— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №13044
I have had a headache for three weeks.
Have you not given your boyfriend for three weeks?! to
I no longer have a boyfriend.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №13043
Astaldo: When I listen to a Chinese football commentator, it seems to me that he will soon call the devil

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №13042
SexyGirl: Hi, don’t you want a minetics? and ;)
Neo: What will happen to me?

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №13041
ххх: My son in the kindergarten has a fighting friend – Dasha. Friends from the group.
I woke him up this morning. does not react. I pull the blanket and quietly lick the heel.
Through a dream with a smile:
“Well, Daeshashah...!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №13040
I: Andrew that you have with Glory on the party *** to be painted?
Neikafs: I say yes, and Glory says nuts.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13039
The district court of Orla today ruled against two 18-year-old students. They were sentenced to a fine of 50,000. RUB each, said the representative of the regional prosecutor's office Olga Bernikova.
According to her, during the special operation, which was conducted by the local UFSKN, under the guise of marijuana, future masters sold a drug control officer with a medicinal product called "Crap tea for urination".

As it turned out later, the tea was bought at the pharmacy and cost 18 rubles. He was sold to a drug controller for $2,000. The rub. The income was divided equally among the students. For this transaction they were found guilty under Article 159 of the Criminal Code – fraud committed by a group of persons on a preliminary conspiracy.and c)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13038
Men's pride is stumbling when you write and wash the weld with marked hits.
In the toilet.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №13037
Vitas is the most popular modern Russian performer in China, which puts him on the first place among all Russian performers by total number of fans in the world.
c) The Wikipedia

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №13036
In general, we decided we and friends to drink beer on Friday evening, we go to the store and catch a straw on fruit syrup "tetiya peach", well, we were cursed we bought five 20 bottles and he poured into bottles of dark beer. Here from where not to take the garbage went up well comes out one and in the courtyard is not 1 lamp "aga beer drink", well he is enough a ball and there is a stalk ringing says this leave and went to the department on the road he wrote a protocol that we have a beer box there and so on. We do not burn. Bringed to the rubbish department in the garbage shoot and bullet. Minutes after 5 I hear in the police station a whisper ppc just cry people rubbish flies there looking and there syrup 15 bottles. Mint red brown pratacol rhetoric oret on us what under *balli? The smart? I will arrange a syrup for you, we can't stop, we can't get out of duty, the captain and says let go of the boys for the creativity you don't still play over people :)

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №13035
Olya: Nina, is that what I have a webcam is because of a laptop or Vista?
I have socks because I’m at home or in the store.? to

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №13034
I saw Timothy.

Remove the eye that saw him. He is now cursed!

Everything I looked at was damned. I looked at it with the eye I looked at Timothy.


I looked at Timothy with the eye I looked at Timothy.
The damn is damned!!!! to

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №13033
In Vladivostok, on December 14, a large demonstration took place, against tariffs on foreigners. Of them, about 100,000 people will remain unemployed, not counting the disadvantages in the budget.
The roads, the airport were blocked, the participants demanded to show their performance on the central channel, demanded the attention of the authorities, crowds of omons, journalists, people expressing their dissatisfaction, the fact that our region is simply pressed out as a clot. From websites, forums remove photos and news about it.
No one will know about it unless you... please.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13032
Yesterday I went to school for my son (1st grade) I watched the picture:
On the passage between the parties go 2 boys, 1 pulls a chair.
In front of them, laying on the party, a girl stood and chatted with her friends.
1 guy (with a chair): - Madmuazel, please remove your legs from the passage.
The girl does not react.
2 guy approaches, silently takes her for the ass, lifts up and puts a little on the side.
The guys go on.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13031
Why did the drums cut off??? They will not play!!! to
Tanya, they’re not going to play... they’re drawn... on paper!!and :)
Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q: Q.? to
Wow, crazy, it’s even worse to know that Santa doesn’t exist!!!! to
Fuck, you ruined my whole life!
Oh yeah no! The life of the dog, I think, is very interesting! When you hang on a tree, you dry up quietly.
HH: And if you wanted to call me "suck", then you missed the fingers, eh!
WOW : )
The princes on white horses do not exist, the girls shoot, and the pony do not shoot with butterflies, and the New Year's tree is the bodies of trees!!!!!!! Here is!
Tagged: fainting

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13030
The Pizzeria! My wife called. Ask "Do you have a good mood?"
I say "Yes"
She: It will be bad. I broke the computer. The shirt removed, went immediately to turn it on and the static stunned!
Your luck is not included!

And it’s still offensive when I call her a Terminator!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13029
Panic at the Bronx:
I read on the forum in the topic "Animals" somebody wrote:

In acquaintances - the cat's name is Kastroylka, to my surprise - why? - answered - So castrated..."

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13028
For another dinner with you, I am ready to change the months of Warcraft, and with watching the Aladdin series - for six months. for massage - a screw with a screw and the screw itself is broken by a squat
The officer! I have never received such compliments.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №13027
Pulcher: I’m not afraid of the crowd, I just have a disregard for this herd.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №13026
A pessimist is a person who complains about the noise when he enters the door.

Happiness is knocking.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №13025
I read the story of the super glue and the door in the customs and remembered it.

A small own experience. It was literally a few months ago.

Since I was a child, I don’t like when people bite, throw rubbish, cigarettes, bottles there.

and different. Especially surprising to see this work of adults,

Teaching is useless. How do you explain to a 30-40 year old man?

Is it a pig? Especially if neither mom nor dad could do it.

You have to act spontaneously.

I walk with the dog, in the evening, the ordinary yard of the cartilage, fitted with shells.

Next to one of them is a man, the father of a blushed carapuse, and a faithful man.

The husband of a screaming aunt with obvious signs of a trade worker. Closed

The car fought. Suddenly an empty bottle flew past my whiskey.

The head of the family, heated by a quarrel, decided to throw the rubbish out of his house.

The columns. The bottle sadly whispered and rested on the chest of empty bottles and

The rest of the tank, accumulated suspiciously carefully near the Swintus garage.

As I said before, it makes no sense to explain something to such people.

At age, debility becomes a chronic form. The evening stopped.

to be mature, a plan of revenge.

Late in the evening, wearing gloves, taking a super glue, I started to

The art...

What an acoustic in the squares of crust! At seven in the morning, everyone woke up. manly

Oral like a veal, he powerlessly forged with thick fingers intentionally.

frozen bags and bags, bottles and newspapers. Red eyes and so on.

Foam in the mouth I have never seen, the shell was with a caly, so much

The "strong" garbage was glued to the line of the door. He opened the door for a minute.

After 30 years. And the shell still looks like a new year tree.

The garbage is no longer visible.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna