— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15623
In a verbal battle between two men, every centimeter is important.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15622
I work for the TEC. Who doesn't know - the TEC produces heat and electricity.
We were overbought here by a cool holding and the cool boys-managers have already begun to appear and look at what you can do here.
This is the Moscow Commission. The management of the TEC meets - there is nowhere to go, with the "masters" it is necessary to be more loving, although it reduces the...
They ask the Moscovites: "Why would you like to start the tour?" And here the boy-manager of the most major kind says: "From the warehouse of finished products!"

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15621
You did not give me the keyboard from that computer!
And what happened?
I press "y" and the point comes out.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №15620
I read old quotes and suddenly I understood one thing. The modern баш.org has become faceless. If previously quotations from ICQ or IRC were thrown here, then the nics were not cut. They did not replace them with faceless "he," "she," "xxx," " wow." The country knew its heroes. We were proud that our nicknames "lighted" here. It created a sense of credibility. This is what is lacking in modern citations. I can’t get rid of the feeling that I’m being mocked when I read that X wrote the game.
Please do not hide behind the mask. Let this be a small step toward the return of the "old Bacha."
Thank you for reading these letters.
Good wishes to the other snowman.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №15619
At work, the drivers found a wallet, filled it with paper for puffiness and stuck to the ground. They are sitting, hiding and watching. They had a speaker with them.
Different people walked through the street, trying to take out the wallet, but without success.
Then the man approached, stood up and helped – he did not turn away. They said to him in the loudspeaker: “Draw stronger!” and the man raised his head, looked around and began to drag. They said to him again, “Stronger!” and the man looked around again, and he saw no one. Then he lifted up his head toward heaven, stretched out his hands and said, "It is not possible, Lord."

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №15618
The country must not be protected from fictitious external enemies, but from
parasitic internal

Tired of cat blushes

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15617

Yesterday my youngest broke in the garden. At a quiet hour he woke up first.
I saw a neighbor’s bed very similar to his shorts and put them on. Youngly
And the stupid educator has invented nothing better than to take off shorts.
Right in the bedroom. My struggled for shorts like a lion and cried MY. A neighbor wakes up.
and not finding their shorts, and seeing the educational disgrace, quickly
He grabbed someone’s pants and pulled them. The educator left my, moved to
Now two men are fighting for my clothes and my arms. Carapace
I woke up and saw that the last shots are being picked up and there is a chance.
To stay without those, in panic began to grab the first clothes,
Strongly declare their rights. The whole group did not go home.
The clothes.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №15616
A doctor at a psychiatric hospital finds out a crossword:
The island where Napoleon was born.
Address to the patient:
Idiot, where are you born?

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15615
I had a strange dream today.
I took my son a cat
XXX: He lived with us for 2 months.
And suddenly I stopped eating, going to the toilet and sleeping.
xxx: all the time went there and here, whispered and demanded to enter the license key
And what did you do? and :)
xxx: I gave it to somebody, and downloaded the opensource version of the cat
XXX: Who has become bald for some reason

[ + 57 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №15614
I work as a manager in a small office. Today, the director of the fire: "Do you know what the resemblance of a accountant and a bustler is? Both one and the other are able to hide what others cannot see. And there are those who create the appearance of what is not..."
I thought long.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15613
 04.04.2009 news is rejoicing once again

"Taras Bulba": Charisma Boyarsky burns all living

Bruce Wills's house burned

[ + 60 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №15612
People, and you also have on your right palm, where the hand rests on the table when holding a mouse, a small clot and a mushroom?and :)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15611
Tyumen anarchists wrote on the walls of the military commissions "I love people" and "World Peace". The authorities saw this incitement of hostility.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №15610
Sorry that’s not funny.
In the school dining room he stood in a line and heard the conversation of two guys.
I showed my ass in the camera today.
2 (the first one on the shoulder): Beautiful guy! This is a real punk rock! We are real punks!

And they both think they’re cool punks... I saw a drunk punk driving the old lady across the road. This is a real punk, and showing your ass in the camera at school is a scam.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №15609
It was a fun day yesterday. I love the first of April.

The boss joked that I had to do today from scratch in a couple of hours and deliver a ready project.
I joked I’t do that.
He joked that he was serious.
I joked that I didn’t believe it anyway.
He joked he would punish me.
I joked that I disagreed with the fine and placed a dismissal statement on his table.
He also joked and signed it.
I am looking for work.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №15608
from the advertisements "In contact":
"Uday Boo
17 thousand rub.
full, so not aggressive, 1.5 years of breed, not covetous in food, while feeding once every two weeks 1-2 mice, growth about 80-95cm. I know how to speak..."

That’s what "Sheshshshsh" wants to do now.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15607
News on Yandex:
Barack Obama gave Queen Elizabeth a second iPod

One thought on “Does the Queen have two iPods?”

[ + 101 - ] Comment quote №15606
Fuck the "gramatheis", who have a headache, and the Nihua themselves do not write literally. Fuck, "let the mirror foam when the rod is curved". Learn first to put "B" in the verbs s -is and -tся (checked by the question "what to do?" and "what does"?) is
For example:
I went yesterday, what should I do? to bath.
Bathing in the river – what do you do? and swimming.
Is it so hard to remember?? to

As well as "Ъ" instead of "B" in the words submission, fucking, fucking. For these rules, you do not need to finish philfak and have a higher education. It is enough to attend at least Russian language lessons in high school, where you have probably ever been.
It didn’t burst, but it burst!
The Plush! It may help minors who walk through school to remember such simple rules and will not be so much borrowed and scratching the eyes of the competent half of the Bacha readers.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15605
Oil painting (and cheese)
Two men in a semi-dark computer club rush into strategy. The dialogue looks as follows:
You have captured Israel. And then what?
How what? I would sell it back to the Jews.
And then then?
I will capture again. And then...
I understood, I understood. The last question is nationality.
and yes!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №15604
At least enough for normal...

Operation "Nahui House2"
On the desktop, create a DoSTNT.bat file with the following content:
ping -t -l 65500 -i 255 -w 10
If desired, it can be started several times.
The main thing is that we (those who took home) a lot =)
Anonymous is anonymous? Let it pinch for days.
It will be written "The waiting interval for the request has been exceeded." so it is necessary,
We don’t wait for the server’s response (we’re afraid of its answers), but simply fluim.
The Botnet owners are with us! = = )

not at all "", but it is first and second this shit show has its website, why not a TV channel, which gave us a lot of interesting, dote house2, once already - Operation "Nahuy House2" ))

Bring it to the best, so that it does not reach the empty.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna