— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №15583
told a friend. They put their networks in the same office. The cables themselves passed under the ceiling. The distance between the ceiling and the panels itself is 3 fingers, BUT! Naturally, nothing can be discarded. This is "special" A trained rat. He attached a cable to it, slowly tapping the ceiling passed 20 meters, gave a conditional signal with the same tapping, the rat bit a hole in the ceiling, and, along with the cable, jumped on his shoulders. Walia, the network stretched where it should be and without damage! At the request to sell this miracle for any money, he refused.

P.S And you say, cat, odmin... figna... rys, odmin... Here!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №15582
In the European Union, there is a law prohibiting the production of salmon from any vegetables. But here is the paradox, in Portugal, carrots are almost not a national dish! And what do you think was forbidden to Portugal to produce this spice? Or did the EU law make an exception for Portugal? No is! These wise men issued a law according to which carrot in the territory of Portugal is... The fruit!! to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15581
Of course, all have been quoted about "I have one" and "I am one such", and yet.. I have one girl when watching the series and there some kisses his hands as a fan and shouts "take her!"? Is this normal behavior?

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15580
Why do the greens paint girls in expensive sweaters, and do not pay attention to bikers packed in leather from legs to heads?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №15579
How did you survive the betrayal of your beloved girlfriend?
1:I then started writing on Perl's, so I noticed the girl's departure only a month later.
2:I recently started writing intensely on the pearl here... probably worth checking out the girl

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15578
A girl from Pro-Service:
D: Hi we have a problem "file at lunch"!!! to
Is it like lunch?? to
D: Well English Lunch Lunch, File to Lunch
Admin: Aaaa...! Failed to launch

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №15577
Between two fires you will burn.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №15576
I work for the TEC. Who does not know: we produce heat and electricity. Us is
I bought a cool holding and the cute boys-managers have already started.
Come out and see what you can do here.
This is the Moscow Commission. The TEC Board meets -
There is no place to go, it is necessary to be more kind, even if it reduces the birth. They ask
How would you like to start your excursion? Here is OP!
The boy-manager of the majorist look says: From the warehouse of finished products!
Fuck, what did he do to store??? It is :)))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №15575
I heard that Putin bought himself Niva!
In the credit?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15574
Forum on Hunting:
Irina: I heard that the sperm of the shrimp is used for medical purposes. Who can tell me how to find her?? to
Well here I am...the rest is up to you;)))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15573
On the 1st of April, all of Russia worked. Thanks to Basu!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15572
I am (23:45:01 28/03/2009)
My grandmother was fucking fucked half a night.

she (23:45:35 28/03/2009)
I have had no sex since Monday.

I am (23:45:36 28/03/2009)
And then I woke up

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №15571
Skypidar is coming to us.
{21:23:51} Lexa-xa> Skypidar: Hi heavenly Pidar!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №15570
Operation "Nahui House2"
On the desktop, create a DoSTNT.bat file with the following content:
ping -t -l 65500 -i 255 -w 10
If desired, it can be started several times.
The main thing is that we (those who took home) a lot =)
Anonymous is anonymous? Let it pinch for days.
It will be written "The waiting interval for the request has been exceeded." so it is necessary,
We don’t wait for the server’s response (we’re afraid of its answers), but simply fluim.
The Botnet owners are with us! = = )

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №15569
In the cars of the Minsk metro right above the doors hangs a advertisement, where in large letters is written "Predominant collection of clowns".
At a peak hour, this is the subject.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15568
With Gorbaty Zaporozhye, I had this – I was from Ukraine, a man votes in the Prudkov area. I stopped, took him. And "Square" "Square" There is a spark and gasoline, and it doesn’t start, it stung and that’s all. The man goes out, walking 50 meters along the road. I took the car and everything worked. I go. He came back and voted again. I sat again. Zeppelin is down again. The man had to go back. He goes back 30 meters. Without doing anything, I buy. See also "Moscow" The man brakes him. He is stopping. I took the box and went. I see - a man from Moskovich goes out - he also stunned - I didn't stop, I walked past. I have never stumbled, neither this day nor then.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15567
Pasha shrugged and shouted "Work Negroes!!!" completed in the task manager "System failure"

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №15566
35 (13:53:15 31/03/2009)
When I come, I will come close to you. I will look into your bottomless lake eyes, gently conduct the fingertips on the gentle cheek, beard and thin trembling neck. You get stuck like a cat in the sunshine, and I, taking advantage of the moment, clamp my forehead to your forehead and whisper: hello... and then just a blow of kissing. sweet as a volcano and passionate as a butterfly’s wing.
Dimm (13:53:51 31/03/2009)
I always knew you were gay.
35 (13:54:39 31/03/2009)
You see, it has caught you! If you used to say simply "Here you are a peder", then now you are a gentle "gay"...

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №15565
Cinema is coming. American and filmed in America. I saw... The wasteland!! I am ballet! And then he drowned. The pair rolls in the front and the engine is in the back. The horses!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15564
"... Let’s be honest – it’s time. Gl. The engineer costs times more than the time of the admin..."
"... p.s. He has survived three "classic" admins. The fourth does not conflict with the users..."
"...I think this guy will stay for a long time. With a good salary. Learn to..."

Nihua is not good.
He said his time is worth more than his.
And he, fucking, sets up the entire IT-structure. He is in good shape and cares about the company.
The task of the system administrator is to first develop the general structure of the entire network, then configure the servers all you need, and then maintain it all.Imagine that your entire network collapsed, servers died and all that...Calculate the losses for at least a day.

And users on the buttons to press - the task of "enikey".
And there is also a system engineer - his task - all kinds of iron... well there and the cable to pull the network...
And you combine all this in one person, and then you say that his time is worth much less than yours.
You admire how good he is.

Go yourself and try the project of the aircraft to create, and in the workshop to set up the machinery, and conduct the wiring, and then go, crazy, to explain to the routers how to work on this machinery and why when I press the button, the machine whispers and something turns there.
has presented? And now get out of the bastion, there are IT-shakers sitting.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna