— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11860
pav_327: we need to listen to something more brutal, more demonic... the arcade of the buyer for example... and indeed a harsh satanic group would have worked out - ARCADIA UKUPNICA, bgigaga...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11859
BlooD_Garpia: Something is boring in the train :(
I can’t see in the window.
Alukard13: I would take the side.Placcard.At the toilet.At night.
I would cheer.
Shtuber: With a full wagon of dembels.
Alukard13: With a full car of Gypsies.
It is worse.
Wred: with a full wagon of old Gypsies!
Alukard13: No Better than the Gypsy Dembele with GREAT CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to
Wred: Well then generally older Gypsy dumbels with breast children and guitar O...
Alukard13: The train Moscow-Vladivostok without stops!
Wred : Certainly! I forgot to add the drum and the trained bear.
Alukard13: A trained bear suffering from diarrhea.
Wred: let all who have eaten peanut soup suffer from diarrhea...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №11858
I was driving for classes and I saw my former driving instructor driving in front of me. I cut it up...he didn’t understand that I was, the flow went on and went forward...I guessed it on the light...I started gasing and signaling,he dropped the glass,I thus...he saw me...he came...he met me there and said to kill you a little.I go with the student, you subdue, and I tell her who taught this chicken to ride.)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №11857
You girl, where are you from?

I am Katya.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11856
Report of the Forum

Sorry, the forum is closed. We are testing new functions.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11855
Fououou! Sha barely convinced a friend of Odmin not to repair my phone

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11854
After a long and stubborn struggle, we went to a compromise with the maim: less than 3 circles near the compass - not counted!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11853
31899 (saved 2008-10-27 at 20:52)
I knew that the programmers weren’t adequate, but mine in my entirety. At the horror in the cinema, he is foolish at the most terrible moments, when I have changed a couple of cowards for fear. And in love comedies where the protagonist gets into a ridiculous situation, or comes a moment when it is necessary to kiss Mr. heroine, he closes his eyes with his hands and asks to tear him off when this terrible moment passes.

I'm not a programmer, but I'm also stressed by such scenes, and I don't think only of me.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11852
10/27/2008 06:12:21, Tea
By the way

10/27/2008 06:12:26, Tea
Have you slept with a virgin?

10/27/2008 06:13:45, hiNt
Yes, next to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11851
Beautifully sir!

The bombardment!

Oh yeah :)

A bombardment?

You understood

Yes, I understand your subtle hint on my unemployment.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11850
To the quote:
Exceptionally very angry in cases if the layer of "-se" and "-se" is incorrectly written. Do not ever write "Like"!!! That must be cut off!

You guys are mistaken. Here is a proposal for example:
Married women can also like men.
You never say...

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №11849
There are no flowers on the tombs of the kings.

Nick Blue

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №11848

Lesson of History

At the Engels factory in Manchester, workers worked in harsh conditions.

13 hours a day. The money they earned was hard enough.

of food. The workers of Engels were punished for every occasion and constantly.

The poor prices have already been reduced. Acquired by Unfortunate

Engels contained Marx, who never

He did not work, and called for the capitalists to be taken away from their factories.

The leaders of the world proletariat did not work in any factories. During the

Marx did not rise to the barricades, but wrote to the communists.

Letters from my London apartment.

The only case that Vladimir Ulyanov conducted in court was a case of

The peasant horses flooded his land. The Peasants

Paying a fine. Lenin’s mother leased the land of the Houthor.

The money was sent to Lenin abroad, where he wrote that it was necessary to take land.

With the landlords.

Large Russian industrial Savva Morozov held on his funds

Party of Bolsheviks. When they came to power, they took everything from his heirs.

The property and the inheritors were killed.

Leo Tolstoy never visited any of the Tolstoy communes.

He treated the bullies with great suspicion.

Levi Strauss never wore jeans, believing that a solid man

Working pants are not in the face.

The creator of the cognac empire Shustov was an old man, therefore,

I did not take alcohol into my mouth.

Pushkin has been fucking married women all his life. When he was suggested to

The possibility of betraying his wife, he called the offender to a duel and died.

The founder of Zionism Herzl stayed in Palestine for a week, no more

I endured.

The journalist Boris Schustef – a fierce defender of Zionism – lives in America

Not going to Israel.

The founder of Christianity was never in the church. He visited the Jewish

The Temple.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №11847
The positive effects of the financial crisis:

There is less spam on

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №11846
Leibonik: Neighbors in the shelter collapsed glass from the fork, the hole was temporarily glued with a plastic bag from the warehouse.
Now we are proud to name our fortress "Glass Package".

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №11845
Call us at the company:
Client: Hi, Alexander, nothing I will call you simply: "Alexander"?
Well, in principle, it’s not deadly, but I’m more accustomed to being called Vitaly.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №11844
Nina: the morning came the cat and kissed me face to face)))) so myilo
J : what? O_O

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11843
A man reads to his little daughter "The Bell".
You hear, and the Cologne was a narcissist.
He continues to quote:
“It was boring to lay a cage on the window—he was there and turned from the window to the road, from the road to the road—and further on the road.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №11842
Fuck it! The harder you melt, the more acquaintances you will meet on the way to the universe.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №11841
On the Moscow metro station at the column lies!!! A 18-year-old girl whispers in her voice, so that it can be heard in every corner of the station. Eventually, a police officer approached, and curious people rushed to the roof. began to ask. A girl from Moscow University, never in her life was in the subway. To the school and the institute she carries a personal car, with a personal driver and a personal guard. And on that day the gunmen invited her somewhere and she, leaving the car, went with them on the subway, but in the transition between the branches from friends lag behind.

In an unfamiliar environment, she was confused, everyone went somewhere, how to get out of here and where to go she does not know. Her hysteria ended. The officers calmed her as much as they could.

The witness noted that the girl looks normal, not like a glamorous fool, for a very long time thanked everyone.

Now I understand what the “exploiters” could feel in Russia after the October Revolution. Some probably didn’t know where the bread was sold.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna