— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №20808
In response to:

The Gentlemen! Why scream at girls when they don’t understand something? How do you not understand? They are made of ribs, where Moses is from!? to

That is, in the clay, you think, there will be more brains? Read the original before you feel ashamed.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №20807
XXX is
And I got a sms "mama, urgently call me back to the number...and throw the money there"I look at ---Sacha in the bed is sleeping (half-year-old), and I have no children.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №20806
Sisadmin1: -Oh, really need a shamanic drum - the server will die.
Sysadmin 2: No, real drums are made of wood and deer leather.
I’ll go to the accounting office then I’ll go. There are trees and ally. and (

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №20805
X: Are you gay?
Y is no.
X: Is it so?
A: Something is not going on...

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №20804
He: You were thicker before.
She said, “But you were not thicker before, and you were very fat!” Learn to compliment!

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №20803
I bought a licensed disc with the game. For a bunch of money, all affairs... And still forgot, fuck, and scream... Against the habit you will not crack=)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №20802
Have you already started hiding with two blankets?

[ + 62 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20801
Ura is now the new Nesvik enriched with uranium and palladium.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №20800
The fools complain that there are fools around them; the wise take advantage of the environment.
A girl without complexes

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №20799
A brick in the elevator.

This story was told to me by a familiar electromechanic from the Lift Service.
They went somehow with a partner to service the elevators.
They enter the cabin and see: in the corner of the cabin lies a new silicate (white who did not understand) brick.
They think little. Someone may have done repairs. has lost.
But disorder as if. Shortly cleaned out.
After a while, the PPR again on the same elevator.
And as you’ve guessed, brick, it’s a newborn white.
Well, there are frostbite: they will roll a bunch, they will soak, well, the button will be burned, or the walls will be painted. Everything happened, but to the brick...
Well, with small matjugs cleaned in the machine room, so that at least this was not used.
The third time, and the fourth time, it repeated itself. The brick appeared in the same place always new, and a stack of bricks began to grow in the machine room.
Finally, the nerves of the partner did not stand, and once again, he exploded in a stunning nine-story (the case was just in the nine-story) battle, which continued when leaving the last floor.
The grandmother came out and asked. What a matter. When she found out what was happening, she smiled and explained everything to them. Then the mechanics crushed a little, put the brick in place.
In some elevators, two underground weight limiters are installed. The first works when the weight exceeds 200 kg, the second when the weight is less than 15-20 kg. In both cases, the elevator does not go by commands from the cabin.
And on the eighth floor lives a girl, well very thin, well she does not reach those very 15-20 kg. And a kind dad puts a brick so that the child can make independent trips.
So dear citizens, if you see a brick in the elevator, do not rush to throw it away. Surely there is a very thin girl or boy living in the entrance and they really want to travel on their own.


[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №20798
Tell me how your wife went crazy.
We traveled in the mountains, where there is a beautiful echo. My wife is used to
The last word was always behind her.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №20797
Find a Ginny Aitishnik. One wish would be enough. One word. There is one symbol: *

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №20796
My wife was lying in the nursery. He tells:
A girl in the room with me. She will give birth in about an hour. The battle goes on, the fighting goes on.
her husband calls and complains like this on the phone:
My back hurts, you don’t know what to do?
The girl, breaking up in a scream, cries out to the whole floor:
The idiot! It is 3.14h halfway broken!! to
Fuck, she said and sadly like her, and laughed almost herself.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №20795
Mother cooking her brother Pelmen. He tells me, "He will probably have little. Okay, I’ll do a lot more"

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №20794
by Your Mother (00:11:51 26/09/2009)
Oh my God! You are the same!

The Best (00:14:39 26/09/2009)
Your own mother...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №20793
xxx: I go yesterday through the Soviet, two such drunk-boiled guys come out of the shed and see a cat quietly looking at him, then the dialogue:
If you look, go here.
Would I go crazy here?
xxx: our beast is going on so harsh that it gets even to cats =)
YYY: Did you not record their phones?
xxx is?
YYY: Yes, I have not been able to get out of the cockroach house for six months =)
xxx to))

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №20792
XXX is
It is incompatible with technology 😉
XXX is
Sorry ladies 😉
Oh yes!
I’ll show you how compatible they are. I don’t mean a vibrator.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №20791
The world is cruel... earlier at 12:20 began the most interesting cartoons... and now a couple of people -___-

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №20790
efrem> I don't know - on what occasion - but right behind the door a neighbor said to someone - "Yes, there is nothing written - only a few letters."

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №20789
In response to:

The tarakans got easy. I no longer know what to do.
I know the popular recipe, it really works.
I am registering!! to
- So you take a brick, crush it, mix it with black hammer pepper, wrote?
Yes Yes
You spread around the corners, the tobacco breaks, breathes pepper, sneezes, hits the head on the brick and dies.
Wall - Natural
This is a proven way 😉
You are a puppy!! Yahuie, Pammaglo O.O. I’ve already wiped out the fifth cockroach!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna