— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17784
Site of Dating

I am looking for a girl: humble, loving reading, without bad habits, 17 years old, Fish in the sign of the zodiac, virgin with soul and body, for joint conversations about books.

About yourself: high brunette...bla-bla-bla
Hobbys: Satanism, Occultism and Demonology

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №17783
~KD~: If your egg is in the turtle, it does not mean that you are immortal! I am talking to you as a urologist.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №17782
Dear Admin! Make sure that quotes with negative ratings do not appear in random quotes!
Support you people!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №17781
London: My employees in the company show wonders of intelligence. I remove them all games so they don’t play during working hours. So they found out where to hide them. Right on my compass in a scattered music folder. In my admin compass.


[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №17780
The girls!! The girls!! The girls!! Fuck, remember finally what is written through O!!! to
PS: Please support someone!! to

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №17779
In other words, internationalism
at the thermal springs our girls met a guy from Italy, well, I go to them, and he gives me a "I'm a dude" in a broken Russian and pleased. Well, I think the girls taught him and said what it means "hello".

They also speak something in Italian.

Already in the dressing room the guy found this, in English I explain that they did not teach him a greeting, he thought, says:
"Well I suspected it, but I told them that in Italian greeting would be "I sauce hui"

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №17778
The acquaintance was 2 or 3 days ago in the cafe 'Zodiac'. marked hard.
Today I read in the newspaper: 'A non-residential building is sold. Coffee of the Zodiac'
They walked well...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17777
QuickDim:The work of the system administrator is similar to the work of the spy -
Successes are invisible, but failures are known to everyone :)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №17776
I am interested in the meaning of the quote of the type: "Do not put the grapes in the microwave!!Don’t have to do that!!No need!and "
Thus e. If I write today "Never, hear NEVER swipe a fuck in a working kitchen mixer", tomorrow reading the news tape is much more fun????? to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №17775
I’ll go out today and give it to someone.
ZEO: What did you decide?
I am joking, I am decent.
You’re all decent until you’re upset.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №17774
Young people are afraid to admit to their parents that they are smoking. My aunt told me that when her son started smoking, she struck him for it. Since she smokes herself, her son didn't get a heart, but he asked his father not to tell anything - he was afraid.
Mom wakes up in the morning, goes out to the hallway, and there the father in his son’s jacket shouts. She quietly watches her dad pulling out a pack of cigarettes (to her son), fires a cigarette and says to her:
- Just don't tell your son that I know everything... Otherwise no one will smoke cigarettes.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №17773
Employment "System Administrator"
Conditions of Work:
Ordinary and cultural working conditions. A morally unbalanced collective of ended foxes.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №17772
The radio. Program of Applications. DJ (DJ) and listener (C) live stream:
DJ: What is your name?
C: The Igor
DJ: What are you doing today?
A: I am working
DJ: On the weekend? Who are you working for?
C: The carpenter in the workshop. We are making tombs.
DJ: What, a lot of orders???? to
A: Yeah, the season is over.
DJ (a slightly flattering voice): There is also seasonality in your work???? to
A: Yeah, it is summer.
DJ: Okay, send me a greeting!
C: I pass on a greeting to my wife Marina, she is also working today
Where does Marina work?
A: The furniture factory
DJ (Rjot): It’s also kidding???? to
C is AGA. And I also greet the guys I work with, I wish them more orders and finish the work soon.
DJ: What song would you like to put to all these people so they get a little distracted from work?
C: Heraclius "Close your eyes with your hand"
DJ: I haven’t heard any other songs on your theme.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17771
The office in which I work serves the bodies of state authorities and local self-government (confederation subjects, internet access, video conferences). Here I sit at home and decided to experiment, let me think I will stick to one of the video conferences and see what they are talking about. As a result, the situation: an important session, all in tie/jacks. And then on the walls through the projector I appear from the house in cowards, scratch the tail and give "so I, and what is happening here". Next, I see the flattered faces turning toward me and an active webcam indicator on my аймаque. I will be fired tomorrow.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17770
Killed the banner:
"Rose hearts are a kind of hernia,
Love is when the pop gives and after the mine swallows"
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
As for anal sex.
Dear guys, if you like it so much, we think you can deal with it and with each other;-)
Why do you us?
The girls

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №17769
After reading about the administrators and their attitude toward work compared to firefighters, if they called the firefighters, and they so reluctantly answered and thought of themselves that you can not extinguish yourself, then this is: what if the firefighters called children and asked to extinguish the fire? or an adult as soon as they see the ignition gas every time calling the fire department, or suddenly someone after 22:00 will hit a couple of times with a hammer and the clock will scream, and the neighbors are already in the police, and regularly, as you think you will tell the employees who came, if they come at all. And here, with such a fame, you have actually happened something extraordinary. You call and ask to come, well, where they will come.
I work in an IT office, I am not an administrator, sometimes I call an administrator or ask every time comes and solve a problem. I have come across the matter not in the administrators, but in those who ask for help, not even so, but in the problem that arose!
P.S Please bring it to the top, let everyone think.

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17768
Lectures in Higher Mathematics. The teacher writes on the board a cracked formula and turning to the hall says:
The figure drawn according to this formula will look like a sand clock.
From the hall:
What form?
Teacher without a smile:
Hyperbolic parabolic
From the hall:
Now it understands.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №17767
I saw the height of cynicism today. A kiosk with handicrafts sold pencils... Spurts from Ikea.

[ + 108 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17766
Often it flaps here about stupid studios, who are lazy and helpless. So in my state university has long been legalized bourses, supposedly students acquire on their wish souvenir products, with the symbolism of the university, from sweets to guides, the minimum price for which starts from 250p. (prices are overpriced in two or three times), and such puzzles need to buy not one copy and not once. I came to the universe to study, but not to be a dog cow for uncles who lack a hammer. For two years I have not given a penny on these bars.

Then came the summer session. I am the only one in the whole group who does not take the exams because they are elementary. I give up the theory, begin to recall topics that I have badly answered over the course of a year. But people are limited, paying money, most accounts get.

Well, okay, I decided for myself never to behave according to the opinion of the herd, it is better to let them go. There were two people in the universe who resisted, now I am alone. But when people like me get a dozen, we won’t have an important estimate in the count. They will not prevent me from acquiring a gun license. Yes, it’s the scream of the soul, I see around the willless people, I’m afraid that my children will live in this pit.

Please resist, I am missing support. You should look in the eyes of your ancestors, it is your country, your land, stop swirling, money is dust, honor is the last thing that remains. We have already missed one state, don’t miss the last chance.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №17765
Borrowing money from a person who promised to make a job is not the best strategic move. I have a friend who works in a bank, and when there were rumors about upcoming cuts, he quickly took in the same bank in principle unnecessary loan for a year (on preferential terms, as an employee). He said he would lose a little money, but he kept his job. This is strategy.

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