— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №13024
A private apartment in the centre of Peter is robbed. by fingerprint

Criminals say he will live a long time.

You will be happy, but you will never find great love.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13023
I have a "universal answer to questions" in the contact applications with a stock of ready answers! The answer is random! 😉 My girlfriend discovered this creation and there was a “genial conversation” between them:
She: Tell me the machine, am I the only one he has?
Prague: Not a fact
I am :)
It is a machine machine! Does he love me?
Prague: No
I am: roff))))))
Is he interested in me as a person?
Prague: Do not even hope
I: (a smile started slipping from my face)
She: So I’m just a hole for him?
Prague: Yes
It is a goat! I am leaving you! (The door to the door...)
I: 0_o 0_0 o_0

I have not seen her anymore...
Morality: The Matrix Has Done Us!!! )))))))))))))))

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №13022
God knows that some company patented a smiley ;-) and now
Users will have to pay for it.

Soon and ordinary mortals will be forced to pay for this smiley;-)
In one word nonsense.

One company patented Windows... and what, do you have a license?and :)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13021
From the forum of a local tracker:

Who will tell me what my rating is?
I’m crawling and my rating is not rising but falling!! to
Tell me what the problem is?

Don’t give up Comrade! Continue to Pick

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №13020
My wife works in RJD. He writes a letter:
Planned at MAZ. As always, hard on the mates.
Everything as usual - tasks were distributed, broken up, intertwined... One master stands up here and let the problems be loaded - he gave tasks, and how to do, from what - h.z. There is no metal - from what to forge???? to

Then he replied, “Why do you get me with this metal?” The Axis!!" (the people are starting to hike)
Master: “We are Ivan Ivanovich, we have been soaking for almost a month, but the question is to be resolved!”!" (the people are in shock :))
ZAM: "Yes, no, you didn’t understand – you also have the axes married – here are the ones and the who!!!!" (stunned and prolonged applause)
Get out of the table and add :)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №13019
When you really want to eat, the burnt is equal to the roasted to the crust.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №13018
How do you think it’s normal when your dad rattles the vacuum cleaner: “Well, you’re so weak then?! Here's the past saucer like three Vietnamese prostitutes! Otto was good, and you were Gandalf!!!". Do I need to change my family??? O_O

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13017
From Warcraft:

1> Welcome to Darnass Crying 10 Hunger!!! to
2> I will send free if you write without mistakes from two attempts.
1> Fuck me so I will come!!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13016
My friend told me she was going to the dentist. The flux in the whole face is the fear of God, and only. Suffer from a cold. Well, she enters, arranges herself in a chair... And the square will not raise her head in the meantime: she is striking something there. He sits in a chair, fights with a cold, shakes, respectively, his nose... The doctor raises his head:
Why are you crying, sweetheart?
Oh my God!! How you were born!!! to
I’ve always appreciated the sincerity of men.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13015
From an Explanatory Student:
"...was absent on a couple for an unknown but undoubtedly respectable reason"

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13014
Daddy is burning.
I came from work, says feeding deliciously so, I do not remember what the name of the stools of the feces, or the genitals... but it was so delicious...
It turned out to be hinkali.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №13013
Yesterday on the couple received an offer to collect a purely female distribution of linux. Under the charming name KuniLinux.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13012
*<Chuck Norris> has joined*
*<Invision> was kicked by <Chuck Norris>*
*<Boris> was kicked by <Chuck Norris>*
*<Link> was kick by <Chuck Norris>*
*<KAN> was kick by <Chuck Norris>*
<Out of the Sea>O_O
*<Sukhoi Vasya> was kick by <Chuck Norris>*

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13011
From one website...
Local rules of section 18+

The Rules:
It is forbidden to publish films containing scenes of violence, zoo, necro, pedophilia... the user who published the latter (as well as the one who asked) will not only be joked for life, but also found, and fucked by a crazy squid, and killed by her, myself.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13010
Humans are 70% water, and cucumbers are 90% water. With simple mathematical calculations, one can estimate that a person is 80% cucumbers.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №13009
My neighbor called his dog a dog, that’s fine.

And there recently came another guy, so his dog is named Nisabaka.

and 8 😉

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13008
XXX is:
Request for Authorization:
Fast fucking
Authorization approved

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №13007
Hi, you are talking anti-spam bot. To continue communication, answer one simple question: how much will two plus two multiply by two?

No - Blonde
8 is

No - Blonde
Eight is

No - Blonde

No - Blonde
Eight and eight are stupid!!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13006
Have you been to Peter at least once?
She: Yes, it was six years ago. I was in the Petropavlovsky fortress, the Alexandrovsky Garden near the Admiralty, on the Palace Square. Unfortunately I didn’t get into the cushion.
I: - The casting has not passed?

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №13005
From Lineage 2 Forum

xxx: During the game of watt in patina asked elephant with nick Marina, all kinds of play!
And then it turned out that in the real world this guy is the question. Why does this happen and is there a ban for it?

WOW: That’s the question, but how did you find out that she’s a guy?

She wrote "I went fucking"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna