— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143804
Dmitry Anatolyevich caught the goldfish. The fish traditionally fulfilled the three wishes of the lucky man. The lucky man quickly cried out, "I will save Russia-mother from two major troubles - bad roads and fools, and, of course, the iPhone ninth." I guessed the first desire, and the bridges are wide around, and the roads are three-level. I guessed the second wish and, bac, changed my mind for something about the iPhone.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143803
Discussions about GMOs:
I say GMOs are not harmful.
I don’t know, I won’t risk eating it.
Bananas are also GMOs.
Wow seriously?
Oh yeah yes. And small dogs, too.
Q: And you can’t eat them either?
XHH: I just say I can)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143802
Fuck guys, never buy mushrooms!
The divorce is complete, shit!

Recently it was in the forest, so they are there right in the ground growing under trees,
Take as much as you need. It is free!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143801
Nowadays, a person who wants to develop a career, and not just get money for hours spent at work, is forced to spend at least 10 hours every working day. The journey back and forth is 12 hours. Plus, you often have to work at home, in the evening and on weekends. Explain, all-knowing 20-year-olds, where to find this time? What do you offer to save in your dream? Or maybe give up all the housework? Well, yes, they need to be done with children - only in this case they take much more time, and we are silent about the nerves.

So you decide: either put on the trousers or remove the cross. Why bring your family and children, if you have absolutely no time for them? Do you dedicate your whole life to a career? "The job wasO", or do you also have no time to buy contraceptives? Because to love what you don’t see or hear, just to live at work doesn’t bother, I absolutely don’t believe it. Why do you have any "family" in such arrangements?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143800
My mother led her educational processes, as she thought, her mother. Therefore, before my birth, my mother gave herself several attitudes and promised to always perform them. These principles were simple, but I can’t describe in words how they made my life easier. For example, the rule "never compare a child with anyone" - and I have never heard "but the neighbor's daughter is excellent!“Mary’s daughter is married!” This did not prevent me from getting a good education, finding a decent job, getting married, buying an apartment without the help of my parents. Another rule "you can only punish once" - and if I broke the vase, for example, I got an excuse, and everyone forgot about it, and there were no reproaches and attempts to shame in the future. Another principle “a child should have his own opinion” – when I was asked what I wanted, my choice was never ridiculed or denounced. Among all the variety of ice cream I want a fist? My mom thought it was unpleasant, but I bought it, while other mothers persuaded the kids to take strawberries or vanilla. You don’t like Pushkin, but you love the Brothers Grimm? Well, Grimm is so Grimm, without any kind of "catch up, Grimm only kids like, and you are 12!“”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143799
One of the comrades wanted to go through the check-up, but there was no fire extinguisher. He goes to the neighbor:

Give me a fire extinguisher.

Take me in the car.

During the test:

Your fire extinguisher?

and here.

Are you able to read?

of course.

Read what is written here.

The propane butane.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143798
xxx, [10.08.17 16:22]
They wavered there.

yyy, [10.08.17 16:23]
Brief description of the Russian political system

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143797
The xxx:

To me somehow had to come a freezer, a niche for the closet-cube to measure. Agreed for Saturday. A call from him tonight:

No problem if I arrive early, at 8 a.m.

No question, I’m even better off, I’m not going to sit home waiting all day.

Saturday from 4 to 20 a.m. call:

I am near your entrance.

Well, out of sleep, he told him that he was a sick bastard, and told him to come in 3 hours. He waited for three hours near the entrance.


What a working freezer. Or a narcissist.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143796
Children in the field:
Why are you scratching? We need to dig up! You can’t fight with a lap!
It cannot. It is comfortable!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143795
1st :
And who knows where you can cheaply translate a passport into another language with a notarial certificate?

2nd :
It is done a little differently.)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143794
Talk to my daughter (4 years old)
What kind of castle is this?
This is not a castle, it is a church.
I want to enter.
Let us go.
Wow, it is beautiful here.
Well yes.
Who are these people? They live here.
Some are yes.
They are probably very rich.
Why did you decide so?
Because everything is expensive here.
Yes, this is common, for everyone and for the people’s money.
Can I live here too?
No, not everyone is allowed to live here.
It is not common.
The stupid...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143793
Some people have learned to read, but not yet understand.
What do you mean, a sexist? I hope that the laws in our country will allow one day to chase such in the neck from teaching posts for such outbreaks.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143792
The 7th season of Game of Thrones.
Boyanin: When a friend came to visit, he just didn’t watch the series. I turned it on and looked under the beer.
My son is 4 years old, playing Lego next to him, watching TV with his eyes.
When the dragon came and burned them all, he threw his toys and cried out, “Run, fools!”
I had a beer in my nose.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №143791
Enter the IT department chief and directly to the leading admin approaches
I have a problem with 1C.
“We don’t have a staff specialist on 1C, but I’ll call him, it’s tomorrow.
You know, I’ve done this in my previous job, admin!! to
With a little pause:
- And I have on the past job, the headbowl of soap floor!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143790
A fun parish is a church near a circus.
In Novosibirsk, in the center of the city, it is exactly like this.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №143789
by p.s: cuttings yellow yet, and not in the blood, but in the watermelon juice :D I cut them in a snack half the watermelon
and ==
cuddles, snacks, strawberries... Fuck, kill yourself on the wall with a rush in the bloodshed cuddles, please.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143788
Ten years ago, I went to the metro with my classmates. On the shoulder a bag with two pockets. I’m used to crawling into one of them, picking up a card, showing my aunt, wearing my jacket in my pocket and going through. I was somewhat surprised by the expression of my aunt’s face, looking at me and my card. But I think it’s not enough... Standing on the escalator, I pull a card out of my jacket pocket so that I can put it in my bag. I decide to look at her. And together with my friends I see that this is not a card. I confused the bag. There was a bunch of cards in that pocket. In my hand is a worm.

There is no scene. I, having a little deal with myself, ask my friends:

What about aunt? ! to Why did she miss me? ! to

One of them said very calmly:

Who knows them in the metro? Per the worms are cows today? ... →

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143787
I listened to the horoscope this morning. Be careful with the past, contacting it can be painful. In the afternoon, he got a final album on his head, a bride like a falling with anthrax. Believe in the horoscope!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143786
Diana Yozik: I don’t load pictures because I’m in the woods :(
XX: This is the eternal problem of the eggs.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143785
Why block a drug and child pornography site? Found - find out who registered, where it took, who publishes the content, initiate the case, post.

Here you are like a smart person, because you have a higher education, and you do not understand the simplest thing: no one will put out and distribute drugs for nothing. First of all, we need to find out who is paying.

However, when investigating cases of fraud, fraud, theft, smuggling and other forms of illegal enrichment, there is a great danger of coming out on yourself.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna