just walk with a girl, take her to a movie or a restaurant, and wait for nothing, but only because you like to be with her, listen to her, or just be silent, and you’re good just because she’s with you. I am sorry for you!!! to

P.S. I will not say that I will be blunted or blunted, because I do not want to lie, because all the thoughts that a person puts out loudly, or in a letter... he wants to be appreciated, and those who say blunt or not blunt, are frankly false.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №21299
At the beginning of the 90s (92 or 93) a scholarship in the schoolroom I had 1000 rubles (or a million, I don't remember already), and the first-looking snickers lay in the store with a windsurf on an empty window and cost... 250 rubles.
I received a scholarship and bought a snickers for a quarter of the entire stipulation. I went down the street and spotted from taste))) I thought, so how can you come up with such a delicious?)))
Cheesecake is true ?
But I was young, forgive me.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №21298
I sit in the hairdresser, the child is cut behind the back, the boy cracks on the topic of 'going to school', counted to how many there, said something else... and says:
I know the presidents.
Which ones? The hairdresser clarifies.
I shut my breath in anticipation of the truth from the baby’s mouth.
Obama... Medvedev... Putin... — lists the boy thoroughly... — All, I don’t know more.
No more, the hairdresser is nervous.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №21297
and min:
My friend scratched pictures and sang a song:
" and information. and 120 gigabytes. With a naïve signature 'on the payout'."

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №21296
XXX Club and Competition. I called three girls. Whoever strikes the hand of the leader stronger, receives a hundred rubles. The winner was the one who hit the hardest. I gave her a hundred rubles. I asked her to stay. I called one guy. A strong guy with a height of about a meter ninety came out... And they said to him, if you can withstand ten bars from this girl, then we will give you a thousand rubles...
Well he stressed it all and said so – well, come on... the fucker on!
This fox like fucking him... And the guy cut off... *ROFL*
I’ve been doing kickboxing for 10 years. :D
They earned a thousand rubles. And the guy pulled out the guard :)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №21295
Hetfield (17:02:26 11/10/2009)
I remembered - I was an Aztec Goth when I was a child: I loved to watch the funeral of all kinds of Kremlin cones on TV! Especially the moment when the deceased was shown in the grave - the spirit captivated!

Der_Parashute (17:02:49 11/10/2009)
What is so exciting?

Hetfield (17:04:51 11/10/2009)
I know I loved it and that’s all. Chernenko was buried, then another kind of burial - the funeral was shown on the television all day. I’ll see you, and then I’ll play funerals for a long time.

Hetfield (17:09:28 11/10/2009)
I was 4-5 years old. I even remember the grave. We took off our chairs. So here, I dream of her, I wrap the legs of the chair with newspapers - the recipient of the tomb. I will paint the box in red - the recipient's glorious tomb, I will put a doll there. The tomb with the doll on the truck brought, then the mourning push, which on the TV of the current just heard: today we are carrying on the way of our dear comrade... well, and further away. All the dolls are crying. I lower the tomb into the tomb, then bury it with a cover from the chair, I teach the flowers... I liked it so much! Indeed, when my mother discovered such unhealthy games in the child, she peeled me off and forbade me from playing at the funeral. Sorry...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №21294
Soldie: Patriotic fanaticism, it is when the admins for the time of football rush the serv Vova, so that the scuco all sick >_<

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №21293
Mel'ka: I have been walking around.
I don’t drink with you anymore!
Mel'ka: Hahahah that’s what it is? The norm was everything.
Noah, yes the norm.
Bob: Especially the moment when my tongue disconnected and went fucking on the tubes...I stupidly wrote to all the clumsy guys that I want them.
Mel'ka: Hahahah ha ha ha ha ha
Bob: Ah... your agreed for the weekend...
Mel'ka: fuck you fuck!and (

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №21292
XXX: This is...
Horrible is when I sneeze at 2 p.m.
I am from the 156th apartment neighbor Oret - Be healthy, fucking!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №21291
Interview with the representative of the Bank of Russia (PB)
PB: You have to...bla-bla...
I: I don’t have a job, I can’t pay.
PB (long struggling)
I: Girl, in order to count with you forever, I would go to the panel, only age does not allow.
PB (indignant): Do you think the panels are well paid? Do you know how hard it is?!...
And I think: Figase, career growth at Putan! What a picture of the RS!

[ + 700 - ] [10 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21290
The Orlov region.
The salary of the teacher who just came to teach 2400r. In comparison to the cleaner 4000r. And in the news our governor lies the prejudice that the teacher's 7k. It is teachers who build our future by teaching our children. Can you live with that money? Plus MB at least one obese official to scratch!

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №21289
The sister of a friend works in school, he leads ninth grade. Recently, her schoolchildren bowed down and gave her a book on the dungeon "How to Work with a Tree". Humorists are fucking.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna