— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №7743
He: “I sing” White butterflies flew away
Why am I not sleeping at night?
She: I have two weeks of delay.
What do you do with me in the spring?
He is: What?? to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №7742
The law for Russia as a binoculars for Kutuzov - and necessary and useless

at the same time.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №7741
I have a friend, an ethnic German, named Kasper. Figure in

The city is famous and very respected. Ten years ago, it was like

fungi form across the country various patriot fraternities and

The Cossacks. We suddenly remembered what was in our glorious city.

The great river Don. Don is there, and there are no Cossacks.

have created. Cossacks of the East of Don (who cares that the city is created)

in 1937, and the Cossacks here if only in the movies and seen). invited

“self-made” Cossacks, they came, with swords, in fours, long

Looking for a colourful historical place to devote local people to

“The real.” Found an old, destroyed church on the shore of Ivan Lake

An enormous mill mill that grows into the ground. Two nights dedicated.

Until the blue, to the greens. They destroyed the gardens, they destroyed the gardens.

He lay peacefully for the second hundred years and was thrown into the water.

Looking at pride and hope, they gave to touch the swords, promised

"to show order," some were poured, and called to join the ranks.

In general, mentally and usefully spent time.

In the morning, somewhat alive new cosacks named East Don held the first

public action - attacked a local farm workshop and closed

A package of old grass. In the Sabbath. Now it was all. But need

They were authoritative leaders to raise prestige. Here we sit.

With Casper - a knock, a delegation steps up. The Cossacks. The Sabbath. some

Nurses and Nurses. What can we? He was invited to join in

Cossacks, you say, authority, education, athlete, you will be

Our children will train, and we will immediately give you the title of Yeshua, and the resor,

Just a slice of it yourself...I look at it.

he will react, he is them, I would like to, but look, he will

You will have a big look, people, guests, and they will announce: Don Cossacks,

It is Kasper! It doesn’t sound somehow. You are yourself, somehow, you guys.

visible, and titles,, by the way, how do you glorify, my loving ones?

The glorious Cossacks of the East of the Don were attached, the chest with the wheel and

presented: Esau Sabirov, you can just Rustam, the second somehow

confusedly coughed and pronounced - horunji Salzman, you can just Leva.

In general, Kasper said, I am one of you Russian, because I am Andrew.

He did not go to the Cossacks, he said, flat foot.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №7740
Toyota – Manage your dream. We are not going to go, we are coming :)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №7739
Pittsburgh Department
I am a foolish shopper.

Julia is
How is the officer?

Pittsburgh Department
Look at it was. I went to the bathroom and noticed that there was a nail at the door of the closet. In my head there was a thought that I had to kill him! A balloon with air refresher. I broke it through... how the stream flew from there!
I shrink and let him go to the toilet. panic shopper
Then I visited another thought: it will smell everywhere to be pushed out on the street. I walked through the room and at the same time popped the stream on my pants!!!!!!! to
I immediately froze my leg and sprinkled the telecast.

Julia is
It feels like you’re quoting something like that 😉 😉

Pittsburgh Department
I think he’ll hurt me now.
So here, I went out on my balcony and put him out on the everything is okay =) I decided now to play with him began to shake him, shake, smell.

Julia is
I haven’t been so roasted for a long time.

Pittsburgh Department
I am a fool, fucking my fool! I will return!

Julia is
I will not remove this log! I'll read it again when I'm in the mood ;)

It must be in the top!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №7738
It is not the light of reason that blinds, but the darkness of ignorance.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №7737
A real incident that happened to me in the subway. I passed with

Serpukhovskaya radial station at 8 a.m. (I emphasize) and sat in

The train on the Dobrininsky Ring. At the time of the landing the grandmother is carrying.

“The God of God.” And as all the grandmothers run with a package "on the overweight"

Traditionally, the hands are stretched forward. The people who stood at the door

The car did not "react" to this "threat" and was cold-blooded.

He said, “It will not succeed.” As soon as my grandmother came to the door,

The engineer closed the doors. My grandmother didn’t fly, but

It was just a package in which it was...fresh purchased.

cream in packages. The package is so well packed that the content

Immediately a wind rained on all who stood by the door. From Surprise

The people were upset, but with a natural desire to remove the package.

The grandmother pulled him onto herself, that is, to the outside of the car.

What remains unpressed content sprinkled again with a double

All of them (including me and the third group)

Again, and... at this moment the engineer noticed an aging old lady and...

I opened the door of the car. The silent scene of Gogol "the revisor came" and...

The old woman began to retreat from fear. She was lucky,

The driver closed the doors and the train left. Everyone is in a hurry.

It didn’t make sense to work, and since then I’ve always held the door.

If I see a running car...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №7736
The girl came from school and showed her father a diary.

“Well,” said the father, “one five and four. Yes, and this is what

So that?

A commentary, Dad. The teacher says that I talk silently and

He promises to take action.

The father writes in a diary and makes a note: “If your measures

Help me, let me know. I’ll try it on my wife.”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №7735
 11.07.2008 would not be bad if the main page of the basha had a timer counting the time before the launch of the BAQ... :)

+ 100

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №7734
He: I slowly put your hand under the neck.
She: And what is there?
My feet in my mouth! there are cookies!! to
You and the cat (

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №7733
I am looking for a girl from 16 to 20 years old, who can work on a computer, playing online games. Brain is welcome. I promise to love and care. I can cook and do a lot more.

by 374791990

I understand the quote is not funny and not new, but only on the tower there is a chance to find such, admin you at least in the abyss let the quote=)

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №7732
I have been engaged in martial arts for a long time (well, there, karate, handball, capoeira), of course, I love cold weapons and I can turn to them. I prefer Po (a long stick, like Donatello of Turtles) and in any possible case do not miss the opportunity to twist something reminiscent of it (whether it is the blades / tapes / grabbles in the garden or just a trunk from a thin berry that will be in your hands on the country).
In general, I work as a TC machinery and we have a fixed territory at each shift, where you need to maintain cleanliness and order. Once again, I’m blinking (there’s such a yellow Chinese plastic with a long sling), I look — I’m behind the turbine, nobody sees me, and I decided to go back a couple of times. I twisted a little, jumped, after another turn in the jump, when landing immediately continued to subdue. I hear the engineer’s voice behind me:
I saw the guys work hard, of course, but so!

I got the prize :)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №7731
Association of Three Bicyclists:
1 – Asphalt
2: The Mordor
It is not pleasant :((

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №7730

From the book "Personal Computers in Engineering Practice", M. Radio and Communication, 1989.

One example of a massive and, in the opinion of the authors, useless add-on is the integrated Windows system of Microsoft. This system takes up almost 1 MB of disk memory and is designed for preferential use in conjunction with a mouse type device.
Thus, the reader has already understood that among the add-ons above the DOS there are quite useless systems that only look beautiful, but actually take away the user's time, memory on disks and operating memory of the computer. The deceptive beauty of such systems, however, has a strong impact on inexperienced users who have not had the practice of working on the machine. The inertia of thinking is so strong that the authors have had to observe how people who started working with such a superstructure, subsequently struggle to force themselves to study the DOS commands. I would like to warn the readers of this mistake.
— — —
There are already 160 runners. Let’s see how many votes this quote will get.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №7729
The morning. Mothering and drawing, clogging in cats, I go to the bathroom to blow my nose. It sounds like two elephants are mad at the same time. I touch the sprinkled bottle with droplets in the nose, I try to open - fucking. After ten attempts, I had to get the plate-sweepers and turn the cover with them. It is not me that weak, it is the tradition of military-oriented production. Everything must be strong. In the century.

The cassette magnetophone "Spring" carried a lot of metal parts on board, always suggesting that it was assembled from the debris of a non-conditional tank discharged from the conveyor. The motorcycle "Ural" is able to pull the rope of the car. Wherever you go, there is thoroughness and confidence. Is it right, because suddenly? And we’re right here like rough eyebrows and fucking. Even if we are captured by soft-hearted Europeans or chewing Americans, they will not last long in such a situation. Suffering from Sophia. They are unaware that every self-respecting drinker should have a stock of flat bottles in case a new bottle needs to be opened. c) the maxs

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №7728
This idiotism is bureaucracy.
I have written an application for vacation. For this year and for the past, for accounting. They defended:
"Please provide....from August 6,"
What date to write today? 10 July 2008?
and AGA. type "Can I go on vacation?"

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №7727
Vladimir admin... the wind with the server... the ping out of the woods... the ping unmeasured... the heavy load fell asleep on the key...
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The AAA! Let it blow!!! to
Huias, I always thought that the amins listen to a very different music, and it turns out that all the drivers of the routes are amins.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №7726
The real name of Margaret Goethe, as is known, was Marie Duplessie. She was an outstanding beauty, fascinated by all of Paris and known even by people who had nothing to do with her, by a bouquet of wonderful camellia, without which she never appeared in the days of the first performances in theaters. Camellia is not always the same color. Twenty-five days in a month were white and five days red. What was the reason, no one knew, and it remained a secret that Marie Duplessie took with her to the grave.

I wonder, I only thought about the monthly calendar! =) is

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №7725
The logic of modern scientists:
rest> or another example, a scientist took two letters: a female and a male.
rest> studied them separately.
rest> and then took and compared them by module ))
rest> he liked, and he wrote about this article
rest> and an article on how marijuana aggravates the development of schizophrenia =))))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №7724
Talk about talking in dreams.
At 6:30 a.m. Dad wakes Mom to work.
Light, it’s time to get up!
Yes, the eggs have already fled.
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The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna