— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15983
Phan (22:09:25 15/04/2009)
So tell me, as a man with an unfinished higher education, to a man with an unfinished higher education... why do mice crack not with a bunch, but with pieces?

Thessalonian (22:09:52 15/04/2009)
Not enough time to normalize.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №15982
On one of the websites:
News: The most sexy woman in the world
According to Esquire, the most desirable woman on the planet is 42-year-old Holly Berry.
I was very pleased with one of the stones:
Anonymous: I think at the moment the most sexy person is Saakashvili!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15981
Do you want me to show you my objective?
I actually just washed the cloth.
What does this have to do with?
I stumble with saliva.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №15980
and survived! The shoulder broke the needle... pps...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №15979
What a fucking life. Hang a sign on the entrance to the door - painted. Who knew that not the door was painted, but the door pen?

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №15978
Life in the multi-storey is a pipe. Today in the elevator:
What floor do you have?
and the seventh.
I: I press the button and I am the seventh.
She says: “Hello, I am upset.
) 😉 😉 😉

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15977
A programmer who writes interactions with the network must be as careful as a Jedi who shaves the area of the pelvis with a Light Sword.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15976
Maik Aira ‎(20:03):
Good afternoon Sugar! A wonderful evening, right?
moon ‎(20:04):
Dwarf to Dwarf! Evening and nothing... hot went.
Maik Aira ‎(20:06):
Heat went, let's find out, this is: 1. finally turned on hot water, 2. forgot to remove vodka in the refrigerator, 3. didn't run to the toilet?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №15975
* adm stumbled into the corridor new closet
<ibl> major
<ibl> could also buy a placard

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15974
I work as a staff manager in a small company. Two girls came to work. Please fill out the standard questionnaire. I read and slowly descended under the table. In the column "Family status" one of them wrote "There is a friend", the other - "In active search" ))) I think about entering the questionnaire of the column "Your nickname VKontakte";

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №15973
You have beautiful breasts, Marina!
Marishka: You are not ashamed.
Ugin: what
Why don’t you be ashamed of asking a decent girl about this?? to
Thanks for the breasts.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15972
Becoming a transvestite to kiss a favorite lesbian? It’s like going from your phone to the MTS website and sending a free SMS.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15971
I have nothing to do with gays. I am sexual loneliness.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15970
Who are you studying with? In the graduate?
Are you a student?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №15969
Transmission is the most common way in our country.
Information from generation to generation.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №15968
Our family tradition.
This story happened to my grandmother a hundred years ago. At that time her
The family kept sheep. They drove them in the morning, even before they were thrown out.
The pastures. The method of breastfeeding the sheep in the village was this: you need to go to the garden, sit down.
the sheep with the back forward, and with his hands and his feet, so that it would not break out,
lean to the back of the sheep and steep in the understated cane.
Early in the morning of the day that made her famous in her village, my
My grandmother went out to feed sheep, as usual. The unusual thing is that it is already
It happened last night, but it has not yet manifested itself. The guilty
He was sitting in the barracks, hiding and waiting for dawn.
It was a wolf. A hungry wolf who came to the village in the winter. made
A hole in the roof and got into the hole. I forgot, but as a wise man.
The beast first checked if he could get out. could not. is it
He went into the hole, and from the inside the wall was too high.
I am tired of gray roofing.
Why the wolf in such cases does not start cutting the sheep, no one knows.
Maybe he calculates all the options and understands that people will resort to noise.
And the wolf is just waiting for somebody to open the door in the morning – and here he is.
suddenly will jump out and slide into the forest; or maybe, the wolf just falls into the
Depression and loss of appetite. Anyway, but the noise of the wolf did not raise at night,
He hid himself until the morning among the sheep, closer to the doors and fresh air, and
I expected what would happen.
My sleepy grandmother went into a dark bowl, quickly and tightly closed the door.
the door, by the habit of holding the knee broken was to the exit
Sheep, and tried to hide her. He did not understand why it happened that
This breaking out but still secluded “sheep” seemed to be mad at all.
When the grandmother hugged her with her legs and hands and tried to touch the vicious.
In the thick sheep wool. Of course, my grandmother didn’t have time to notice anything.
because the sheep began to jump and jump on a tight loaf with the wicked and
Absolutely incomprehensible, as for the domestic sheep, by force.
From fear and not to fall, my grandmother grabbed stronger.
The sheep’s wool was thick and began to shout loudly. The sheep again.
jumping on the wall, finally opened the door, jumped out on the road and
I headed towards the forest. The grandmother who seated the sheep,
He did not give up, he was simply unable to push his hands.
with fingers. The wolf (and it was he) ran 50 meters and fell. from
The grey heart could not withstand the shock.
Not immediately, but my grandmother got up and got up from a dead wolf. No is
Looking at the escaped villagers, he ran home. She had to change clothes.
The rest of the sheep were waiting.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №15967
The shorter the shirt, the more flaws it hides.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №15966
Yesterday I went to the entrance, on it the advertisement 'disappeared cat'.. I go up to the floor - the cat sits and runs.. Well I run to that apartment, I say 'go pick up, or I can't pick up'.. Check running after me.. Show:
This one?
A man has an annoyance and resentment in his voice:
No, not this... This has been brought to us twice today.
and :)

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №15965
XX: Where are you from?
yyy: from Moscow))
XHH: You are shaking)
Zzz: It’s good that you’ve all gathered in one place and cared for...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №15964
Remember one person admired the virus that blocks the system by issuing a message type for "unlocking send SMS with text and enter the received code". I read it, I smiled, and I found this virus. Moreover, the proga is literate, blocking all paths of its circumvention. I sit, I smoke, I think about how much time it will take to format and reset the screw.I call a friend, mol, go out of the problem, in the end he finds a working cage(!!!!!) for the virus. The conclusion goes by itself - Russian losers are so harsh that they hack viruses))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna