— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №19808
Plin, the place on the screw is over, there is nowhere to put the movie.
What did you hit him?
Three hundred Spartans in Offigenic quality: 30 gigs
1 spartan = 100 meters

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №19807
A girlfriend and her mother took her younger brother to a psychiatrist. Child 5 years. The doctor asks:
How many legs has a cock?
The child thinks:
and three.
What his mother says:
You are four, you are four!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №19806
I think the apogee of our joint thinking activity (on a sober head) was not that we decided to have a fish in an electric boiler, and not even that we tried to beat the cream by putting them on the washing machine during the pressing, but that we decided to wash the brick in it...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №19805
(S to Z)
A good advertising slogan for vodka was invented
Stronger than water, thicker than grass.

[ + 64 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19804
In response to:

And you knew that in the second part of the film about Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Secret Room), in the scene when Harry enters the office of Professor Dumbledore among the portraits of the great wizards and paintings you can see the portrait of Gandalf Grey from the trilogy of J. J. Dumbledore. R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings.” It is above the entrance door and slightly to the right of the place where Harry stands.

Successful searches =)



[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №19803
I am sure that in half of the dreams of all people in the world there is an unknown dwarf. But it is not in any of the dreamers! c) The Lom

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №19802
I went to work here on Sunday, which was not rebirth.
A girl writes:
XX: I saw you yesterday in the ash and a cold sweat broke me
XX: I thought it was Monday and I didn’t go to work!!!! to

by Klim

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №19801
Did you feed the cat?
He ate water...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №19800
Here is this:

I was going to go to the universe, to pay for it and all that.
I am standing in the bus, listening to melodik deth metal at full volume and here at one of the stops comes a girl, my approximately age, a typical townwoman, disguised all, well I think, again a lover of rap and popcorn, suddenly she stumbled on me, I do not consider myself beautiful, stands next to me, pulls a headphone out of my ear, hears and says "class monsoon" gives a paper with the words "call when you are free" and smiles sweetly at the next stop... and I stand and think, What was it? 0_o

Guy, hz like you, but I will wash the girl-dream))

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №19799
Explanatory from student L11-2 of 2008-2009))

In the name of Elena Sergeevna
I, Yurko Alexander Arturovich, at the lesson of English, after attending a poor viewpoint of the TV brought to the classroom, expressed myself in a quite literary word, "hrenovenko", which seemed to me to most fully reflect the degree of my dissatisfaction with the insufficient deployment of the TV on my side, which I already deeply regret.

The shit, roasted all the lyceum.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №19798
He is:
As for the trousers.
She is:
Give me what?
He is:
by myself
She is:
Only if you are mine.
He is:
The morning
She is:
Okay, of course
He is:
by How
She is:
Evening in the park. With dark glasses. We change quickly, we break up.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №19797
I work in the warehouse of a large company.. (I won't tell you what one will suddenly see.. they will be fired more...) so here.. we work for days.. at night we arrange a show.. guys on trucks chase rallies.. the bet - a bottle of beer.. the spectacle I will tell you.. that there is your Fortress.. all in the fires.. a healthy playground.. and a bunch of carousels on it.. and in the background fures with sleeping long-haulers.. unborn aunts-accounts in combinations give a start with plates.. "Stolen for 60 seconds" just nervously smokes in the side..

[ + 57 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19796
Appropriate 4 men aged 15-16, they say, if 5 pieces do not give, the wheel will be cursed. Man, absolutely quiet: "nu pierced..."Gopnikek fits, a knife turke...brains on asphalt, 5 atmospheres, hule...
I think it is a lie!
1st The wheel of the truck is not so easy to pierce with a knife.
2nd A broken wheel will not explode like a helicopter, it will just drop.
Three There are no parks for minors in this area. The drivers buried them.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №19795
MARIACHI: The Frog Stitch looked at the Start > Candy > Entertainment section. There is noise and sound recording. Here are the wood toys that are stuck to half.xD

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №19794
From the series "Friends ":
A 5 year old niece was playing notebooks with one girl, and the following correspondence occurred:
Q: How old are you?
D is 8
Q: Are you a fish or a squid?

After this question, the poor girl could not recover for a long time.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №19793
Le Chateau Vartely, Today at 20:54
Do you accidentally smoke?
Nash, Today at 20:54
I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?I?? to
Le Chateau Vartely, Today at 20:54
Le Chateau Vartely, Today at 20:54
Let go, let go where you got.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №19792
Advertisers are burning. I’m a chemist, and I’m at least fun listening to some of their pearls. For example, in toothpaste collagen is liquid calcium. Calcium melting temperature is 851 ° C. And in the new Fairy oxi plus oxygen atoms! Atomic oxygen is the third allotropic form of oxygen, formed when the molecules of oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) break down under the action of ultraviolet radiation, as well as the thermal decomposition of oxygen-containing substances.
Are you not afraid to use these tools?and :)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №19791
Quote from Eros:
Sergey was also not the first. There were many women. Classmates, colleagues at work, clients in the salon.
Now they were lying in the bedroom of the apartment that Sergei recently bought.

So I imagine: the bedroom of the apartment, and there are classmates, colleagues, clients.)

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №19790
No more nature. never ever.
I went to the house, the weather was good. I think I have never collected mushrooms in 20 years...I gathered, took a cage under the mushrooms and went. I go, I go. I feel some movement behind my back. I turn around and a man is running against me. He is running for some purpose. Well, I caiac ripped away from him...but my fire was not enough for a long time - 500 meters after 500 forces were not left. He brakes and prepares for defense. He ran to me and... ran past me. I look at his number on the back. The athlete! In a few seconds, the rest of the group of participants of the race passed by me.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №19789
positive: we stood in a tight line and her ass touched my hand.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna