— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №13104
A man comes out of the object. Then he sat down and said, “Look what I bought?” gets the box - license screw)))))))) fuck, I'm in tears)))) phone grabbed, started to photograph it with the box)))) he smiled, says, not all))) serial is not suitable))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №13103
Yesterday the scene was watched - our secretary for fifteen minutes tried to explain to a whispering aunt that the boss is busy with his meeting and he can't accept her, until the aunt it didn't get stupid, in the end the aunt gives out "you know who I am?"?", the secretary humbly lowering the eyes "Lordess of the sea?!" O_o

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №13102
Happiness is when you have everything you want and you still have it.

of freedom. c) Sj

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №13101
Until now, some cases in history, mistakes, as a result of

Everything went in a different direction...The story is not funny, but

and instructive.

In the middle of the 19th century, difficult times came for Sevastopol. Not much of what

The government did not provide any support to the military.

Russia’s point in Crimea, without delivering food or ammunition

Not even the chancellor’s instrument, but also his radiant coward, the prince.

Menchikov, despite the objections of the concerned Kornilov, withdrew from the

There are almost all ground troops. Sevastopol remains arbitrary.

destiny - with the unprotected Northern side and barely beginning to settle

The South. The remaining in Sevastopol considered themselves mortals, every hour.

receiving reports of an offensive from Eupatoria of a huge Allied

The Army. Kornilov and his associates, left to protect the North, have already

Say goodbye to friends, knowing that death is inevitable.

And suddenly an army of allies contrary to all the laws of logic and military

art, friendlyly marched past the condemned reduts and accepted

building fortifications for the prolonged siege of the South. Saving Sevastopol

Is it a terrible time? What allowed the almost unprotected, abandoned

the army and the king of the city, in a few weeks to become unattainable

Fortification, under the walls of which thousands of enemies put their heads in a year?

Why did the enemies stumble and not take the city to the east?

And the fact is that the spies of the Allies did not exaggerate in moderation and

Copy the best, latest maps for the commander.

fortifications of Sevastopol, on which there was a powerful, equipped with the best

Northern Fortification! In reality, thanks to the

bureaucrats and treasury thieves, there was nothing in this place until now except

The old reds...

From the inevitable death of Sevastopol, he was saved.

the enemy, while our defenders were almost left to arbitrary

The destiny...

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13100
You are from the 1990s if:

- you are unable to understand the meaning of the phrase: "a three-litre beer bank broke"

There were times when apartments were given for free.

It is normal to always carry a passport.

You know the word "comp", but you don’t know the abbreviation "EVM"

You don’t understand how people could once live without code locks.

Entrance doors and no bars on the first floor windows

You believe in astrological horoscopes. However, they are firmly convinced that

Studying physics and astronomy will not be necessary in your life.

You do not know what it means to "procompose a ticket"

- you find nothing unnatural in the phrases "pay for

Training " and "payment for medical services"

- under the words "send a letter" you mean - "send an e-mail"

- the surname "Sobchak" is associated with you exclusively with the leading "House-2";

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №13099
You’ll be a snowmen because you’re the only one in the office with a beard.

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13098
XX: And in general, Bush’s non-figured reaction, technically, turned away from the shoe...
WOW: Yes, it’s shit, I think Putin would have stopped the shoe in the air with a glance =D

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13097
Do you want a candy?
It sounds like you fuck me for her :)

[ + 49 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13096
Yes and Yes!!! to
House 2 promises to close by the New Year!!!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13095
I thought the dauphins don’t know they’re dauphins.
Q: Could you not agree with me?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13094
K to:
I don’t understand what you like when you’re brainwashed on the topic of "chokhlov","gas"...?
Andrei, Kiev

No is! What are you, Andrei Kiev! We like the museums of the occupation, the bullying of newspaper kiosks in Lviv, the stones about the famine, the raising of former Nazi police officers into the rank of national heroes of Ukraine and the rest of the hooliganism!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13093
xxx: Mom found our bricks, bracelets and collar for bdsm T_T
O_O and CHO?? to
xxx: we play with her in a punished submissive who washes, cookes and washes dishes, so as not to tell the dad.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13092
Kikimora: I like the person who calls the home phone to ask:"Who are you?" (not who is there, that is). What I just didn’t listen to... and "I’m Jack, the Black Coat", and "Indian Joe in a peach ass", and even "My name is Bond.James Bond.".

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №13091
She: Don’t call me the only one, I won’t buy myself for that.
He: I didn’t call it, I said you’re a bitch.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13090
A lot of work is when at 8:00 opened the tower, and at 15:53 only the third quote is read.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №13089
Sometimes we all need to know what we know so well.

Someone else told us.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №13088
He walked on the Red Square. His mood was wonderful:

He walked on the Red Square, carrying a long-awaited bag in his pocket.

Russian passport, as well as the stamp "on registration" in this passport could

It will cause a slight stumbling on any Moscovite. He walked looking,

any defective police officer wishing to check his registration,

Let someone else smile at this joke.

He loved to joke. Not that fate had him to joke, rather she

I joked about him in black. In his youth, he graduated from Perm construction

Technician, he left for distribution to Uzbekistan. At the time in Perm,

There was only one Soviet power in Uzbekistan.

Warm and more apples. He worked there until fifty years of service.

He climbed the stairs to the chief engineer of the construction trust. and married,

The apartment received when the daughter was born, the house was built, the garden was built.

has grown up. Only here the Soviet power together with the Soviet Union ended.

and unexpectedly. It is not needed in Uzbekistan. No need, so far.

The degree he promised to kill if he did not leave. They left, leaving everything.

The Prisoner. There was nowhere to go: no friends, no friends.

There were no relatives in Russia. For a year and a half, they were refugees. Perm, Penza and V

Eventually, the work in Ufa turned. Not the engineer, of course.

diversity of work. Well, and that’s nothing: first, he’s in six months of

The head of the housing department, and, secondly, the housing department.

first directly on the object, then the dormitory type, then the house

own in the village of Moscow built: construction materials the company helped,

I built it myself, of course. So he lived and joked, naturally, all the time.

This is the nature – you don’t break anything.

My grandchildren lived with him. To raise the mood of his wife,

My first-class grandson told me how he served in his years.

Civil war on a secret submarine. How I walked and

submarine on the underground rivers of the Urals, helping Chapaev to grumble

Kolchaka and Kornilov, also told me. They laughed. He did not think that

My grandson will tell me this at school. The teacher. She will come home to them.

The truth about the Civil War.

That is nothing more. In the winter, he decided to catch a family of fresh fish, sat on his own.

UAZ and went to the White River with its streams and old women fishermen to look for.

I bought two different fish. When I came back, the wheel.

broke, accurately opposite the swamp of one, large but small,

forty centimeters of water - it freezes completely in winter. The cage opened,

The reserve is changing. Here the other fishermen found him, they, the homeless,

I was looking for a place where it was better. Stopped by, fish in the body

They saw it and asked where it was, he said. He showed me that swallow.

Fishermen on the ice forty meters away from the road, disintegrated, and drilled.

have begun. He changed the wheel even faster.

“You hear, man,” the fishermen said to him, “have you caught here? Then we

They have reached the ground, and there is no water yet.

“No, not here, you’re a hundred meters away,” he replied.

Then suddenly catch up.

His last words were not very loud. Broken wheel

He just got into the body and left. I don’t know how the fishermen were, but they all laughed.

When he told me.

And also, two neighbors, a fervent hunter, guarded him for five nights.

The guns. He told them that there were eighteen rabbits for a single loop.

At the end of the day, "take" The rabbits were interesting. They

They did not know that he had these rabbits from other hunters "employed", for a day.

All to boast. The neighbors were offended, but they laughed.

Then he put out two liters of white for reconciliation.

Well, here is the police appeared, on the Red Square without registration for a long time

You will not walk: "Submit, - they say, - Your registration, citizen". He is

The passport gave him a look – he was very interested in how they were.

They will react. Neighbors in the train laughed a lot.

The passport showed. There, in the passport, it is written: "Registered by

The address...". And the stamp stands: "Moscow council". Tagged with: "Moscow"

It was called.

The village is now called so. He is home only now.

No is. He sold him. Sold, six years after traveling to Moscow. for

A year ago, the tumor was found. The kidney cut. It didn’t just help.

When the doctors told him he had a month to live, he sold the house.

I bought my daughter’s apartment in Penza. In his character he lived there not a month -

another year. I saw him a month before I died. He was joking, not himself.

I laughed, it hurt to laugh.

Posts Tagged: a request. When you argue, you

The author of this article is not "who's written about", but the author of this article is not "who's not written about".

Tell what you want to tell readers.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №13087
An emergency meeting was held in the U.S. Security Service.

Two issues on the agenda:

1st How did the incident with throwing a shoe in J. by Bush?

2nd Which of the guards said, “Here, she’s still turning around!”"?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №13086
I can celebrate the New Year in three places.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №13085
Early morning. and freezing. About -31. Somewhere in Siberia.
I go to work, I smoke, I think of something my own... A man goes by, he slides (he slides well, everything is right - his legs to the top, a cockpit on the ice), falls and rises, pronouncing with indiscriminate notes of terrible insult to life: “Be your mother!” Why am I born in Siberia and not in the equator? Happiness would live with blacks, monkeys eat..."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna