— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18164
We drove along the track to nature, saw the name of the village "New Village"... long awaited to see "New Village1" "New Village2"...

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18163
Mom teaches.. yeah... to attract the opposite sex, ge))
A woman must be able to show up! Men chew on...
The subjects! Insert the system.

c) psycho

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18162
XXX: I am treating my wife with oxide. I went for a walk in the park in the evening, and I decided to think about how strong I am - let's, I say, I will ride you on the lambs. He raised her on the back and walked away in a hurry. But this seemed to me little and to enhance the effect of my crudity, I still started to run. Well, it was necessary for her to lick - "We sell for the trip".

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №18161
XXX is
Some website translators want to offer themselves as editors. And the designer. And a photographer.

and Catch

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №18160
The demon of the computer toy told me:
The worst emptiness is the emptiness in the head.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18159
Are you tired of repeated quotes in the abyss?

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18158
I suggest making a mini-chat in the abyss.
This may reduce the amount of garbage in it.

Who is for?

[ + 61 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18157
We even sell them in regular stores or special machines, no one should be ashamed of them.
Buying condoms is embarrassing.
That is, to do abortions, to suffer from AIDS and other diseases - it is normal, but to buy condoms in the pharmacy, let even everyone in sight - embarrassing?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №18156
Bobermaniac: Although, as they say, “if girls don’t give – you don’t have to teach speed solo, it’s better to sell a guitar and buy a motorcycle.”

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18155
m@x: came to his hometown (provincial), has not been home for a long time
m@x: sleeping to go to the regional center on a suburban train
m@x: the railway is not electrified, the road passes through villages and semi-deaf villages (usually always a maneuvering heatway with a pair of three cars)
m@x: I stand at the station and here I see O_o rolling a fashionable beautiful high-speed five-wheel diesel train made in the manner of the modern Japanese supersonic express
m@x: all on the automation, even from the platform through the window I already see a modern salon with comfortable chairs, rolling tables and ergonomic shelves, I expect the most comfortable trip, I go into the car...
m@x: And here, this shit, these grandmothers with smelling onions

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18154
Life is beautiful! Without remembering the past and not thinking about the future.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №18153
These robots change everything. Water, climate and topography They are changing the planet!
But how do you know all this?
The Russians caught one and tortured him until he gave them access to the codes.
Tortured by a robot? How can a robot be tortured?
– Well I don’t know, it’s the Russians... they insulted their mother... they laughed at the size of a hard disk.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №18152
Abel is a grenade!! to
Abel: Sori, not in that window.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №18151
xxx: "The worker threw a brick at me, he argued that I am a crab"; (c) you

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №18150
xxx: the degradation of the population is very tangible... even in the qip there is no status "I read"..

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №18149
I sit down and think: we in the shop of cameras stumbled, and smoking was prohibited, the house 2 looks like? P.S. And the boss the horse fucking.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №18148
I work as a seller, I sell all kinds of bots for computers, next to my department, the department where photocopies are made, etc. There is a universe nearby, and graduates of schools often come in to get a photocopy of the diploma, but why do they ask me all the time, well, I am tired of it, apparently they are lazy to read the inscriptions on the tablets. I decided to joke, a girl came in.
Q: Can I get a copy?
I: Yes of course let’s.
She gives her diploma, I deserve a clean sheet of A4 and I begin to rewrite everything on it from the diploma, her big and beautiful eyes immediately became, and for two minutes she could not say anything.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №18147
The xxx:
Charming children's poem XDDD

Congratulations on your year, I am pleased.
I greet everyone from Leningrad.
So that at midnight you hold all the glasses,
You weren’t in the graves.

by Tanya R. 6 of class)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18146
I recently dreamed that it was just an atheist. I don’t know what Freud would say if he had no dreams.

What a dream?

I go to the building, I walk. Around the armature there are all kinds of decorated, unbuilt buildings and so on. I see a crane. Normal such a healthy building crane, but just fell I approach it, and it has a iron mask on top. Two eyes and a cut mouth. Here the crane rises up a little and says something to me. We talked, I don’t remember what. And suddenly he confesses to me in love O_o Bali. Then something happens, I don’t remember, the crane has become smaller, and the horizontal fig (on which the hook hangs) disappears. There is still a tower with a mask and the worst thing is that we became a couple. But we can’t do love (-__-`), because he doesn’t have a male dignity, only some metal hill in the same place –__- I cried at the crane because of this, oral XD and he looked at me guilty and answered nothing we, I remember, even doctors called – but they couldn’t do anything with him (although doctors I needed to call, and he – welders XD). These things woke up in shock. Pipet, an erotic dream with a construction crane -__- balin...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18145
Kissed :
Dear, I am pregnant
I am :
There was nothing between us, wasn’t it?
Kissed :
Don’t worry, it’s not you.
I am :
Really, what should I worry about?
The Blade Beast:
Sweet, what should I do?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna