— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143124
(xxx to 36 years old)

XX: The 20-year-old tile didn’t give me just because I don’t understand modern memes! In the memes!
In the memes, Karl!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143123
and Zandvoort
XXX: The process is irreversible. Caesar is not a name, but a title. There were many.
YYY: And the one and the other. In the beginning, the ancient man was one - Guy Julius Caesar. Octavian, the nephew of Caesar, was adopted for dynastic reasons and adopted the surname (not the title) of Caesar. Then it went. The Russian "Czar" etimologically also dates back to Caesar. A lot of Russian "King" is also just the name Karl, Karl.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143122
> The gun is only in the fifth? Only Pentachok is next to Puch at the time of the need for a gun, respectively, only he is asked this question.

And that the Rabbit had RSV, nobody knew, because the Rabbit himself was very polite, and those around him tried not to be angry at all.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №143121
The judge named the source of money for the daughter's wedding with the participation of the stars of the show.
The judge of the Krasnodar regional court Elena Khahalev said that her daughter’s wedding with the participation of famous artists, including Valery Meladze, Nikolai Baskov and Joseph Kobzon, was organized by her husband, “a big entrepreneur”.

In the declaration there is no information about the spouse, because we are in divorce and I am not obliged to indicate it.

Ahuet explanation))) "Where do you get the money? It is out of the shell!"))

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143120
There is a good explanation why it is not worth it.

Some people like. Not everyone sees it as rape. Far from everything. Therefore, if he writes that he was satisfied, it is likely that it is.
I, for example, like that girl, ask for shame, but if this happens, I will get pleasure, and some more.

In "13 Reasons Why," Bryce is also convinced that all the girls he raped simply portrayed reluctance, but actually wanted him and longed for him to rape them. They did not resist much. Until you are convinced that this is a common desire, it is not worth it. You can go to court.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143119
"The media learned about the idea of the Ministry of Health to ban the sale of alcohol on weekends"

Ahuen idea) Again out of the class to treat diarrhea by clogging the ass))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143118
He is:
Where is Maxim? He promised me something.
She is:
He is on vacation, I am for him. So I keep his promises.
He is:
is classy. He promised to sleep with me.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143117
Dima: But that is true. Fuck the wind.
Steinkrauz: And why set it up? She just works...
I need to work!
Steinkrauz: So do the work. Windy is here?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143116
“I’ll never drink May Tea again because your ex was called Maya.
and well. We will never be protected again.
This is why?
Your ex is Gonzo.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №143115
News about the fact that the daughter of the judge arranged a wedding for $ 2 million in Kuban, but the judges' council found no grounds for verification.

Commentary: "God is Judge" - commented on the wedding in the judges' council.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143114
To whom is all this birth propaganda directed? Per all this effort should be directed to protect and support those who plan to be born, rather than to intimidate those who don’t need children at the moment?

Eeee, so to intimidate the golden one is enough for 4 months, and then abortions are not done without serious medical indications. It is necessary to protect and support at least up to 3 years of age, until the kindergarten goes, and it would be better before the child receives a passport, i.e. hospital leaves for child care, kindergarten mornings, school parental gatherings greatly prevent the mother from earning for herself and for offspring. It is expensive, scaring is much cheaper.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143113
I work in a small but very proud company – an internet provider of a small town. Usually I curl in the iron, but sometimes by the old memory I sit behind the phone, answer calls from customers. Various inadequates are enough, the more pleasant are the rare conversations with homo rationalus. One of them was a comrade from the apartment. Customer is me, I am me.

I: Good morning! Technical support of the “Rog and Copy”!

Q: Hi, I haven’t had internet since yesterday.

I: The node in your home is working. Please check the cable in your apartment.

K: Okay I understand. (He puts the phone)

In a few minutes he calls back.

Q: I found where the cable broke. If I turn my hands on the cable, will the internet work?

I: In theory, if you turn it all right, then yes.

K: Okay I understand.

I call back in a few days.

The internet is gone again.

Q: Where is the cable?

A: At the corner of the house.

I: Where is it?

It turned out that the cable was brought into his apartment from the street around the house, and the corner of the house was overturned by a screw. The apartment, for a second, on the 3rd floor.

I: That is, you got out of the window, reached the corner of the house and turned the cable there? ! to

K is yes. I just didn’t want to stress your guys.

I am sending a brigade to you urgently. And you sit and wait, and do not sit there.

K: Okay, I would have done it myself.

I: We are coming!

The boys managed until he used himself again.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143112
The "Cats guys! Open up and open up."
“Petrovich, it’s good to crack, open the castle and let us go.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143111
The roof of the Druzhnik finally left and the glutches began. It seems to him that he now works in a warehouse, where you can only go in a suit and a tie. Now it is finally clear that all these stories about what is inappropriate to walk in shorts, etc. Written by a sick man. And the admines of the debubayek put it all out.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143110
Fighters of the secret special forces of Britain angered the chiefs with their photos in social networks.

The fact is that all SAS recruits sign special documents prohibiting them from publishing or disclosing data on service operations, weapons and equipment. The distinguished fighters published their own images with open faces and in full combat readiness with the latest weapons in their hands.

They are now threatened with dismissal".

Dick, it was lucky. They could shoot. Purely for prevention.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143109
This is, of course, an innocent cartoon, but... Didn’t anyone think, but why only the quiet little Fifth had a gun at home?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143108
> Are we just talking about movies? The Spider-Man recently arrived.

I didn’t even know he was sitting.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143107
vishenka> Mark is a dream guy))
vishenka> Only he has a taxi somewhat strange)
Tetris_gerl> Irinochka, Mark has a BMW Z4 at all for 3.5 lams... Yellow, so...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143106
The smoke: wow! My sister and husband called me somehow. At three o’clock the floor above was entertained by a noisy company like a rock concert. The police arrived after three o’clock at six in the morning. Then my relatives were forced to knock on their own door. The policemen stood by. Apartment guests (and in that apartment there were apartment guests - young people who rented the apartment + their friends) turned off the music, opened the door and whispering, looking everyone in the eyes and smiling stated: "Noise?" and where. Listen, there is no him! We are all sleeping and you have disturbed our sleep!!" After that, the police almost apologized to them for the invasion at night, and the sister and husband wrote until seven in the morning an explanation - why they disturbed the police with a false call!! to
At eight o’clock, I went to work without sleeping.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143105
With an anecdote:
In the summer of 2010, we, weakened by the heat, suffocated by the smoke and heat, prayed to God for rain. Seven years later, our prayers reached the address!
Now it is clear how far God is from the earth.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna