— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11218
Radio NRJ 10/10/08 13.50 DJ girl says- DJ Sesha releases an album with a strange name iddqd, that would be unclear bla bla....

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11217
Dialogue in the Office

Get online urgently.
Get out of your laptop.
I am a laptopless.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11216
The forum for women discussed the following topic:

"I’m going home today. A little earlier than usual. Quiet at home. I go into the room – my daughter (16 years old) is lying naked on the bed and hand there... well you understand. She saw me, confused, I immediately locked the door. She was sitting in the room for an hour without leaving. I am afraid that something has happened to her. When she comes out, I don’t know how to react. Let me tell you something."

and comments:

Spring is coming! 😉

- Buy a girl a couple of selfie and teach her to shake properly!! to

Maybe she wasn’t masturbating, but just scratching.

Amazing people - suffocate the manifestations of sexuality in the conception, form complexes in children, and then these wives appear, for whom sex is a marital duty.

If serious, what is the problem?

I am a rider...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11215
From the correspondence of sales managers in the field of container transportation:

Anna says: Nikita, good night! Tell me, please, the transfer port, the Amber ship to Shanghai, the exact port of Kelang?
Nikita says: Good night Anna. I think I can tell you the exact port on the way to Shanghai but for this it is necessary to verify some information, 2 aspects, 1 - Is the shipment exactly from Odessa?
[17:21:00] Anna says: I need to clarify a second with the logists....yes
Nikita says: Second question
[17:21:23] Nikita says: Do you now wear white or black circle clothes?
Anna says: Black.
[17:22:48] Anna says: How can this affect?
[17:23:18] Nikita says: The port of the Kelang...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11214
xxx: in general, the winamp must play the music discs itself, and you don't even have it in the context menu. The shoes!? to

I’m used to doing everything manually.

Zzzz: You have no girlfriend for that.


[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11213
<xxx> Andrew, I’m disappointed in you with every offer you have.
<yyy> Does your hair grow on your nipples?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11212
“Now American kids can also watch our mixers.
Oh, this is our revenge for Pepsi, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and, most importantly, Windows!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №11211
[23:53:29] <KATIK> how do you think this night will provide to acquaintance?
[23:53:40] <A_R_E_S> not less than to use my non-normative vocabulary when trying to date a girl with a guy a hundred times
[23:53:54] <KATIK> ch?
[23:54:00] <A_R_E_S> fuck, I say, go!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №11210
You are ignored.

Urdu to 1111

not you

The fucking :(

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11209
YNC (20:52:55 12/10/2008)
He remembered a funny thing: in the universe, a fellow student told me that in one rather old American book about computers he read about a terrible virus with the Japanese name naebisoseda.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11208
In school was. Bringed an anti-gas burner to the lesson, something there about the device told, how to dress, "well, who wants?". The girl went to us. The dress. After a while, she shoots, the red rose... the burner: "Well, it was hard? right, this is how the soldiers and suffocate, you need to remove the traffic jamming from the filter"

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №11207
The official day...

I woke up in the morning, the mood is good, I don't want to sleep, although I slept only 3 hours, today is a salary day. I looked out on the street, like the weather is not so, even the sun shines a little. Just out on the street, the rain immediately went, half wet arrived at the tram, on it passed one stop, the tram broke, while he was going to work fell into some shit.
I came to work, I was told that the salary would not be another 2 weeks, loaded with the work on the eggs, then the boss went missing, that I was reading on the job, made a pretext. I went to eat in the dining room - there is no food at all, there is only one bride and the one - cuddling... worked to the point, all this time on the street was normal, only I got out of work AGAIN, the rain began.
I walked along the bridge, the rain was over, I was already happy, it wasn’t here! Some SUCK passed by and scratched me from head to foot...only I finished covering the departing car with a mat, as it started to rain again.
Home came the wicked, wet like a dog... sat in the room for himself, wrestled a computer and then heard a strange sound under the bed - my cat pulled out of under the bed a snicked and safely forgotten beer by me... Fuck, although he understands me...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №11206
The question for the teasers caught students of applied informatics into a stupor:
What question " answers" the right mouse button?
1 where?
2 where?
3 Why?
4 How?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №11205
Knees, I’m not surprised by any messages in the asche, but it’s...

... and [...] : :
Damn not sleep naked fucking in the mouth of the war begins the victory of the pigs!!!!!!! to

... and [...] : :

... and [...] : :
not tom

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №11204
Why didn’t you give him?
He called my router an ADSL modem.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11203
Damn, what you just can’t hear in the programming community. A man rushes in, everyone stands smoking.
X: I’ll get confused...
Please cancel it!
X: He makes a mistake.
Y: Finish the process!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11202
I read in a community:
"For 2 months I want to kill myself, but the only thing that stops me is an account in the line..."

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11201
She: Take away your conscience until she has taunted you :)
Is that a hint? and :)
She: In the sense? Rather an aphorism.
He said: I have to come? : r
She: What, do you consider me your conscience?
He is: Yes.
She is fucking...
He: So I should come? and :)
“Sasha, you always say you’re a boy. The boy said, the boy did!
She is fucking... Fuck it! Fuck it!! to

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №11200
Today the seller in the store, probing the purchase of some small household appliances, assures the buyer before us:
If there is an incest, we will change everything.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11199
<xz> Mick was at work today
<xz> shorter eight-year-olds cleaned the territory and found a rubber member in a bunker of bombs
<xz> well, they’ve struck, and let them kick each other, and he’ll take and fly out the window.
<xz> Imagine, there is a lesson, the girl is sitting without touching anyone, and there is something flying out the window and hurt her in the head.
<xz> x**em on the forehead, literally

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna