— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143964
By profession I am an architect. Often when designing cottages there is a talk about insulation of facades. All the employers are trying to convince me that insulation should be done from the inside of the premises. I prove, according to what I was taught, that on the outside, using a bunch of professional terms such as the depth of freezing, the point of rose, the bridge of cold, etc... After several attempts, I prove my right, but not with little blood and force of conviction.
Recently my cousin Vitalik approached me for advice on the same issue. I came with my wife. They were sitting and listening for a long time, Vitalik couldn’t grumble, and then his wife couldn’t stand it (see, a clever woman, even observed) and gave the following answer:
When it’s cold, do you swallow your jacket or wear it on top?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143963
She - Yes, you're just afraid to change something in your swamp life) don't worry, everything will be fine)
He - for one of these phrases, I will be a dollar millionaire and I will come to the lexus to pump those pockets!!! to
She - Chocolate electric bring)
It is OK HD.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143962
Why are motorcycles on electric trains? They, according to the idea, the offenders have to catch up and fuck, they are more or less able to do so on BMW motorcycles. And then they are transplanted into a hybrid moped with a screwdriver, they would immediately give the selfie then what.

yyy: this hipsters on gyroscooters inside the boulevard ring to catch

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143961
I knew a qua from India whose name was Kumar Fire.
XXX was cool.
The fire was probably

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №143960
The City:

In which village almost every apartment still has a steel bath?

Yes, in general, most people around you have a steel bathtub, which when repaired simply changes to the same new one, because unlike the shower cabins and the jacuzzi, it is completely suitable for people. And a village in Moscow is called, once you wondered.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143959
starpony posted 18 hours ago
Do you know what they do in prison? Doll in the ass!

Capt.JackSparrow posted 16 hours ago
I just read your nick right for the fifth time. That would be very symbolic.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143958
The circumstances of the death of a 16-year-old schoolgirl from St. Petersburg were established, law enforcement officials arrived at the scene and found the body of the girl, about 23-25 years old.
Driving a long time

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143957
I am almost 30 years old. There are no wives. There are no children. I will not say that the fate is easy, but at three stations he lived for a week and a month under the Tolbukhin Bridge in Yaroslavl. It looks like it went well. And until the end of the mortgage apartment in the capital there are only a few months...And only now I realized the worst. I love one salad. I love it crazy. I can eat a lot at a time. I never cooked it myself. And yesterday decided not to buy such a thing, but to do it yourself.Since the store is made in a hurry and without a soul.
I cooked everything. Every portion of vegetables is frozen into different plates so that it is more convenient to disassemble. and intentionally.
I wanted to do as in my childhood. As my mother cooked. This taste cannot be passed on. The taste of happiness. I broke a lot of recipes. All are different! I needed it as my mom cooked it. But I can’t call her anymore...and the recipe for my happiness is lost forever.
I made a couple of plates for trial, according to different recipes. Not that... all. There is no mother. There is no happiness.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143956
Game of Thrones:

Who has an explanation for why the army of the dead has been woven for so long?

YYY: The King of the Night just doesn’t need it all, he likes to sit on a horse and look at the army of the dead from somewhere above.

zzz: The King of the Night is like Moses, he loves to drive the crowd here and there, in 40 years, we will go out to the Promised Land.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143955

You need to transfer 1 ruble to a friend's card to check if the card has already been unlocked. I think about the comment. Help choose: "To buy a jewel", "To be a stripper" or "Thank you for a nice night!"

Working in the bank did the translation, so the comment from the client was as follows: Optional translation to the prostitute, blackjack and cherry pudding. VAT is not taxed.

Translation was successful.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143954
Novopassit really helps me with PMS, you throw a bottle in the wall and relieved...

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143953
The xxx:
As a teenager once two or three seriously intended to learn to print in the blind, at the beginning of the program all kinds of training put, but nothing worked out. There was no patience beyond the central line to learn something. He taught simultaneously Russian and German with English. A short gesture. At some point, he was psychotic, bought an aerograph and painted the key in camouflage colors, as one of the heroes of the movie "Hacks" did with his notepad. For a week I hated myself for this decision, all the letters had to be searched over, but then suddenly everything worked out and the problems disappeared by themselves.


[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №143952
"She is 50, and she believes she doesn’t break up..."

Anon, if your mother was in the middle of the day, then I have bad news for you – you had a fucking family. I work with women for 45-55 years. Many still look good. Some people don’t even get 40 for their appearance. There are those who go to fitness for four (!) in a week. There are those who are actively engaged in tourism - biddaroshniki, for example. There are those in the garden who smell with all their heart. Yes, they’re not twenty years old, but to say that they’re breaking up and their lives have come to sunset is hard even under a gun.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143951
So it turned out that our small office is now working on a large project that takes 100% of the time. I did my part of the work and went on holiday for a week at sea. He returned burned. The rest worked, including the head of the office, and in this summer, where did they get the sun? Now when strangers come to us, they think the director is me.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143950
There was a slide with my mother. So my uncle, according to beliefs (already 15 years old), only eats fish, eggs and milk from animal food, so such activities in his company are supplemented with baked fish, also a very delicious dish. Meat he denies and says that he can’t eat it, immediately urges.

So we sat down, we ate and drank, and a while later there was silence, everyone looked at the uncle, as he silently under the water, one after the other, consumed pieces of fat (without a layer of meat), and then issued:

(D) Such a delicious food, what kind of dish is this?

It is like a salad.

So... salad? Is it really salad?

Yes, it is a birthplace.

How can salad be so delicious?

This moment served us a great mood for the whole evening, and I think it will be remembered for a long time :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143949
My grandfather taught Russian and German throughout his life. He had a calligraphic handwriting, although on his right hand there were only 3 fingers (big, nameless and small).

What my grandfather frontovik I knew from early childhood. And the absence of two fingers on his hand he explained very simply: "Hitler bitten!" The details, of course, were heroic and colorful. “The war is over. The boys and I broke into the bunker to Hitler and shouted to him, “Hande, haha! “” He jumped on me! “I bite two fingers!” I faithfully believed it was like that!

And then on television (I was then 7-8 years old, and at the time the channel was only one) showed the film epic "Liberation". There was a story where Adolf Hitler first ate poison, then some officer shot him in a whisk, then Hitler's body was burned... But I knew exactly how it was! I knew it was an artistic fiction. And here is the seryoga stepanov (seryoga, if you read - greetings to you!) I did not share my opinion. I don’t remember the details of the fight, but how hard it was, I defended my beloved grandfather!

And only many years later, when my grandfather once again began to tell my son about Hitler, I was able to find out the truth. There was in his front life and the concentration camp "Zaksenhausen", there was a escape with comrades from this camp, there were also dogs released in the footsteps of fugitives... There was also love of life, faith in good people... and a terrible fear of dogs...

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143948
He witnessed the incident in the subway. The 10-12 year old had fun. He threw a glass bottle into a closing car. The bottle was broken, but no one was hit, fortunately, and there was nothing inside. The guy thought that the joke succeeded, and then he was skillfully caught by the police officer and dragged into the office room. He took his hand and asked me to go along with him. The force was applied after resisting the demands.

What started here! Crying, crying, crying and crying for help. He clung to everything he could for everyone who passed by. Then he applied another tactic: he started shouting that he had a weak heart and that he was ill. And it didn’t work on what came out of the screams that the policeman was suffocating him (hold your hand, ah). They shouted, “You have no right!”

To all this people fled and the mood was to help the boy, demands to let him go. Even when they learned about his offence, the reaction was rather "but he is still a child."

Children know their rights and are not ashamed to use them, but forget about the presence of duties. And the police after that appear as malicious guards in the eyes of some people.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143947
I work as a taxi driver. A woman in her 40s was in the car, she said she went, cash-free, but one circumstance made me stop and look at the client (K) a little more closely.

Five minutes before that I called the client and the phone was taken by the man (M), who told me that they were already out.

I'm sorry to bother, but are you going alone?

K is Yes!

I – Where are we going with you?

It is written there, read it!

I – Let’s repeat it out loud.

Q. Who are you to tell you something, Gandalf? Your business is small - hold on to the driving, pedals throw.

I am a second, I need to call urgently.

Hello again, when are you going out?

M – We’re already coming down, don’t rush me, can’t you wait?

I’m here... Come down, you’ll see.

The man and the child went out, opened the door, saw the grandmother, closed the door, took the phone, compared the numbers, opened my door -

M – Who is this?

I don’t know, I want to take a taxi! At your expense.

At this time, the woman jumped out of the car and ran into the courtyard, simultaneously grabbing my booster (children's seat), which she threw out a couple of meters away.

M – What was it?

I am Exacerbation... I said and went to pick up a booster.

M. You have a hard job.

In principle, like everyone else, I’m just lucky with them.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143946
XXX:from "Elena Malysheva" and "mental health" cannot be used in one sentence.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143945
I look very Asian. My mother tongue is Russian. It has succeeded. I still freely master Persian proverbs. Recently, for example, I learned that I could communicate freely with the Khazars. This population lives in Afghanistan. It was quite explicit in Iran. For this reason, there were a lot of cascades. I will tell you one of them.

The case was in Dubai.

I go into the elevator. There are two Russian speakers with me. By the way they communicate, they are friends. Something is discussed. One notices in the hands of the other a box with a new perfume.

Have you bought Lea?

and ah.

The original?

and ah.

You are chasing. Heaven at these won (turns to my side) in the Chinese center bought.

The guy with the ghosts proves that it is original.

The Chinese shit. In the basement, where the thread in the bottles these saucers...- issued the expert, then held a pause turned to me, and looking in the eyes expecting a complete misunderstanding from my side, added

The truth is?

I do not know. I answered.

The expert said, and swallowed loudly. And then insecurely added, already referring to “you”

Do you think original?

Probably the most. I answered, I went still. In the corner, a guy with spirits quietly whispered.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna