— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16703
Creative Plans
(The story of a former student)

It was in the mid-1990s. He came to our university with
The creative evening of the outstanding actor Evgeny Leonov. The room, of course.
He was struck by battle. I’m not going to talk about the show itself, it’s better.
As they say, to see once.
At the end of the performance, the actor came down from the stage, smoked a cigarette.
Naturally, we surrounded him with a dense ring, warming up in the rays of the worship.
The light. For a while there was silence. Suddenly, one of our teachers
I decided to ask the question:
– Eugene Pavlovich, what are your creative plans?
Leonov looked sadly at the docent and replied:
Not to die.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16702
When I was 15, the Gypsy reminded me I was going to spend a lot.
Money for women.
I am now 30 and I have a wife and three daughters.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16701
I remembered a case from the distant past.
We and my brother were born on the same day and respectively drunk together, but he was burned, and I never saw that I was drunk... And here one day I came into the torture drunk and, as usual, loaded, sat on a chair and tried to fall asleep, which would let go... And when the father once again began to blaspheme his brother, the brother said, he said that you blaspheme me, the brother also came drunk. He even worries that a drunken came you see sitting on a chair and sinking, and you as you were broken, so you will remain him!"))

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №16700
DikiY: Hope to film "Admin House (House S.U.Even the actor can not be changed (except to give this a sweater), just instead of the patients will be bugs and secrets, claiming that they did not touch anything, and everything itself broke.

[ + 73 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16699
Thanks to the spammers breaking the pages in contact, just, my subordinate from the military, a healthy man in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, asked to vote for him in a beauty contest. He says he’s already in second place and there’s a little left.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16698
As I said when I was a child, “The most delicious thing in a vegetable ragu is meat!”

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №16697
If I get to the best, I give up.
The Session

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №16696
Wikipedia has an article on the "Satellites of Venus". It is said that Venus has no satellites.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16695
JV: And I am not jokingly interested in one question: If a Phoenix bird is eaten... What will it rebirth from?

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16694
worse than the Blatt transliteration, can only be "VOT TAKIE BukkaFki"

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №16693
Andrei: No
Andrei: Victor Albertovich, were you in the village?
VeryBigBird: What is a naughty village? The boss comes tomorrow! The disadvantage! You understand it, insane! Who’s going to pay a fool!!!! 1
And this is the first time in my life that I came from the city to the village.
At 23 years old, you know?
Very BigBird: Well Andrew’s project, right? Fuck to us!
And this is the first time in my life that I have heard a whirlwind. And when I realized that I was trying to find a system in his song, I understood it was a pathology. I am a finished man. So that:
Going behind the projects! Get rid of me!!!! to

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №16692
The mother-in-law went to the country...there was a happy but hungry summer.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №16691
Probably very cynically lying in bed with a man talking about himself "I sleep in a new place, dream of the bridegroom bride".

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16690
JustMedia is running!
Yekaterinburgese tried for fraud: under the guise of heroin he sold simple powder
Oh yeah, he’s a fucker...

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №16689
It’s also hard to believe, but with every orgasm women... increase their IQ! American scientists, tirelessly exploring the sexual capabilities of the two-legged, found out: during orgasm, the blood circulation in the body occurs at the utmost maximum speed and oxygen-enriched blood quickly reaches all organs, including the brain. And the control center of the hormonal system - the hypothalamus - also monitors the work of the centers of memory and learning. So students and students during the sessions should not only engage in...

Moving into the masses! It is urgent!
by Bell.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №16688
Today saw the headline in the newspaper: "Russian tourists are being sought by U.S. police for sex with wildlife".
There were no 18...

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №16687
So you just wanted to fuck me?! to
He said, “You have not been in your mind.
I mean, am I not beautiful?! to
He: Well what you are, you are very beautiful and sexy.
Did she just want to fuck?! to
He is fucking...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №16686
The thief should sit, not sit.

[ + 56 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16685
I have an older son, Sascha, an intelligent, but moderately flattering guy.
The story is real and directly related to him, or rather to his young man.
of creativity. It was in 1998, when he was still in second grade.
The story itself.
I woke up one morning with a headache yesterday.
the holiday) and the insistent demand of the son – dad, dad, we yesterday
It was written and the teacher gave me nothing for it. Everyone
I put it, and I don’t. Let me read it to you. Dad, Dad... Sash, S
I hardly say - let's go later (heads crack), anyway now nothing
I understand, I can’t even listen... He broke me. Theme anyway.
I was – I ask. About nature, I should have written, I wrote.
Forests and rabbits. Well go wave.
Now I will try to literally recite the composition itself – a little more.
Half the school page in the ambulance.
So then... In one forest – started Sashka, – built a factory, where rabbits
after the first words, my eyes became slow by themselves
to open.) And here, when another batch of rabbits was brought to the factory
They decided to organize the escape (from their eyes began to emerge images from the
Auschwitz: a long rope of unhappy rabbits in front of giant rabbits
factory gates on the backdrop of pipes. The consciousness is becoming clearer.)
Several rabbits gathered together and began to discuss a plan for escape. was
decided to undercover under a clutch wire and escape into the forest (despite
At the pulsing headache, I began to slowly fold in half.
They are fucking...). And here, when the pudding was ready, a few rabbits
They escaped and ran quickly into the forest. They were shot, but
The rabbits turned away from the bullets. The guards were pursued by the
Of course, so many dogs run away without permission. Quietly
I am hysterical, I cannot rust, I am afraid the head will split, tears from the eyes...). one
The rabbit long walked through the forest and managed to get rid of the pursuit.
The rest are unknown, possibly someone was wearing the shirt.
readers of this letter. Shake up – son – do not continue – pity...).
Finally, exhausted by the pursuit, the rabbit crashed into the forest and fell on the ground.
grass, hard breathing (Thank you God, save me, don't let me fall on
Factory... washing in the pillow. And then the rabbit fell on the nose of the tree autumn.
the yellow sheet, the rabbit looked at him (you imagine it...) and said
What a beauty!! (How I did not die, I still don’t know.)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №16684
Colombian drug cartels seriously concerned about beer problem
Alcoholism among young people.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna