— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №3933
In the MSU buffet German, studying Russian
The language of the seller asks "bread with oil". The salesman decided to teach.
When he learns a lesson of Russian, he answers: “In Russian, this is called the sandwich.” and ;-)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3932
So programmers and sisadmines are two different tribes? And the honesty of dmual shoo some degrade in others...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №3931
I don’t remember Pin.
He: Do you give it?
He is: Oh
He said, “You give it!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3930
The day was.
The door is opened by a boy aged 18-20 years.
I stumble on him on me.
Probably from a minute of silence (he walked out of sight when he saw me from the body in some trousers)
I couldn’t stand the first:
We invite you too!
Was he fucking?
The meaning?
When did I invite you?
So we invite you!
Where is?
In the Ikea!
and Nahua?
I do not know.
At that moment I closed the door.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3929
Dark_Messiah: Walked past school today and realized that a generation is growing up that doesn’t know what Pokémon is!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3928
HH: What is it?? to
WOW:’s when you really want something, and what exactly you don’t know.
XHH: I have understood.
WOW: Even western, when you want something very much, you know what, but not.
WOW: It’s even more western when you want something very much, you know what, you have, and you can’t.
WOW: Well, the westernmost, when you want something very much, you know what, you can, and the westernmost.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №3927
Jarla Trulli (15:47) :
Thanks to the memory redistribution technology, it is possible to transfer the system memory in such a way that you can use a full 4 GB. But the problem is that this feature was disabled in Windows Vista due to compatibility issues.

Thoughts (15:49) :
Bled oil

Thoughts (15:49) :
Read carefully again.

Thoughts (15:51) :
It is the same as pouring a full pool of unleavened beer so that people rejoice, but dropping it so that no one drowns.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №3926
HHH: by the way, for the first time in 10 years on my dr will be grass)))
I mean the grass.
So that’s green.
I don’t know why you started smoking grass since you were 10 years old. Do not shock me, please.
Well, it’s always snow, and what do you think? 😉
Is it snow???? to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3925
At the end of the working day I caught myself on the fact that instead of trying to imagine how to make a request, I scroll my fingers and get the melody "Not quarries we, not carpenters...".


[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3924
Warlord: take a photo
Nadya: I’m upset with Asie, I don’t accept it
Warlord: I even know how this "hernia with assy" is called lol:
Nadya : How?
and Nadia?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3923
I go to classes for pregnant women, something like a short course for future
Mommy, a little light charge, then show-telling how
take care of the newborn and a tea drink during which you can ask
Questions about all issues of childbirth.
Question to the midwife conducting the class: "Say, and the ease of childbirth depends
What do you do in your career?"
Answer: "You know, I noticed that the most difficult of all is to give birth to financiers and
The Analyst"
"Thank you!One pregnant woman bleaked.
"What about you?"
"I am a Financial Analyst!"

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №3922
by 111
No, it's still easier for you, and it's easier for you with Lin... Well, it's more convenient - everything has been put and worked, and I've got it after installation 30 times: setup ehe, I take it, then, then, cagen ehe, generate it, copy it, paste it, then, then, finish it... So don't argue.

by 222
Yes I agree. I am more fun and more diverse. Login, Password, startx,... and drum, drum, drum...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №3921
Man in the store:
"There are two problems in Russia: where to eat and how to lose weight"

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3920
<chh> Mathematics is the queen of science
A material resistance is a conductor into the realm of the theory of elasticity! ... Fuck it!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №3919
Remove the signature of the moder from the quote. I am sure that Zoe was the initiator of this... But no matter how to hide, dear, and you will not confuse the shame you have caught up with!
and ;)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3918
Why women have soap for intimate places and men don’t.
It would be fun: "Spawn coy! It is still hot."
and advertising.
A bearded uncle stands, sparks the usual soap... throws the foam in the face of another, he spits. And the voice: If the regular soap is so irritating to your eyes, imagine what it does with your wealth.
Oga and the slogan for a friend who is always with you.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3917
The emptiness that arises after the collapse of another illusion,

It is called freedom.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №3916
I go to classes for pregnant women, something like a short course for future

Mommy, a little light charge, then show-telling how

take care of the newborn and a tea drink during which you can ask

Questions about all issues of childbirth.

Question to the midwife conducting the class: "Say, and the ease of birth depends

“What do you do in life, in your profession?”

Answer: “You know, I noticed that the most difficult of all are the financiers who give birth.

The analysts.”

“Oh!” A pregnant woman bleaked.

“What about you?”

“I am a financial analyst.”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3915
Shortly after media reports that the coalition forces mistakenly

They dropped a container with weapons and ammunition at the location of the Taliban.

The latest reports showed that due to the mistake of bank officials money

The weapons were accidentally transferred to the coalition forces.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №3914
masyanya> Yesterday I was stressed to remember the names of the three keys to restart the comp... :(

Serg> Three, Seven and Ace!

masyanya> I’m serious... I’m probably stupid... :(

Serg> Do you like crosswords?

Sophia> Aha! and :)

G&G and G&G 1. Management (8 letters) 2 The swing instrument is larger than the violin (4 letters). Mathematical action reverse " multiply" (6 letters)

masyanya> control, alt, share :)

Serg> Reboot...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna