— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144124
At the beginning of reading the documentation to some shit stated that he said "it's all from the evil and generally more like some anal storm"...
Without listening, he asks: Storm or Storm?
It is no longer clear what is worse.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144123
[Sergey M.]: I’ve already told everyone, I haven’t told anyone. I put it in a Macintosh disk. I have done my job, I want to get out. There are no buttons. I think okay, here everything is civilian, probably you need the right mouse button on the disk icon and there eject. There is also a wreck, the mouse has one button. I tried a long press, pressing with cmd, alt.... ticked. As a result of hopelessness, I dragged the disk icon into the basket. and bingo! The disc is out!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №144122
Q. What did you argue with?
He is a goat! I said, I'll give you a 101st rose for your birthday. I am so anticipated, and he attracts five roses. My question is, where is 101? In the binary system 101 is five. The Horseshoe (
xxx :D

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №144121
(Tales of the Aviators)
For the appearance of drunk on the flight field is due to immediate dismissal. Two ballbesses were fired, but for some reason they were not expelled from the field. In the brains of the subjects was born the idea of sophisticated revenge. It is necessary to know that the edge of the plane (wing) of the domestic aircraft can be reached from the ground, and for a two-meter fool it is not a spotlight at all. In the eyes of passengers climbing the staircase, he crushed a wing with an amplitude of about a meter - it is specially made so and flies in flight quite strongly. After jumping out, he shouted to the whole field: “Petrovich! One time is enough, and then we change.” Broken passengers were caught throughout the airport.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144120
Execution cannot be pardoned
In the room as in a fairy tale with a good ending enters a Negro.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144119
A friend once said that he would sleep with all his friends, with whom he communicates well. Five other men confirmed, said too.
Yyy: You ask him about those with whom he is not good or hasn’t communicated at all, he’d like to sleep with them too.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144118
We are in a third hour blockade. My husband talks to Siri. She asks, Siri, do you know how to play cards?
Siri opens Google Maps with traffic jams. Go play the fuck :))))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144117
Well, the undisputed way to not be a fool with such brothers is to swell up in the bath (pardon, "in the sauna") and cause a fool. That’s why business is like this... blatant.

to whom?
We, for example, when one of the roof directors went (or watched the series, I don't know) and offered the partners a scene and girls, the partners said O_O and the owner:
Please do not invite them to negotiate anymore.

Sanitary and wholesale trade.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144116
Alita: *to the news of the start of the reception of applications in the Zoo for the wedding in the zoo*
IV: there will be a new fun - throw a tie on the horn of a giraffe
Alita: and who of the suricates will catch the bouquet
Swimming with Penguins :D
IV is oh! Steal the bride and hide it in the serpentary.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144115
The future, so complex mechanisms, spacecraft, androids, electronics and so dumb people... According to Ridley, people in the future completely mentally degraded and turned into imbeciles, although judging by the films recently released, this is quite a real future. So well filmed, graphics not bad, decoration and so dull plot and behavior of the heroes, just screaming, impenetrable stupidity, complete lack of logic. Prometheus was also impenetrably dumb, but there were at least some story puzzles, the race of creators, etc. Alien planet "naffig of the scaphandra, this is such a cool air! The viruses? The Dispute? Unknown forms of life. The Beast? What a fool! " " o! Hairy eggs in the grass, let me lick them", "oh! The infected man was dragged onto the ship. Let us embrace him! Let him watch us all with blood, it’s so great! "I’m a member of the crew! I can shoot from guns. I will, of course, shoot on the gas balloons, but they must not blow up the entire landing shuttle! The android that created the monsters shows leather eggs and says they’re safe, of course I’m giving birth to this egg! Yes, I'm completely in it, it's safe - the crazy android that destroyed the whole race said so.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144114
For an optimist, dismissal from work is an opportunity to rest overtime.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №144113
You know, of course, the emblem of medicine - a stick wrapped with a snake. According to legend, this is the bastion of Asclepius. It was as if the ancient Greek physician Asclepius went to the palace of the king of Crete, and suddenly a serpent wrapped his ass. Asclepius killed her, but there came another snake with a bunch of grass in the clove and raised the first. With this herb, Asclepius healed the king's son.

This legend has always seemed to me rather stupid and as if degrading the high mission of medicine. What kind of courage is it to take away a bunch of floating grass? No need for mind or skill. So I was delighted when I heard the other version.

There is, it turns out, this kind of parasitic worms - rishta, or draconian. A typical worm, but lives in a person not in the intestine, but in the subcutaneous tissue. It grows under the skin to 80 centimeters, causing hellish pain and purulent wounds. The sufferers affected by rhizome could be found everywhere, from ancient Greece to Central Asia some 80 years ago. The only way to get rid of the worm was to pull it out entirely from the wound, swallowing it on a stick, very slowly and carefully, so that God does not break, and then the contamination of the blood is guaranteed. The procedure sometimes lasted for several days and required a lot of experience and patience.

So, some historians believe that the medical emblem actually depicts not the snake that wrapped the Asclepius's basin, but this same worm wrapped in a rod. Imagine that ancient doctor who sits all day in the sunshine on a dirty basar and under the cry of the patient slowly and slowly, a millimeter from the purulent wound of the endless worm, knowing that one uncertain movement - and everything is gone. In my opinion, this is the most correct, honest and impartial symbol of medicine that can be imagined.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144112
Life is like a grandmother. When you drink it is not so bad.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144111
Cats are designed to have someone on whom to place an excess of kindness.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144110
J: Ah, but what do you think I am?
M: Let’s find out, do you ask me to assess the adequacy of the girl – whom I saw live 1 time and a little less than 4 hours?
J: Well and what. It is not important. What am I at first sight?
M: Low

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144109
and again the shakko-kitsune:

(Yes, by the way, although I sometimes try to explain how ‘modern art’ is made, that doesn’t mean I adore it at all. And in the eyes of my haters for some reason indicates that for some reason for them the attempt to analyze and systematize is equal to love... Ah, I have haters. The artistic. It is amazing).

XHH: It’s even scary to imagine what extreme irritation artistic heathers are doing. Are the heads of modern sculptures thrown to the door?

WOW: If you can understand that this is a head, then this sculpture is not modern enough.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144108
Well, I take and lick – I’m the youngest here – call at any time. I was 35. Then it turned out that some of them were not 25 years old. Those who are terrible are shit.

And I’m a beautiful man, Apollo, the knots fall on the fly.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №144107
Oh, can you buri a bite that appeals to all "children"? At least for this site...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144106
Review of StarCraft: Remastered

xxx: The game started to look very strange - like a retired woman with a thick layer of makeup. I don’t know how else to describe. I’ll be pirating, and we’ll see. If it comes, I will buy it.
YYY: Well here is it. Grandma dressed, tried, spent money on cosmetics, and you only need one thing from her!
Yyy: Even though my grandmother is only twenty years old.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144105
Today I wrote with the class composition "My favorite teacher". Now I understand that before this it was not necessary to repeat "think", because now the Russian language has been filled with such verbs as "be beautiful", "be smart" and even "learn".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna