— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11198
Vlad (16:55:39 9/10/2008)
You can remove such yellow leaves from work that can be glued to the monitor

Reskator (16:55:53 9/10/2008)
Could I go to Nashville?

Vlad (16:56:13 9/10/2008)
I’ll be drunk to read them in the morning.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11197
Button: I with the sound off aska said o-o.... and no message came... I heard. This is not Gluck!!!=-o
Demyan: This is a black asshole
Demyan: Well, this is the story.
Demyan: There was a boy. This is normal, only impulsive. He was an advanced man, he sat a lot in the ass. And here came his girlfriend, they met for a while, but then the girlfriend got that he was sitting in the compass all the time and she sent him on the ass. And he hanged himself. On this subject, he was buried. A while has passed, in the company, so the girl sits and there weeps, walks and everything. The computer was turned on. This is a kind of "o-o!and "
The button: O_O
Demyan: She was such a shit to comp... And there was no type of message from anyone... Well they decided what it seemed. Then friends became separated. She was home alone. I decided to sit in the ass and here again, "o-o" and nifiga. Well she has already heard everything clearly... And the message didn’t come... Well she’s such a type of buzz need less!!! I went to the bathroom. Returns a type of message from the murdered guy: "It’s all because of you!!She turns around... And behind her back hangs that guy!!! to
Demyan: She was found dead this morning. And since then the black asshole has followed all the unfair computer lovers)))
You frightened me, I am afraid now.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11196
XXX: I have a question:
Why when I rework the avi file into txt, and after copying the characters from there I insert into a new notebook file, and change the extension to avi again, then the movie doesn’t say?

YYY: EYE if you check a person on a meat mowing machine after that transport him to another city and there to blind from a farsh man, he will live? O.O
You have invented the archive!!! to

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11195
-=mAx=- (21:35:23 12/10/2008)
I have that question.
-=mAx=- (21:35:40 12/10/2008)
Does death to the Jedi come with an ordinary shell or with a light shell?
Rise Lord Vader (21:37:00 12/10/2008)
I don't know which she has, but her helmet is funny.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11194
To the quote:

Everyone is dissatisfied with the government. Even if you listen to people: “I’ve not been working for a week, I’m not doing nothing at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work, I’m not doing anything at work.” Same as you are sitting there.

Moreover, they are writing that.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11193
The fucking! on the ganet stands anti-mat, the word hui is replaced by an anime smiley ^_^ here scuco sometimes a hassle to say type "Zdarova hui" and it turns out "Zdarova ^_^";
And the most interesting thing he also answers...
Tagged with: hi hi

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №11192
In the morning I wanted to give someone a fuck...I really wanted to. I am standing at the kiosk, drinking a dark coffee. GOP: Little things will not be found?
I’m (happy): I’m still missing the trip, go to X. Otherwise I’ll ruin your face right now.
Gop gets a rubbish and swings into my pocket with the words: Russian people should help each other. And went away. Are they cheating?! to

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №11191
A acquaintance (ZZ) travelled on the work & travel program in the USA, worked in the city, lived outside the city, so bought a big to get more convenient. In America, it is recommended that lights are attached to the highway, which light in the dark, so as not to create emergency situations on the road. So, ZZ is driving some late in the evening from work, tired like a dog, and here the lights burned on the big, angry rides, carefully so that the cars do not crash, there is a steep jeep braking up, a voice from the window:
Where are your fucking lights?? to
Where, where, where... in the p**de!! to
The voice from the window: “Hey, I’d say it right away!
And went further...

PS Maybe the president there will speak Russian soon...
Zhirinovsky is the President of America. O_O

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11190
Q: The most famous woman?? to
Q: Why is it tough? Just boring.
X: It is very intense. without removing the gloves for welding the edges on the scotch roll finds and forges

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №11189
In the morning I go out to the universe. I call the elevator, I see new inscriptions on the doors of the elevator, I start reading but the elevator comes, the doors open and I go in. I go down, in my head the thought when I come down I must not forget to read the inscription. I get out of the elevator looking at the door, and the inscription is not, 20 seconds is just a shock state, I thought it was time for all the fucking shit...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11188
Vasya: I have an active civic position awakened and I have firmly decided to put + and - when I read the tower.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11187
Conversation in ASCII:

Mmm, what is your height?
He: yeah, 180 s h*em... yeah, it would be 184.
Noah, and that’s so small :(

c) Psyopus

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11186
World of Warcraft:

1: Hello to everyone
1:Today, in the inst on computer science, the task was handed over, for the sake of a crack, the procedure was injected into the code: by pressing a button, the dialog window opens, there is a question "Are you ready?", and if you press "no", then there is a warning with the inscription "You are not prepared!", as Illidan usually glosses ^_^
x: Prepod pressed, looked at the screen... looked at me... Asks – "You accidentally don’t play in WoW"? I told him - "It happens sometimes", which he replied "Sorry...".
Three : ))
5 minutes later, in the same gild-chat
2: Hello People
2: Imagine, today the pioneers took tasks, one guy came funny, gave up his - so in the code "You are not prepared!" comes out :-D Smiled me
Evgeny Sergeevich? OO
The two massacres? O_O
I’m going to go physics...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11185
How about on the personal front?
We carry heavy weapons with excess ammunition!!!! to

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №11184
Tadameitene: Well, I went all
Iwalkalone: Where is it?
Tadameitene: I said it first, and I will not say it second.
Iwalkalone: oO

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №11183
How did I have to work in a construction company... A 17-year-old guy with the name Lenin worked with me as an assistant... The Brigadier loved to repeat: “Lenin himself gave me the solution.”
It sounds :)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11182
The boss calls. by Oral
XXX: The Thief
XXX: The Nautilus
XXX though...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №11181
Yesterday when I bought wow I had a feeling that somebody would come back and say "you want to become an acne thick and unbarred snoop" or "you still have a whole life ahead"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №11180
And only the enlightened amins know the magic of the fire wall:
"Look, you are a bitch, get it! Once there are no classmates, two and no contact, three - torrent no sauce!!!and "

"four and no basha" - harakiri for odymin, I understand O_o

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №11179
In the bus:
I sit at the first stop of the некоева route (it was necessary until the end.the people do not very much.I sit means to myself, I sit, I listen to the to me me meets a aunt and shows the travel...I did not understand 0_o...but silenced!after another shows, and the next "visit" stretches me 16 to me comes, that I am sitting in the place of the conductor,I am in a gun jacket and I have a black bag (all like the conductor).gathered 176 rubles and dropped to the next stop:)(the most interesting thing, because the entire bus has ads, what "bus without conductor, exit through the front door")
The idiots 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna