— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144064
Comments on the video with the welder, from which the cup is poured through the bottom
XXX: It seems to me that there will always be a loose under it

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144063
From the comments to the article "The State will take control of the critical infrastructure of Runet"

This is all due to the insufficient intellectual capabilities of the current powerholders.
In their sick concept of the world there is the Great Russia and the Evil West. With this arrangement, of course, it is logical to have protection if the Evil West decides to disconnect Great Russia from such a resource as the Internet.

I fear they have a more cynical view of the world: there is a great West, in which their offspring live and their savings are stored, and there is a wicked Russian woman on the chain, which they doy and tighten their necklace.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144062
So, there is a movie "The Needle" with Chao in the main role.
The same director filmed "The Needle Remix". in the year 2010.
Victor Tsoy in the lead role.
I know, of course, that Zhou is alive, I just didn’t know that he’s still in movies.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144061
I and the ski tents. Or blending, not quite understandable.And I never understood why they needed anti-tank waves.But it inspires. 46 square kilometers enclosed with rocks and two shafts, 37 kilometers of fortifications. This is the 6th century before our era. and remained.
The rams worked. None of the skiffic parking lots were occupied by tanks.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144060
Do you know why people are serving in the army? But that they did not pay attention to such dumbobism, and it was used to them.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144059
xxx: How many times do you think a genuine brutal heterosexual has the right to rub his ass after he has kicked and remain heterosexual? Two times, three times? Can I wash my ass? Are wet wipes an acceptable compromise – or is it already suspicious about the wipes? Or all the ways of Pidar, except the stoning, as the book of Leviticus tells us?

YYY: Are these guys all so harsh and brutal? The soup from the shot gills is filled with powder and eaten with a small sapphire spade? They are shaved with a knife, and their lice are the size of a cocard? well well. Then the ass of the Zippo lighting.

XX: I suspect that Zippa is a bitch. The lights are probably scanning.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144058
bcc1357: Well, the survivor should be judged for three murders, not the gunman.
In some jurisdictions there is such a doctrine. When committing a deliberate crime, the responsibility for all the bodies that appeared as a result of the crime lies with those who committed the crime and not with those who made the bodies.

If it is group, then all members of the group are responsible. Or those who survived. They are also responsible for the bodies of their partners.

For example, even if a police officer shot one of the members of the group, the rest of the members are charged with killing that member. The victim defended. Then the other members sit.

And then it is very easy to solve the question of what "no one has to answer, so we lay down the one who defended".

Or if someone enters your house in the process of committing a crime, and you are the one of him, then he himself is considered to be guilty of killing him. And if at this time in the car was sitting his partner, then the guilty in his murder is considered his partner.

Very good doctrine. We could take them, but they don’t care who they are. The important thing is that someone sits down so that it can be completed. If so, let those who commit crimes be put to death, not those who are forced to defend themselves.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №144057
I work as a courier. One evening, rolling out of the courtyard, I see a guy running behind the bus with a huge bouquet and has no time - the bus touches, leaving the guy at a stop.

Since I was driving in the same direction as the bus, I decided to help the guy. Naturally, I heard the standard set: the matter of life and death, like everything serious and so on. But it was not very important to me, it was just helping a person in the hope of filling up his karma. I took a guy 2 stops ahead and would have safely forgotten this story if I had not been called in 2 months:

and hello. We will have a girl. Would you be crucified?

You mistaken the number.

Do not be wrong. Remember the guy with a bucket?

The UGU...

We fought then, it turned out that I was pregnant and decided to have an abortion, if not you...

The guy in GAI works. I remembered the number and didn't know how to thank, and fate itself threw the gift. This is how I found my best friend and my favorite green-eyed crucifixion.

Fate always offers gifts, don’t miss yours!

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144056
I work in Minneapolis.
xxx: "My bust" in my case the actual replacement))

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №144055
Regarding pederasty and brutality, I saw the following story:

This is Max.
Max: Great guys!
Max chooses the most courageous thing for himself.
Max is AGA.
For example, wearing a beard
Max: Yes, that’s brave enough for me.
xxx: Boxing, getting interested in weapons, being able to repair a car
Max: Yes, that’s courageous enough for me.
There are many women around Max.
Max: But they’re not brave enough for me.
And so Max lives with Peter the Tooker.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144054
Take care of the plants – they make the soil edible.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144053
Moscow authorities intend to restore the "Golden Colossus" fountain for 480 million rubles. With this money, you could repair five hundred patients who need expensive surgeries and medicines. But the authorities think it’s better – a fountain.
Do you know what’s wrong here? This money comes from our pockets, but we don’t control it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144052
The fact that no one can find Ukrainian coins of the 19th century proves that already then Ukrainians used bank cards.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144051
I recently walked past the stadium, half transformed into a playground. Suddenly I see a little boy and a little girl running past me. I did not pay attention. And after a second I see that some boy is chasing them and cries "testo, bridegroom and bride." with a toy lion. He is on the run, trying to shoot.
This is what you are, Cupid!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144050
No, the best translation of the name turned Frodo Beggins into Fedu Avoskin. A literal match!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144049
XHH: And in an intimate way, you also have a complete coincidence?
WOW: Well, how can you say... if I tell you about our problems, you’ll kill me.
XHH: I was intrigued. Once upon a time!
How would it be easier to formulate...
WOW: Large size, mm, male sex apparatus and small size female. At the background, hm, a significant duration of sexual intercourse. In other words, we rarely go out for an hour.
Ah yeah, still my chest even with my long fingers fit badly in the hand ((
Everyone would have their problems.)
WOW: You are funny, and for the first time we put everything up and off until we adapted to each other. However, as the problems were formulated, we ourselves became funny...
thx: >_<

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144048
In my courtyard in the 90s, under the noise, someone seized half the courtyard and rented it to a truck parking lot (we have a wholesale market nearby). Well, the city we have is small, everyone knows the name, name and paternity of this someone, but prefer not to go deeper.

In general, at a recent rental gathering it turned out that the poor courtyard drivers have absolutely no place to park, and the guilty of all the cursed children, who occupied the entire space with their rugged sticks. It came up to the threats of "shooting the damned spindles". And with the parking of trucks nobody wants to fight for something.

Most of all, we and the neighbor (both have no children, no cars, but there are dogs): in some centuries we do not ruin everything, it is somehow suspicious!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144047
Tajik students banned
Wearing a beard

How many times did they stay in the second year???! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144046
At work, a colleague watched a video where a student proves that the earth is flat. If the earth is rotating, why did it not rotate under it when it jumped?
I watched, I cracked. And then I asked a colleague, I said, and he will be able to answer why when you jump, the earth does not roll under you. The earth rotates quickly. And here on the top of the earth, it rotates more slowly and therefore we do not notice it.I stopped, I thought, it burns, I came up with a new theory. But when I tried to clarify what he understood by equator, it turned out that he thought that the equator was the core of the earth. And he began to prove me furiously that the equator is inside the earth. It was funny until he decided to hide and find out what the equator was, and was very surprised that he was wrong.
And such people still argue about politics, history, and so on, and believe that they are the direct truth in the last instance. Something scary even from this.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144045
The image of a conscientious stinker was crushed on the billboards: and he is crushed in the factory, and there is nowhere to wash him after the change. Those who sweat in the overcrowded electric car. But what do we see in practice? The gentlemen smell in such a stunt that they are forced to go to the office, not to the factory, in the morning, not in the evening, and sit on stations where there are no electric buses, at most the bus, which pulls terrible 15 minutes. Do you need to wash in the morning?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna