— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №19264
Two weeks of labor and your breasts like in youth
Figase, 2 weeks to work to get your breasts 1 size again?? to

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19263
Stop of public transportation. On the opposite side of the road, looking exclusively at the bus coming to the stop, steps on the road and begins to move slowly long-legged blonde creature of the 20s. At this time, driving at a decent speed due to the turn of the jeep, at the last meters from the girl, tricks around her, going to the side with the right pair of wheels. As a real blonde, the girl is absolutely uninterested in the sound of the brakes behind her back, because in clothes and makeup, multitasking is not her hobby. And judging by the look, her goal is one, to remember which bus is best to get to the desired stop...
At the jeep, the door opens and a pretty cute and stylish young man turns his back to the departing miracle:
- Girl, please tell me where is the nearest transition?
In response, this beauty turns and, seeing a gentle and, most importantly, not a poor young man, begins, blinking with his eyes, gently chatting about the transition 10 meters ahead and 15 meters behind.
So what x... am I not going to go after the transition?!!! to
Stop the bed.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №19262
If you have a sense of humor
And the word “Huy” is funny to you.
Say straight, clearly and loudly.
Fuck the shit!
It is...
Congratulations on standing!

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19261
Smoking light cigarettes is like washing a loop with baby soap.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №19260
M: How many of you?

D: 2 pieces

Two girls are two?

D: We are only two.

What in kilograms?

D is 120

M: wow, I will come to 120 kilograms of girls)))))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №19259
Unbelievable but a fact!! to
Robots who survived a temporary power outage, tell about the blue screen at the end of the tunnel.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №19258
We need to offer tea and ice cream instead of asking stupid questions to pull or not condoms.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №19257
My friend wrote to me as children, and offend us very easily.

In the sense of men.

I am :
Well I’m about too... hurt easily... but then you give a candy – and op-la... again "my mom is the most beautiful" XD

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №19256
I watch news on NTV. There means telling about Russian yachtsmen who fought with Spanish mints. According to the version of Spanish police, three Russian tourists attacked 10 Spanish security guards and beat them.

and our tourists)

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19255
Very lazy is when you can’t read quotes longer than one line.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №19254
The xxx:
It was my most stupid dispute...I almost lost it. I had to go to the seller in the animal store and ask what to feed a sea pig. Or that she is not eating anything. And in general, she swims meedly in the aquarium... with a bullet can’t she get into the water?She is a sea pig.
The xxx:
I was caught so rugged that the guy of the seller came to me that I was joking.
*ROFL* *ROFL* fucking need to take the idea to note
The xxx:
he said later that he didn’t know what he had to do – cry at me or cry because of the pigs)))

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №19253
X: How do you feel about the skaters? and ;)
Y: the norm
X: A to the Goths?
Y: thus
X: A to EMO?
Y: I treat everyone well!! to
X: Even to the rapers?
Y: Even to these fucking...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №19252
Grey buddies are formed in the exact middle between the dark past and the bright future.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №19251
The story is real and I am a part of it. I am a lawyer, if I can say so. The investigator called my defendant to get acquainted with the case materials. The client is a minor from a distant village, the case took place in the city. A client came to the city and called. He said he was in the central market. I said I would go and go to the investigator. has arrived. There is no customer in the agreed place. I call. And I, he says, was picked up by the police when I drank beer. Okay, tell the uncles of the police that now your lawyer will come and understand the situation. He doesn’t turn off his cell phone and tells someone about it. I hear a roar in the phone. Three minutes later, I appeared in the police pitch and repented the police officers of my certificate. You would see their faces. The client is dressed in a sporting suit and looks like that. Oh well okay. began to understand. The police said that there will not be a protocol here and must go to the department. Well we went. Arrived at the department. The boy was taken to a minor affairs unit. I went there too.
The boss came. He asked me who I was. showed a certificate.
The boss stunned and asked my client where he found the lawyer.
The boy’s response shocked everyone in the office. “There are times when everyone should have a lawyer.” Rod was crying.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №19250
On Wednesday, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited a new maternity in Abkhazia, where twins were born a few minutes before Putin's arrival. They called them, of course, Volode and Dima. Even though they were girls.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №19249
The call. I pick up the phone, calls a girl from the company "BIT"
I: I listen to you.
Hello, my name is Natalia, I am BITA.
I: O_o

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №19248
WWW- I recalled here about the celebration of justice... I go like a gardening in the summer, in front of the Mayakov Square, so here - a lady on a cute white merce-cabaret, all cut, all the bikes... generally irritated the public:) In the end, she is poured into the left row and we synchronously enter the tunnel, and there as you know a little peripherally:)) In front of this cabriolet woman stands a big KAMAZINA..... and begins in this gently cream salon to blow out her exhaust poison of black color, the lady pumps her eyes, pulls her hands... but the blockade and leave nowhere:)) And all offended by this sweetheart, including me... locked up in the salons with a condiment:)) And quietly racked her at the address

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №19247
The judges can’t argue at the trial, but they can say, “Well, the plaintiff!”“What kind of complainant...”

[ + 73 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19246
Not invented, everything described has been seen with your own eyes.
I went to the internet to pay for the phone one day. The city is a hole, hole. And there is lunch, but without the internet as without hands, I stand at the entrance, smoke, 15 minutes until the end of lunch. At ten meters from me, a red mark stops. I have to admit that I cannot distinguish foreign brands in the profile, generally in cars I do not know very well, except for domestic jigguls. The driver of a foreign brand such a big cock in a business suit (First). And then from behind him in the ass slightly crashes a driver, the driver of which is also quite a man (Two). The first looked in the rear-view mirror, breathed so dramatically and began to slowly stretch the seat belt, as if such a hernia in the day was not the first time. At this time, the second is jumping out of the ninth. Well, I think, now from a low start in the bushes, and there in the gardens. Anne is not. While the first stretched the execution over the second, the second escaped the foreigner in front. I was surprised, and the first driver, who was engaged in the stretching of the belt, was also not surprised and only the head of the second carried and managed. And the one from all the scale, and so strongly that the hit of the nine from the back was just a child, the foot on the buffer of the foreign mark hit so that in the cabin the safety pillow worked, as a result of the first can not get out. The second at this time sharply at nine, unfolds and sneezes. I was so surprised that I couldn't even roast, only the cigarette shot and the fingers burned.))))
The curtain.It is :)

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19245
He: I want to embrace you, kiss you, press you tightly and never let go.

She: I want to... always think of you... I want to always be next to you.

He: Oh not there

She is: O_O

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna