— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144004
The engineers at the factory offered the following solution: write the program and bring it by train to Chelyabinsk. Who will say anything about this progressive method? I remember being criticized here for the undeveloped tools for Arduino.
222: Hopefully, the SV car and girlfriend is attached? So I am for!
333: They say, the best settlement is on the Azure Coast, a little worse - on the goa. Give to the boss :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144003
But the wife was willing, she stopped cooking dinner at all.

Pff... the wife is cooking-slabak)))
I cooked for myself and my wife. True, 10 years later we divorced... not for this reason, but because there was almost no sex... and now, indeed, there is no sex at all for 5 years, but I am cooking well :-DDD

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144002
All: We have a place in the courtyard to eat full-fledged, and even a pot / carousel / sandbox in the volleyball field. All this wealth in the center of the courtyard formed by five houses. They don’t play on that field. They play on the site with garbage containers (in hiding places, for example, straight into the containers). Their mothers said that children need to play, that cars have no place in the yard. As soon as the whisperers (KIVINKI) acquired cars in the family - their voice stumbled to a whisper, and then again strengthened, but already for the car in the courtyards to put, because there are no parking spaces in the district.))) Dialectics...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144001
xxx: today the mail came from AliExpress, in which he offers me to buy an iPhone, a cloth and a necklace for a garden-mazo and a horse phalo imitator. In this order. What would this be?
Maybe someone is not looking at it.
I haven’t watched the iPhones!
XXX is fucking.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144000
> grown-up chaten with round light eyes and such a nose

They just thought you were a tang, and so you know all the paths. You will not go away with all the people.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143999
What does he need?? to
Sometimes he talks about a wedding. In the context of "Let me know what a nightmare I dreamed".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143998
The Wife’s Husband:

But the wife is willing, she has stopped cooking dinner at all...

Our employee and his wife live with the aunt. She is a doctor who travels on useful food. She cookes, and constantly sweats young cabbage, green low-calorie salads, adding to this silos small pieces of fish or boiled meat. Her daughter, although she has an eternally sad look, has long been accustomed to homeopathic doses of food. But he himself is a buggy under 2 meters in height. This menu is very sad. And therefore, after leaving work, Bugaina goes to the cafe, where he should eat meat, and quietly goes home to chew cabbage in a nice family circle. A genius of family life and compromise, I think.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143997
If you don’t watch movies for a while, you can see how they program the behavior of society.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143996
Underwater cup: Ageing is bad, although economically beneficial. For example, you want to buy roulette. It seems that the design likes, and physical training allows, and the money is enough, and even your size is. And you are already stretching to the wallet, and here you remember that the forty-year-old has already passed, and you immediately get caught up about the fact that you will be laughed at in these rides. And you do not buy. How to have fun? Do not sleep, right?
Take the mistress.
Submarine cup: Dick, she will laugh too. and (

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143995
Hi, how are you doing?
- Hi, I got to work, I have to get up at 7 in the morning, unusual, and I don't get to sleep.
“Nothing, you get used to it, you know, as Dostoevsky said, to everything a fool-man gets used to!
Why am I a fool?
I don’t know, Dostoevsky said so.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143994
It has been said that in our overturned society, a woman-wife does everything to lower the family relationship below the plinth, and then is surprised by the passivity of her husband, and the woman-friend is the perfect wife, but does not want to become her.

Your partner has no commodity-money relationship with you.

And in general, it is obviously convenient to wear washed and smoothed clothes by your wife, eat it deliciously at home and take it off for a meeting with a girlfriend.

Fu is like that.

A friend needs you at home like a dog needs a third egg. You are both shit.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143993
Evgeny: I will tell you more: and in the apartment is dangerous - electricity, water, gravity. If a child does not need to understand anything, then he may not grow up to adulthood. Turn off electricity and water in your home. Remove everything above the first floor. Cover the walls with soft materials. And then the child who doesn’t have to understand anything will have a chance.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143992
He was in the hospital, changing the hip joint. There were people like me there. And now, when my neighbors in the chamber, three of them, were putting themselves up in a smoking room (on the chopsticks, with a goose, all with their left legs), in my head there was a motif of an enka.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143991
The creator of the KOI8-R encoding Andrei Ache Chernov‍
Eternal p©p╟p╪I▐I┌I▄

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143990
In love I am Einstein.
Is Einstein in love just as small and dull? A brilliant theorist?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143989
Wife or girlfriend?
I have always been angry with this attitude toward my wife... she is a wife, she is obliged to serve her husband! He is at work and is a hero. She goes, too, but no one is cooking her food, cleaning up in the house and dressing her dress for the morning...except Mommy! Therefore, living with the mother of an adult lady is much more convenient than with a man. And the child is watched, and the mother will let go, at least with a friend, at least with a girlfriend.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143988
The news:
In America found huge reserves of lithium, which will be the basis of energy independence of the United States

A full commentary!

Since the lithium-ion batteries are lithium-ion batteries, until they find the fields of indigenous ions - this is an empty talk and the blowing out of irreversible grants!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143987
Do you know what is the most embarrassing thing to admit when you have 10 years of experience in IT-shnik and you came to work in a new harsh male team in a serious near-state office? No, it’s not that you never had a woman, but that you don’t know how to use the Microsoft product activation system.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143986
A couple of years worked in the cellular communication salon in Snežinsk. Especially remembered one good grandfather, who was constantly going to "consult". One day he came and said that if I could help him, he would thank me. What was the question I don't remember, but after I helped him, he asked to wait a little. Since there was a liquor and vodka department nearby, and it wasn’t long before the store closed, I was already mentally going home with a bottle of hollow beer. However, the grandfather came up with a cellophane package of audio cassettes (of the times when the hits were still called шляger). I laughed a little, but the cassettes from politeness decided to take what grandfather said:

Thank you very much! Write these cassettes and I’ll take them later.

It is not you on the wall in contact to throw off)) More grateful customers I will not remember now, a good grandfather was.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143985
We sit at work. My colleague did not come. The boss calls him:
Oh yeah leah. You are where? What do you mean on the 2nd? You’ve been working here for the third year! Come on live!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna