— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №21208
Hitsugaya (17:37:49 8/10/2009)
Why do girls call themselves cats or tigers? Elephants and females are also lonely and playful.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №21207
A greeting to my beloved country.
I work as an environmentalist, and for one large factory, for which project a documentation for the commissioning of a boiler for the melting of metals was needed. It was built in 1932! There are no acts of course, we think what to do! But the customer says that "Everything will work out" and after a day sends a fax act on the entry into operation of the boiler with the date of 1932 year. on the firm form. with the telephone. fax. e-mail. and the address of the site.
So, how do you put it in the rooster? >_<

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №21206
The Women’s Forum:

Hi to! I lost my virginity two years ago and have not had sex for a year. I do not know if I am a virgin.
Catherine and Peter, 15

I removed my hair and now I miss it very much. Who misses his hair and what?
Nashville, 17

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №21205
Commentary on the forum:

xxx: For the previous 25 billion on VAZA managed to... write a business plan about the need for another 70.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №21204
Conversation with an acquaintance, a fan of WOW:
hh> And I want to go to Vagina after I die...
I> Where is it? O_O
hh> Well, it’s from Scandinavian mythology. Paradise for warriors.
What> is it?
I> I’ll tell you a secret.
I> Paradise for warriors is Valhalla.
I> A "Vagallah" is a hell for drunkards.
I> and you know what? Your place is there.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №21203
1 Good night, 2 Cisco 871 Security Bundle with Advanced IP Services (CISCO871-SEC-K9) – $599 Delivery time is 18 weeks.

2nd :
18 weeks?? to

2nd :
Will they be taken by bicycle from Taiwan?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №21202
From the resume on the vacancy of the HTML maker:
Computer Skills: Use of the Internet
He was three times witness at weddings.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №21201
Walked with the cat in the yard, and there the little ones (years 8-10) played in House. The dialogue was approximately this:
The House:
The patient has bloody vomiting, headache and high fever.
The girl:
He has a wolf!
The boy :
Must be killed!
The House:
You are idiots!! Foreman, what do you think?
The second boy:
I don’t want to be a Negro.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №21200
I frightened the naked ass.
If you have some patience and self-sacrifice, it will be worse.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №21199
Jewish music download free mp3... I think something is wrong here...

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №21198
It’s good when the house is clean.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №21197
Today I saw the most authentic election company:
on the poster of united Russia "the word keep, we do the business" the marker corrected "the city keep, we do the money" =))

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №21196
1: Throw, I have my parents all the cakes from the spherical site!
2: How is it? You can’t, there’s always a limit.
Fuck, you are the one!! In the real world!! Not in contact.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21195
The more crazy, the less noise.
(Vasily Yurshah is

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №21194
As a child, everyone has a dream.
When Sascha was a kid, someone dreamed of things completely landed, and as soon as he grew up he wanted to become a cosmonaut, firefighter or librarian, and someone, on the contrary, dreamed of being tall and thought that he would be a haishnik, merchant, or, at the bad end, some currency prostitute. Sasuke’s childhood dream fell out of the line.
Sasha dreamed of the State Prize. I will do something good for the country, I will be given a State Prize and you will be able to buy a lot of fruit ice cream for seven copies and still be left to my mom on the cloth. Why didn't Sasha think of his mom's shirts then, but in all the movies he watched, mothers were given shirts, and they were crying in response. of joy.

It was time. Sasuke's peers have long forgotten their dreams, forgot about astronauts and prostitutes. Sasuke remembered the State Prize. He wanted to be awarded a State Prize. Not only did he want, he acted. He graduated from the institute and went to work in the defense only because in the defense the State Awards were given more often than, for example, in agriculture. Maybe the rural workers will correct me and say that this is not the case, maybe it is not the main thing.
The main thing is that Sasuke worked well. He thought that there was no reward for bad work. Especially the state prizes. Sasha was not lucky with the prize. No, he is always on the front edge, he always closes all the holes in front of him and it is always best for him. with the prize
Sasha was not lucky: there must have been someone who received this prize more than Sasha. Wrap by Wrap. Sasuke was not disappointed. Time is working well, - he thought, - did not give now, on another object I will earn. A dream though.
Finally, seemingly, the fate turned to Sascha's face for this object the prize must have been given. And Sasha. The director told him: “You, Alexander Nikolaevich, are the first candidate for the State Prize from our CB. He said he signed an order sending Saška as a member.
State Admissions Commission. To be sure. signed and conducted
The bag object to take, i.e. to give, or to take anyway? Not the main.
The main thing is that literally the day before the delivery of the object Sakke called. He called and said he was flying again. Beyond the box. Because one general has a anniversary. That means that this State Prize is more important to him. very much. And they also said that that general and another general were included in the commission. Well, it is understandable: once the object was accepted, the commission was worthy of a prize. The director called, by the way. by Sam. I said. So that Sasha will not be upset, because the next time...
Sasuke was not upset. He just behaved somewhat strangely: he took, went down and looked at this bald general and greeted him, took a couple of sprinklers and a piece of stainless steel, took a paste of goy and a piece of thin feather, took a solder and a piece of solder. With all this, Sascha sat in the corner of the room, closed his intentions with his wide shoulders and well mastered. Slow and harmful. With a stitch stitch, the solder lifted, the stitch stitched and with a new stitch. Sitting all night.
In the morning, the commission went to the object. The object is clever and dangerous. Explosive and fire hazardous. Equipment is expensive, our, by the way, development, and better foreign. To preserve the equipment in all buildings, the BAPs were provided. Not exactly through the letter "P" is written.
Because BAPS is a fire extinguishing system. With offgenic pressure inside: there the water is pressed out of the containers with a powder charge and this water chokes through the forks. If what. In that sense, not when, but when the sensors work. Optical: as it shines, don't give god, so the sensor works and the BAPS flood arranges the universe.
The commission walks around the object, the armored doors are all tight, all the lamps and lamps are burning in the workshops - the commission shows the work. Even heating batteries spindle all over - even in summer, and a boiler should also be tested.
The Commission is hot. The Commission is sweating. Especially generals - the minister has not yet allowed them to remove the kites with feathers. And even generals sweat twice as much because yesterday in the room they celebrated the State Prize. Sasha saw him say hello.
And here in one room, where it was hot, the general could not withstand: he removed the fur and wiped the baldness with a cloth. So shines the skin.
was surveyed. The BAPS has such a property that water splashes from all sides. So fast so. Seconds two and a meter from the floor level. There would be more - the armor door is opened, a lot has leaked through it. All are wet. Very wet - 17 atmospheres of pressure. Have you seen what kinds of cars are washed? This is stronger on all sides. Even shrinking is useless. Whom he hit from his feet. The bag was only dry - he had time to hide behind the armor door and then hovered on it and the waist, so that his legs would not be wet. All on General Oort, although I will not start - on generals to mourn.
Orut, a bald hero is called, and they jerk that the feather was removed and the baldness shone in front of the sensors. The general is silent, crawls on the barracks - he is looking for a barracks.
Saddam did not speak to the general. Sasha removed from the lawn and hid a badge in his pocket. Brilliant, polished, self-made icon with a rocket and inscription. Many have seen such icons on rockets. Sasha made a badge at night. A nice icon, only all such icons are convex, and Sascha has a curved one. But it shines stronger and the rabbits are beautiful.
In general, Sasha hid the icon and quietly said to me, "You know, Igor, well her nahuy - a prize, not for prizes we live." No one heard then. Apart from me.
The prize was given to Sasuke. The State. Order was given. and then. You don’t live for a prize. Even if there is a dream. The jacket he bought.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №21193
and dear! I decided we would have to break up!
Have you found someone better?
I did not find better, but cheaper.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №21192
In the accounting, we understand which bills have been transmitted to the supplier.
Chief Accountant: 300
Accountant: Yes, 2 to 50 and 2 to 100
Financial Director: another salad and two loaves of bread

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №21191
xxx: Here you say the epic file, we in the Lower there was one real case: some drunk guy stole the slide in the stall, scattered it to the maximum speed of 5km / h, then failed to cope with the steering and crashed into the brick fence, where he was taken, this is what I understand the epic file :)

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №21190
A good friend is someone with whom you can talk about almost anything.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №21189
I was stunned by the sensuality of the Russian people =-) Going into one organization and visiting their elevator, my attention was attracted by the overload indicator it was a straight 20 centimeters. Inside the LED lamps as they filled, they lighted up and looked upwards. So this indicator was mounted in the wall and some marks were placed on the left of it. When I got out of the elevator, I asked what was this. The secretary kindly invited me to educate. The lift has a load capacity of 200 kg. The mark in the middle means 100 kg and then the division by 10. I asked what the hell they wanted, and the answer led me to tears. "We recently broke the weights in the office, so we adjusted the elevator" =)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna