— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142544
When I was a child, I visited my grandmother in the city of N often. My father was there for the first time at that time.
Everyone knows what a tram is. And he was in this city in the area with the historically established name "Vodopoj".
And so, the father is in the tram and hears instead of the name of the following stop the announcement of the driver: "The tram is going to the park on the water." The locals were already accustomed to this, so he laughed alone. So it seems: a bunch of small red tram drivers collided near the reservoir and friendly bread water.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142543
Terrorists used Telegram to prepare terrorist attacks in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg must be banned. I apologize.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142542
Matroška: how I was looking for a trauma point - a separate story :)
I stumbled the address, hit the cards, come, and at this address ritual services. I didn’t like the diagnosis on the internet.

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142541
This was blocked by the State Duma Linkedin, and there _my_ data. LinkedIn did not lose much from the blockade in Russia. But now, thanks to the idiots from the State Dura, I, a citizen of Russia, cannot legally access my own data abroad.

The Ukrainian Rada has done the same with Russian sites in an independent territory: Ukrainian users cannot get legal access to their own data while in their homeland.

Our Blade State Duma recently recommended Ukrainians ways to bypass the blockade, and now it is trying to ban these same ways to bypass the blockade on the territory of Russia. Isn’t it crazy?

Whatever the Vathnics, Ukrops, Mosquitoes say there (how do they call each other there?There is no fundamental difference between the blatant power of Russia and the blatant power of Ukraine.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142540
Employees of our organization experiencedly managed to establish that for the emergency resumption of the working capacity of any program or equipment it is enough to pronounce the name of sysadmin loudly and clearly and restart.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142539
There is one arc on my way to work. carefully in front of the school. So, before, there was the inscription: "10A sausage". This inscription lasted two years. The ten-classers, who were in it, changed, but the 10A class itself permanently sucked, regardless of the composition of the ten-classers. This week, the arc, gm, "restaurated" - painted the walls, painted the cylinder. And 10A could probably breathe more freely, without obstructing the breathing of foreign objects in the mouth. But it was not there. Today on the way to work, I saw the arch updated. On the wall was written with a black mark: "Truth will not be painted: 10A still sows".
Something in this life is constant.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №142538
I don’t know how love novels are now, but in the 90s I came to visit relatives. There I met Sim Chtiv, because there was no other, and before the advent of the Internet was very far away. I was 13 years old and after reading I walked like a bag. In short, the pornhub is resting. About the wedding there is the last paragraph, and in places - quite tough porn. There it is, of course, beautifully all described in the novels, I didn't even understand half because of all these vicissitudes, but the gesture is complete. Usually boys don’t even think of taking it out of the shelf and reading about love, but I knew! XDD Since then, I have looked at girls singers reading something like this with suspicion. Well yes yes yes. I knew they had in mind.)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142537
He had a telegram messenger.
Whoever knew and wanted - used, the rest was a poof.
But then Roskompozor threatened to block him - and almost all of his acquaintances immediately put him up.
The Barbara Streisand Effect in Action.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №142536
It seems only yesterday I read the smelling colour magazine "Knowledge is power" with the new novel of Strugacki "Waves extinguish the wind". and today. Suddenly a news. "Today is 20 years since the first Harry Potter book was released."This is the same boy I am old, it turns out.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142535
We recently talked about an up-to-date topic for graduates. They all passed the same scenario, as they all studied in the same city at the same time. Everyone, except my aunt’s husband, who finished school in the district center (read the village). The further dialogue:

How was your graduation?

It was good. And there was vodka, and there was a fight.

And what? Surprisingly, did you participate in it too?

It is sad:

How not to participate, change the bill...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142534
XX: By the way, if Tolstoy was a rapper, he would have pursued the norms, Fat Leo.

YYY: He would be called by Feth on the bat, such as only one Fat can be on the Russian rap scene.
This is fet.

Yyy: Or would Turgenev beat him "You see, Leva, what you are wearing! He called himself a fet. You don’t have your own ideas, you’re also ill with graphomania."

Yyy: And Tolstoy would have answered "You, Vanya, have not written a single big novel. Your literature is clear to me. Everything is simple, short and obvious. You can only throw dogs and it’s offensive."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142533
Batin friend, Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said:
In the 90s, he was still an opera investigating the attack on a Roma baron who barred gold and drugs. The brothers held him in his own mansion for three days, beaten him with a bowl and kicked it to him, well, understand where. In the fireplace, they were looking for gold. Nothing was found, they locked the Gypsies in the barracks, supported by the same barracks, burned the barracks and dropped them. Well, he somehow got out to the menta, better on the menta than the banducks will get back. Well, there is an investigation, then yes, the cochlear was taken, like a thing, fingerprints, all the affairs. Only the Gypsies were somewhat nervous, everyone was worried about where they would go when they would return. In short, all the gold was found in a cottage, poured into a thin tube, painted and painted on top. When the bandits were caught, the chief barely put his hands on himself when he learned that for three days he held in his hands 6 kg of pure gold. So the correct proverb, if you want to hide well, put it in a visible place.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142532
# is curious.

And yet they are together!

The figure of one of the loudest criminal cases of recent times, Yevgeny Vasilyeva, became the secretary of the house in which she lives. This elite apartment building is located in the center of Moscow at the address Milky Street, House 6, between Ostosenko and Prechistenskaya Shore.
There, Vasilyev lives in a 13-room apartment. This was where she served her house arrest.

In the disposal of the agency "Moscow" were copies of the protocols of the annual meeting of residents of the house, where it is said about the appointment of Vasilyeva to the new position. This decision was unanimously supported.
It is noteworthy that the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies is former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. His signature is contained under the minutes of the meeting. Also, the tenants of the house placed on the former official the duties of the accounting commission of the partnership.

I just want to be happy for the residents of the house! and :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142531
Jade Spirit
Well, it’s for the onion, the arbalet won’t go. And the essence is simple - you release a arrow, and while it flies you have to release a few more.
by Dick. It’s harder with the arbalet than with the onion, however.
Jade Spirit
If at least three are in the air at the same time - a warrior, less - go train. It was the Indians.
*Sorka tried to present in this competition an arbalet with a mechanism of tension "door" and fell under the table*
Jade Spirit
And by Sartre ; )
Jade Spirit
Only with self-reliance.
Jade Spirit
You also offered to conduct this contest with the rifle of Mosin. "Shoot two fascists while the first is still falling"

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142530
The slogan of the day: "Everyone to the presidential election Prezhnev!"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №142529
My brother was a member of the commission on the legalization of self-construction buildings. For a long time, a middle-aged woman went to them, trying to design some extension to the house. Very intelligent, very patient. Each time she was given new comments and sent for a certificate. She listened to everything carefully, scrupulously recorded it in the notebook and returned in a month, again received comments, again went for another certificate. This lasted about a year. And during her last visit, one of the commissioners, apparently by mistake, categorically stated that the adjustment could not be legalized for such a reason. The woman fell into a stupor for a couple of seconds, then placed all the present and some absent representatives of the authorities with a three-storey mat, thrown into them documents, turned and went out without saying goodbye, loudly knocking the door. The Chairman came first. He stood up, gathered all the sheets and thoughtfully spoke, addressing the members of the commission: "It is necessary to legalize."

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №142528
The Russian football team is suspected of using doping.
The doping of our team is brake fluid.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142527
entered the site. Left news column:

The air in the aircraft poisoned the passengers and crew.

In Volgograd, a rage quarantine was declared.

The Ministry of Health spoke about the contribution of medicine to the improvement of Russian demographics.

There are no healthy high school students in Russia.

The outbreak of enterovirus infection closed the camp "Orlenok"

I wanted to add the mutation to the birds, at least, and the way of transmission through water. And then I realized it wasn’t a plague.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №142526
RBC news: "The Ministry of Education called for proof of the power of domestic theology"

Neither add nor take away, as they say.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142525
The xxx:
I watched a tennis game and the commentator issued the phrase wow you need another eye. Question: Why am I roaring like a fool?
and ZZZ:
Because you are a fool :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna